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Whatcha playing right now? (71)

1 Name: W : 2010-08-08 17:52 ID:1PiELrLk

Handheld, console, PC...

List what you've been playing lately, we'll try and chat about the games you're playing. For me, it's been a bit of Persona 3 Portable, Peace Walker, Diva 2nd (lolvocaloids) and a lot of Minecraft for me lately.

2 Name: N : 2010-08-08 20:14 ID:zASIXW9M

On PC I've been playing TF2, Toki Tori, and Osu!. Handheld I've been playing Devil Survivor. And on console I just beat the first Mass Effect for the first time. Had it for a pretty long time but finally got around to finishing it.

3 Name: king : 2010-08-08 22:17 ID:gqQfdYvJ

i've been playing persona 3 portable as well. i finished it not to long ago and am glad that i took the time to do so. been meaning to play other things, but its such a distraction

4 Name: Lurksalot !/aPzExRzGw : 2010-08-09 02:43 ID:QsYGWIYK

Dude, N, I think we should be buddies. My tastes are so similar to yours... Anyways, Osu for Pc and Ds, Trying to gain all the endings of SMT Devil Survivor, replaying all Phoenix Wright games and finishing up Professor Layton 2.

5 Name: Sad : 2010-08-09 23:49 ID:noFAcpGU

I'm currently playing through Borderlands, SMT: Strange Journey, Phantasy Star Online: BB, and a bit of FF XIII.

6 Name: VSLN : 2010-08-10 02:31 ID:/zq23p11

I'm playing Dragon Age (slowpoke, I know), a handful of released-yesteryear-DS games, and Chaos Rings on the iPod Touch.

7 Name: Sirnak : 2010-08-10 15:32 ID:pMk0Iz4m

Okami and Bayonetta. :~

8 Name: W : 2010-08-10 21:05 ID:1PiELrLk

>>3 I think my jaw fell off of my face the other night when I decided to turn P3P on and my 34 hour long save was corrupted. Not too pleased about that, lol. I was pretty far, about halfway done with the game I think.

Seeing a lot of SMT: Strange Journey and Devil Survivor. I never got around to playing either, how are they?

9 Name: Bowser : 2010-08-12 16:45 ID:YXwv4Nw/

Right now I'm playing Earthbound on my PC, cuz spending $80+ on a copy of it for the SNES is outrageous...although I'll buy it one of these days.

And I'm also playing SMT: Strange Journey, but stopped at the final boss because its hard as HELL!
@W: Devil Survivor is actually a decent strategy RPG with twists and turns befitting of an apocalyptic Japan. I replayed 3 times before I got bored of it. It has 6 different endings I believe with an extra boss in one of ready to grind.

10 Name: W : 2010-08-12 18:02 ID:1PiELrLk

Ah, jeez. I don't have *that* much time to kill, so I might have to give that a pass, lol. I do though need to get around to playing the Earthbound/mother series. I've heard a lot of interesting things about them.

11 Name: K-Kitchan : 2010-08-12 19:04 ID:Q8Hf4sq1

Ah, I have Devil Survivor. Personally, I like the fact it has different endings. A bit of a small hassle having to play through the game multiple times to get each ending, but it's easy when you have your demons carried over from your save file ^^ I also like how when you do play through, the story is always affected by your actions, no matter what. Gives it that 'I have to do this right or it's game over' feel ^^

12 Name: Nick !!rJtPtO6+ : 2010-08-13 21:56 ID:bOddrY7h

I liked Devil Survivor for about... two days, then I got bored. I don't know exactly why though.

@Whatcha playing right now
Ima playin Pokémon Soul Silver. Really nostalgic and awesome, all in one masterpiece.

13 Name: W : 2010-08-15 13:32 ID:1PiELrLk

>>12 I gotta get around to playing that silver remake, but I'm always so busy, hah.

I got back into Team Fortress 2 the other night after a few weeks of not playing. Was enjoying terrorizing people as Spy and Scout. I love making dem engis paranoid and harassing snipers.

14 Name: boredom101 : 2010-08-20 17:13 ID:pfsrmAjR

started playing divinity 2 a few days ago and getting close to the end of the game. Its decent gameplay wise(not much freedom in story line) also picked ffxiii back up

15 Name: A4 : 2010-08-20 19:51 ID:3MQM4hTZ

Yeah, P3P for me as well lately. I'm looking forward to Atlus's new game for the PS3, Catherine. Looks a little odd, but Persona weirded me out at first too, so I have high hopes for it.

16 Name: Sirnak : 2010-08-23 16:34 ID:yFnPA51v

Ragnarök! :D


17 Name: Salem : 2010-08-23 19:04 ID:9Lsiej6/


18 Name: 久遠 : 2010-08-24 23:33 ID:UFD93BOV

final fantasy vii:dirge of cerberus >3<

19 Name: W : 2010-08-25 00:19 ID:1PiELrLk

Loved that game, despite the huge amount of flak it got. It was still fun. :3

>>14 Can't say I've heard of divinity, but I still haven't finished my copy of FF13 either. I should, but I'm much too lazy, hah.

>>15 Haven't even heard of that one, actually. I might do a little research and see what it's about. I'll probably never play it, being insanely averse to the concept of owning a PS3. :P

20 Name: king : 2010-08-26 22:27 ID:gqQfdYvJ

i absolutely loved devil survivor and im actually only one ending away from getting all six. stoked to hear that there will be one on the 3ds, and hope its as good or better.

21 Name: Kokumotsu : 2010-08-28 20:58 ID:4bxOoekB

GOd Eater and Persona 3 Portable both on PSP

22 Name: Bacurik : 2010-09-03 02:56 ID:MTtd+hG4

I've been playing a lot of Persona 3 portable and Kingdom hearts birth by sleep. Oh and the occasional Guilty Gear accent core (just to make sure I don't get rusty).

23 Name: Rukawa-kun : 2010-09-03 15:57 ID:+n62R3YH

I'm replaying Persona 2-Inoccent Sin and Breath Of Fire 4 right now, both awesome games imo!

24 Name: Anip : 2010-09-17 23:31 ID:QAlKZiFM

I'm playing UKWXP XD

25 Name: Anonymous : 2010-09-18 17:06 ID:p2J9ApiP

FFXIV open beta and Zone of the enders 2

26 Name: Nelorzoul : 2010-09-20 20:09 ID:PY3okCEK

Persona 4 :)

27 Name: Mariana : 2010-09-25 17:48 ID:b9wfk0x6 [Del]

Persona 2: Innocent Sin, as well :I

And also BlazBlue.

28 Name: Nelorzoul : 2010-09-25 23:35 ID:PY3okCEK [Del]

>>1 Oh wow I just noticed you said you were playing Minecraft :). A friend gifted it to me recently and we're currently putting it on hold until Notch has a few things sorted out with the multi-player. Once you're able to die and kill monsters, we're in :).

29 Name: Sirnak : 2010-09-26 09:52 ID:PPhaPcRq [Del]

I just finished Bayonetta. Man, it's awesome.

30 Name: W : 2010-09-26 22:38 ID:1PiELrLk [Del]

>>29 I've got the whole 'sort of want' thing going on with Bayonetta. Not sure if I want to pay the money for it, seeing as it seems so over the top and absurd. But at the same time, that's a good reason to buy it.

>>28 Man, it's still fun even *with* the bugs. I am glad that Notch snuck out a strange furnace fix. Even though the display is wonky, they work a lot better than before.

>>27 Love love love love Blazblue. Hazama/Noel main here! About halfway through P2:IS, got kinda lazy on that one. :P

>>25 Played the beta for a short while, but then it went commercial when I was keeping up with schoolwork. One of my friends pre-ordered the 'collectors edition' or something and threw me for a loop.

Also, looking forward to some more complete pokemon black/white translation patches. Me being the pirate I am, I have a flashcart and a DS waiting for a halfway decent translation to pop out so I can play that. I can't wait until Q2 of 2011 for it, lol.

31 Name: Nelorzoul : 2010-09-27 11:05 ID:VrcTJdpV [Del]

>>30 >>30 Haha yeah, my friend and I were using some sort of an add-on or patch of some sort to allow the furnace to work. Shortly afterwards we realized we could use the add-on to spawn items. We ended up using the spawn furnace command to spawn working furnaces - it was an awesome fix. The downside of this aforementioned fix was that our server ended up crashing and we lost a lot of progress. Not sure if it was the add-on's fault, but it likely was :(. Nonetheless, yeah, the game is definitely fun. I'm going to take a break from it until some key features are implemented though, so as to preserve my enjoyability of the game, as odd as that sounds.

32 Name: Nelorzoul : 2010-09-27 11:06 ID:VrcTJdpV [Del]

>>30 Haha yeah, my friend and I were using some sort of an add-on or patch of some sort to allow the furnace to work. Shortly afterwards we realized we could use the add-on to spawn items. We ended up using the spawn furnace command to spawn working furnaces - it was an awesome fix. The downside of this aforementioned fix was that our server ended up crashing and we lost a lot of progress. Not sure if it was the add-on's fault, but it likely was :(. Nonetheless, yeah, the game is definitely fun. I'm going to take a break from it until some key features are implemented though, so as to preserve my enjoyability of the game, as odd as that sounds.

33 Name: Nelorzoul : 2010-09-27 11:09 ID:VrcTJdpV [Del]

Back to the original topic...

Touhou Highly Sensitive to Prayers makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a desk. Yeah, a desk.

34 Name: Reltair : 2010-09-27 13:18 ID:3gEfq6UT [Del]

Mostly just Starcraft II for me right now.

35 Name: Juniase : 2010-09-27 13:47 ID:fp54PzBs [Del]

Freelancer mainly, some Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, and I was playing Borderlands buttttt...... aww you get the picture

36 Name: Apple : 2010-09-27 16:47 ID:+ETgfwfG [Del]

Touhou 1 is by far the hardest annoyist one at the lot >.< I comend you just for trying it :P

At the moment: Enzai VN, and Valkryie Profile CoTP.

37 Name: ScyRan : 2010-09-27 22:47 ID:sA6pQlys [Del]

Civ 5, osu!, and DS games.

38 Name: Misuto : 2010-09-28 08:09 ID:okQjDl0T [Del]

>>33 I haven't played Touhou 1-5. I feel like a neglectful fan, but I started with 7.
And I just unlocked Extra mode on said game - I beat it on normal and extra only has one difficulty, so it's basically impossible :(

On topic, I've been playing Touhou Hisoutensoku, but I'm getting FFXIV this thursday!

39 Name: Firo : 2010-09-28 11:12 ID:jDp4SLeU [Del]

im playing my DS back to back Final Fantasy tactics advanced and Final Fantasy Rings of Fate.

40 Name: Gpop : 2010-09-28 15:19 ID:+HBiy92U [Del]


Working on my new pack :P

41 Name: Setton : 2010-10-12 22:27 ID:NU/KYkmY [Del]

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West! It's so good! :3

42 Name: Misuto : 2010-10-12 23:02 ID:7CQ+IJHZ [Del]

My friend wants to get everyone to pull their old pokemon games out of their closets to play them again for some reason involving nostalgia, link cables and all.

...And I gotta say, I'm all for it.

43 Name: king : 2010-10-13 00:14 ID:OzjdyVfx [Del]

>>42 those things probably aren't working anymore. course, they might. i know i'll be playing the new games come spring, so i dont think i will. i do play the old ones every three years or so

44 Name: Setton : 2010-10-13 10:00 ID:NU/KYkmY [Del]

@Misuto: That sounds awesome. ♥

45 Name: EXCALIBUR : 2010-10-14 19:05 ID:mtupMjNp [Del]

Etrian Odyssey I, Super Mario 64, Garry's Mod, ... um.... um... POKEMON!!!!

46 Name: Night : 2011-08-18 20:09 ID:6e/+/OtB [Del]

Lately Jak 2 Jak 3 and Star wars battlefront 2 on my playstation 2 and on my pc, Sims 2 university

47 Name: Egerod !U.FlFSg2r. : 2011-08-19 05:20 ID:boUS6bOn [Del]

World of Warcraft, 999 (ds game), Recestear and S4 league

48 Name: Shwing : 2011-08-19 09:13 ID:NvfQiGnG [Del]

Killing Floor

49 Name: Nakama : 2011-08-20 21:55 ID:11wpR1zb [Del]

>>1 Left 4 dead 2

>>47 Fuck yeah, 999! I loved that game so much!

50 Name: Mjuhu : 2011-08-21 09:25 ID:4XTlzKgw [Del]

Portals 2 and Oblivion

51 Name: ZEH : 2011-08-21 11:53 ID:e8YiVU9E [Del]


Call of duty black ops

imfamous 2

52 Name: Hash : 2011-08-21 17:04 ID:8IYQ95xv [Del]

Lots and lots of Pokemon. Got a file started on Blue Rescue Team, Guardian Signs, and I've been revisiting my N64 Pokemon Stadiums. <3

53 Name: HeroicMime : 2011-08-21 22:13 ID:Tc2xjyWc [Del]

Lately, I've been playing Banjo-Tooie. Like, the N64 game- just bought it on Xbox Live Arcade.

54 Name: mr.tophat : 2011-08-21 22:42 ID:68nqkFCK [Del]

tf2 fallout nv Cthulhu saves the world

55 Name: ENRIQUEDRRR : 2011-08-21 23:13 ID:aVHRyLhm [Del]

im playin battle front, armored core, and the force unleashed

56 Name: Oriental Dream : 2011-08-21 23:19 ID:AnHpI3nr [Del]

Right now it would be Star Fox Adventures, Pokemon xD, The World Ends with You, and Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

57 Name: DAK075 : 2011-08-21 23:45 ID:g++2ARXe [Del]

Been playing Metroid Prime Hunters, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Darkwatch.

58 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-22 04:46 ID:1QqpM9V2 [Del]

Currently: None ^ ^;;
I'm actually bored and has no games to play *sigh*

59 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-08-22 05:43 ID:j313+eEO [Del]

Soul Nomad and the World Eaters, Disgaea 3, Persona 3 FES, Persona 4, Hyperdimentional Neptunia, Ar Tonelico, Ar Tonelico 2, Ar Tonelico Qoga, Total War Shogun 2, Chantelise, Recettear, a few VNs, and TF2. And I'm making progress in them all, so somehow I'm juggling about 15 games in a day and still doing my work. I don't have a clue how I'm pulling this.

60 Name: Kaku : 2011-08-22 07:01 ID:XVA5HBDG [Del]

Just started playing Monster Hunter Tri.

61 Name: Kuroni : 2011-08-22 15:40 ID:GUVlsSZL [Del]

999 Nintendo DS

62 Name: Zer0 : 2011-08-22 21:07 ID:w5RdoaJn [Del]

Harvest moon More friends of minreal town! I'm trying to get the bloody 100,000,000 gold vaction house. Oh, I did finish in a day that Naruto dragon blade game. It was good.

63 Name: Akuto Sai : 2011-08-30 01:06 ID:WiTeuWbJ [Del]

Dissidia Final Fantasy

64 Name: DaniV : 2011-08-30 01:13 ID:1Bb/Szig [Del]

Deus Ex Human Revolution and Limbo both on PC

65 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-08-30 02:24 ID:Vhh66Qd9 [Del]

Ocarina of Time 3D, Persona 3 FES

66 Name: 慧子 : 2011-08-30 02:57 ID:5Ej/V4LM [Del]

Persona 3, Disgaea, and DJ Max Clazziquai Edition

67 Name: Frosty : 2011-08-30 03:46 ID:DVrrMFLw [Del]


68 Name: MastaT : 2011-08-30 14:18 ID:7fx6VEmd [Del]

I've been playing Alliance of Valiant Arms, an online fps...
helps relieve the stress ;o... lookin to get Deus Ex for pc though +_+

69 Name: Tul : 2011-08-30 16:44 ID:0VHKWRmD [Del]

I play PC, mostly World of Warcraft, I do play Minecraft and Terraria, been thinking about getting Deus Ex it looks amazing!

70 Name: Rings !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-09-01 07:11 ID:nar/kd0l [Del]

Solitaire. Hard game to play, man.

71 Name: LaughingMan : 2011-09-01 08:38 ID:qUWFrmVv [Del]

i been starting back in to Rift. Also play a lot of black ops on 360.