Dollars BBS | Films
















Good Movies (11)

1 Name: Sams : 2020-09-27 03:40 ID:JNQCxSxK [Del]

I want to watch a movie but im stuck. I've watched so many that I can't find anything good. So can someone tell me a good movie ?

2 Name: Ariis : 2020-09-28 14:21 ID:UL2Oi+eI [Del]

I don't know what genre you're looking for, but here's a list of random ones that I've seen: (Although you may have seen them too since they're well-known haha)

The Lord of The Rings trilogy, The Dark Knight trilogy, Inception, Interstellar, Forrest Gump, Catch Me If You Can, Blade Runner 2049, Gladiator, Parasite, Dunkirk, Ad Astra, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Cast Away, The Truman Show, Your Name, La La Land, Ghost in the Shell

3 Name: Chipsa : 2020-10-08 19:08 ID:PbrqdBvp [Del]

The first Blade Runner is very good as well!! :)

4 Name: La Muerta : 2020-10-31 19:35 ID:6Q3sgvub [Del]

The Craft is a bopper

5 Name: Kaster!eVHHrdPaJg : 2020-11-02 04:35 ID:tmk3c8/x [Del]

I love this movie trilogy:
- Ocean's Eleven
- Ocean's Twelve
- Ocean's Thirteen
They're heist films.

6 Name: zero?ゼロ : 2020-11-22 11:23 ID:OadbqR73 [Del]

godfather trilogy is amazing !!!

7 Name: Ariis : 2020-11-25 16:18 ID:UL2Oi+eI [Del]

2 films recommended to me recently I had never heard about before: Source Code (scifi, dude wakes up and dies and repeats in order to save people) and Blood Diamond (based on true events, violent but has a good message)

8 Name: Mizymia : 2020-12-09 22:20 ID:Zi4O6u0Y [Del]

I would recommend to watch the trilogy 'Before' is pretty good, it's simple, but well written.

9 Name: akirakki : 2020-12-13 06:12 ID:2UQ1liSH [Del]

I really love 'Her' and 'Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind'!
Also, if you're into the genre, the whole saga of Marvel movies is a bop!

10 Name: Zyan : 2021-01-06 09:28 ID:b1TpjqaY [Del]

You can always watch some studio ghibli movies! Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, and Whisper of the Heart are great!

11 Name: : 2021-02-16 15:24 ID:3JfOpYJJ [Del]

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