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Creepiest movie you know (9)

1 Name: Matto : 2020-05-13 06:25 ID:llHC1zZw [Del]

Hi all.

What is the creepiest movie you ever saw? Or maybe the creepiest scene?

My favorites are 'The Shining' (1980) and 'Poltergeist' (1982). (The Shining) (Poltergeist)

[Warning: these scenes are *really* creepy. Not because of what you see, but because of the overal atmosphere. If you're prone to nightmares, do yourself a favor and don't watch them]

2 Name: Matto : 2020-05-13 06:29 ID:llHC1zZw [Del]

[some interesting facts about those two: (1) The boy from The Shining did not know he was starring in a horror movie until he was 18 or so. To film that scene, they had to invent a new camera so that they could follow him while he was on his tricycle. (2) A surprising amount of people involved with the Poltergeist movie died in freak accidents, including several actors, such as the little girl in that scene.]

3 Name: AJ : 2020-09-18 13:20 ID:LBzQYa9f [Del]

I always thought that Frankenweinie was pretty scary. it was a Tim Burton film, and it definitely shows throughout the film

4 Name: zero?ゼロ : 2020-11-22 11:27 ID:OadbqR73 [Del]

not a fan of creepy hahaha

5 Name: akirakki : 2020-12-13 06:13 ID:2UQ1liSH [Del]

I think "The exorcist" has some of the creepiest shit I've ever seen, both in the movie and backstage. There's some fucked up stuff about it... Also, "Cannibal holocaust" and "The human centipede" are big no nos for me. So disgusting.

6 Name: Deja : 2020-12-22 11:16 ID:fyfnFDJU (Image: 1080x1600 jpg, 352 kb) [Del]

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Well this movie just came out this year .. even though i don't think it's creepy's called "Sweet Home" .. it has a webtoon comic and i've already watched it .. i give it 4/5 stars .. try watching it👍

7 Name: akirakki : 2020-12-24 08:45 ID:iwvuZF16 [Del]

>>6 this was made from a webtoon also called "Sweet home"! Haven't watched it yet but loved the manhwa, so I'll surely give it a try!

8 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-12-25 21:55 ID:iLLVkK6k [Del]

Man, I need to catch up to the newest Sweet Home ay.

9 Name: Zyan : 2021-01-06 09:24 ID:b1TpjqaY [Del]

I finished watching this like three days ago. Never read it because I was reading different webtoons like Super Secret and God of Bath. I would give those a 4 and 5 outta five. Also sweet home is a show, not a movie.