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A Monster Calls (the movie) (9)

1 Name: Marx : 2017-04-26 08:29 ID:V1HYK+AX (Image: 858x535 jpg, 50 kb) [Del]

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yesterday, I watched the movie 'A Monster Calls'.
It is about a young boy whose name is Conor O'malley, that has a mother who has cancer. And not only does Conor have to deal with his sickly mother, and has to tolerate his school bullies. But then one night at 12:07, the Yew tree across from his house turns into a giant monster, and comes for Conor. this monster says that it will tell 3 stories to Conor, and that Conor has to complete the fourth story, which is the truth of his nightmare. Like a dream, the monster leaves faster than it appears.
The next day, Conor comes home to find his grandma talking with his mom. And his grandmother claims that he is going to be living with her, which he refuses to believe, as he thinks his mom will get better after the hospital visit.

(i dont want to say any more as it might be spoilers, so I'm just going to leave it off at here lol)

I really suggest watching the movie, and reading the book. They are both really great, and can teach you some things about letting go, and allowing yourself to be honest with yourself.

Here is the trailer if you want to see this first:

2 Name: Marx : 2017-04-26 08:32 ID:V1HYK+AX [Del]

i messed up, but at "And not only does Conor have to deal with his sickly mother, and has to tolerate his school bullies."

change to "not only does Conor have to deal with his sickly mother, he also has to tolerate his school bullies"

3 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2017-04-30 09:41 ID:t3alg6/0 [Del]

Added to watch list!

4 Name: Funk : 2017-05-08 14:20 ID:AQNGQzVl [Del]

Definitely one of the better movies I've seen recently, I thought the pacing was a bit slow at times but overall it was rather good.

I didn't know there was a book though, I might have to put that on my reading list.

5 Name: mikado : 2017-05-31 13:47 ID:mm99o6W2 [Del]

It was definitely better than those big budget movies

6 Name: Lordjashin : 2017-06-09 18:59 ID:2Y7w3IvW [Del]

ill pas on this. i dont care about letting go or stuff like that

7 Name: mikado : 2017-06-11 09:55 ID:d/qNqsIn [Del]

that kid looks like cgi younger version of tom hanks

8 Name: Nezumi : 2017-07-21 14:51 ID:LV7GrGtA [Del]

Oh! I read the book a two years ago and it was awesome. I had a hard times.. puberty and things like this :D And this book was totaly for me at that times!

9 Name: Hawkmoore : 2017-07-25 14:18 ID:foy3aiIJ [Del]

I read the book a few months ago and it was so good! It really helped me getting through the death of a relative and move past my own despair and sadness. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm looking forward to it.