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Go Go Power Rangers! (7)

1 Name: Emulus : 2017-01-23 13:45 ID:QhReXZ6E (Image: 1024x575 jpg, 504 kb) [Del]

src/1485200723086.jpg: 1024x575, 504 kb
Growing up with the Power Ranger series, I personally, am looking forward to this. Although, I'm trying not to expect anything so my childhood doesn't get crushed.
What do you all think?
Ready to have your childhood reimagined, or destroyed?

2 Name: Kanra : 2017-01-31 09:38 ID:7w7qyC4b [Del]

si i got the password right does that mean i joined the dollars?

3 Name: Slightly Suicidal : 2017-02-01 21:58 ID:A//wdVwa [Del]

When I first saw the trailer it looked like a remake of the breakfast club at first.

4 Name: Sharo : 2017-02-26 18:33 ID:1OpjeP/7 [Del]

I thought Rita Repulsa looks like Nissa from MTG.

5 Name: Judge Mandolore : 2017-03-12 18:38 ID:2oExx/Y/ [Del]

I am certainly looking forward to seeing this movie when it comes into theaters

6 Name: lare : 2017-04-20 09:41 ID:AriBrhsy [Del]

So have any of you guys watched the new film?

Personally I loved it! I thought it was really funny, and though it was filled with teenage drama the characters were so well-written that I found it enjoyable. It had a balanced tone in my opinion, switching between humour and more serious moments successfully. There could have been a tad more action, maybe, but I'm sure we'll get plenty of that if/when we get a sequel.

And idk about you guys but I was happy with the diverse cast and representation we got. I mean, an autistic character that wasn't made into a tasteless joke and an openly gay female character as vital parts of the main cast? Sign me tf up.

7 Name: Judge Mandolore : 2017-04-21 09:04 ID:2oExx/Y/ [Del]

Well, I saw it the Thursday night before it was officially supposed to come into theaters in the US. I really enjoyed the movie. In fact, when the song "Go, Go, Power Rangers" played at one part of the movie, people in the theater I was in not only cheered, one person even let out a whistle. It was not even a remix of the song. It was the original version of the song from 1993. Course the movie did make references to multiple seasons of the TV show. Course the movie is in a difference continuity from the TV show.