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Assasins Creed (17)

1 Name: Usagi : 2016-11-22 04:00 ID:ZRIhLnD9 (Image: 640x767 jpg, 57 kb) [Del]

src/1479808808629.jpg: 640x767, 57 kb
Anybody else ready for this?

2 Name: Chell : 2016-11-23 05:43 ID:Ck9A1ngT [Del]

I'm just really afraid that it will be bad.

3 Name: qwewq : 2016-11-28 06:57 ID:F5VlRRwD [Del]

who nows

4 Name: Ragz : 2016-11-28 16:01 ID:WvsP1ZTk [Del]

i am hopefully optimistic that it will be good. i really hope so. the main actor is a good actor, so im keeping hope alive

5 Name: ZeroEmulous : 2016-11-30 03:28 ID:cwp7VjYd [Del]

While I am excited to watch it, I've learned to not expect anything from movies or else I'll be up for disappointment.
But yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

6 Name: Eight : 2016-11-30 18:13 ID:AEJC2DYM [Del]

Greetings Dollars,

Yes, I'm quite excited for this title and have made time to schedule this movie in for myself as upon it's release I will be in another country. But I dare say that being in another land won't keep my from my fandom.

7 Name: Manatra : 2016-12-01 13:52 ID:8Zd7L3BP [Del]

Im excited for the Assassin's Creed movie ^-^

8 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-12-18 20:51 ID:TPrBxSQl [Del]

This movie looks interesting, I just hope they don't mess up too much of the similarities between the game and movie

9 Name: Spiro : 2016-12-23 15:16 ID:PwXVfs5o [Del]

From the trailer I learned that the actor is not actually in the world and time where the game is set but in the present. Which is disappointing. Also they added characters that are not related to Assassins Creed. A disappointment.

10 Name: Shizaya : 2016-12-28 16:35 ID:jwVd36HG [Del]

OMG! my fav game, i must watch in future!

11 Name: MissDirected !gC5cxNKTkI : 2017-01-03 08:35 ID:yVpkJxMW [Del]

Ohh I'm half excited and half worried. Many people dislike game-based movies because of fight scenes, storyline changes, slight character OOCness and additional characters. So good luck to the movie ^.^

12 Name: Cheshire : 2017-01-11 22:44 ID:leHm7SF7 [Del]

I watched this movie just the other day! Trying to avoid spoilers, I'll just say:
None of the characters from the actual games are there, in case you didn't know, and, in the end, it's basically a pretty awesome sci-fi/action movie that revolves around ancestry, secrets, familial matters and where the bloody fuck the Apple is.
My final statement here is that it draws inspiration from every game apart from the first.
I, personally, found it really cool.

13 Post deleted by user.

14 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2017-01-15 02:22 ID:c17WZLTn [Del]

Yeah, this wasn't a good movie. Plot and characters weren't particularly interesting, and I found most of the movie pretty boring. The ending was also really anti-climactic, but considering how bored I was by that point I didn't mind that much. Also, I want to note that while the acting was fine for the most part, Michael Fassbender was way too good for this movie, and really seemed to be giving it his all. By all accounts he really wanted this movie to work, so it's a real shame how it came out.

Also, Brendan Gleeson. Why the fuck was he in this movie?

The best parts of the movie were mostly just fanservice. The bit at the start when they did that assassin's pledge thing was cool, and watching the dude do a leap of faith was fucking awesome. Also I liked how much like the games it looked visually, particularly the scenes in the animus. Speaking of which, I didn't like what they did with the animus, making it this weird strap-in exercise machine-like thing, it just seemed silly to me - which is saying something considering the premise.

Overall, if you're a fan of the games, I wouldn't discourage you from watching it, you'll

15 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2017-01-22 20:28 ID:kVUptReP [Del]

Better than most video game movies, but that's not saying much.

16 Name: Emulus : 2017-01-23 13:39 ID:QhReXZ6E [Del]

This movie was good in my opinion. It was a little slow in the beginning, but halfway through the movie, it started to get good.

I think the people who did enjoy this movie have played the game(s) before. If not, then... good for you. int he end it's up to the watcher what they think. Being a player of the AC games, I personally liked the movie, even if it was slow in the beginning.

17 Name: Kalizco !qinsSm6j3M : 2017-01-25 13:23 ID:2HuHTBLK [Del]

I think it is a good movie, thou the ending was kind of disappointing. I was expected something more. Watched it with my family and my mum who has never played any of the games and barely heard of it liked it too.