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Looking for inexperienced voice actors (5)

1 Name: RedKing : 2016-09-30 15:57 ID:MlbMTnk0 [Del]

I'm in a film course in college and one of my assignments is to create a 1 minute short film. The story is about a group of gamers who discuss and solve crimes while playing an MMORPG (I was thinking of using "Dragon nest as it is free to play and has the look that I want). The reason I say voice actors is because although it is a live action film, the other actors faces will never be shown. All you need to qualify is a reasonably fast and reliable internet connection, a quiet environment where you can record without background noise, a pc capable of playing a low spec MMORPG, and a microphone.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-06 13:45 ID:Tmi40QlT [Del]

When is the deadline for applying? During what time will you need filming/recording, etc. done? And When will the project need to be finished by?

3 Name: RedKing !/XKqtlizRM : 2016-10-10 14:21 ID:toOfyMJ3 [Del]

The deadline is next week, I would like to record as soon as possible but I need to have a first cut before halloween. The project needs to be done by the whole project needs to be done by November 14th.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-10 18:44 ID:Tmi40QlT [Del]

Good luck, then :)

5 Name: Ignight : 2016-10-11 07:08 ID:K9XB1N4q [Del]

I wouldn't mind saying a few lines for a minor character, if there's a need for such. Email:
I might have some BG noise *cough* brother *cough* but you won't know that since I will just rerecord if he interrupts :D
I've got a Samson Q1U microphone so it decent enough quality IMO
I'm from Lithuania but I speak very fluent english with an appealing accent (neutral with a hint of russian and british?) and I have a stable 600Mb/s up and down connection. And a decent PC:
Intel i7-4790k, Geforce 750 TI, 8gb idkwhatspeed ram, 1TB HDD.