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Utopia (1)

1 Name: criw : 2016-08-24 17:45 ID:JDTPs7Gn (Image: 1280x540 png, 627 kb) [Del]

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Sorry, I must talk about Utopia, it's one of my favorite series and I love it so much.

Utopia is a british {thriller, drama, action} serie made in 2013-2014 by Dennis Kelly, it was 2 seasons of 6 episodes each one.

So I'll just do a little wikipedia copy/paste of the argument:

The story follows a small group of people who find themselves in possession of the manuscript sequel of a cult graphic novel called The Utopia Experiments, which is rumoured to have predicted the worst disasters of the last century. This leads them to be targeted by an organisation known as The Network, which they must avoid to survive. Using the manuscript, they must uncover the meaning hidden in its pages before the disasters depicted become reality.

So... it's just a weird mix of a good story with governmental conspiracies (actually it tries to make front to a problem that we are having nowadays), a amazing photography with some of the best contrasts that i've never seen (with yellow as a principal color) and a incredible uncensored violence. (If you wanna see it, don't search the censored version... or you will hate yourself for life, promise)

Another point is the soundtrack, a sound as unique as the serie made by Cristobal Tapia de Veer.
wiki quote copy/paste of a opinion (take from that link):

"Startlingly original scoring of hyper-reality, and unlike anything we’ve heard before. The winner’s work blurred the lines between sound design and score, creating a soundtrack that the jury said felt like it was being played inside your head."
Here a example of the soundtrack

So... have someone seen it, what do you think about it?