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Café Society (2016) (2)

1 Name: Darkstar : 2016-08-13 11:12 ID:AaR6v0OX (Image: 1200x1780 jpg, 125 kb) [Del]

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I had the opportunity to go to my local, independent theater to watch the new Woody Allen film "Café Society". I simply loved the film. Mainly because of how simple and "classic" it actually is. The performances are amazing, the cinematography is great as well, but the script is simply incredible. It's funny when it has to be funny, is tense when it has to be tense, etc. And another really important aspect is that most of the characters in this film are so interesting and charismatic that are able to carry the audience through the film.

Brief summary of the plot: [Set in the 1930s] A guy named Bobby (Jesse Einsenberg) from New York, decides to move to Hollywood to work for his uncle Phil (Steve Carrel), a famous movie agent.

But believe me, that's only the tip of the iceberg. I don't want to give anything away, but this film surprised me. It's the kind of film that it is not made today anymore. If you enjoy classic films, or films in general, then if you have the opportunity check this one out. Truly one of Woody Allen's best films.

And those who watched the film, did you liked it as much as I did?
If you haven't watched it, what is your favorite Woody Allen film?

2 Name: Math : 2016-08-25 17:48 ID:KgyqkPV8 [Del]

Nice description of "Café Society". I've just watched it and I'm really happy with how good this film was. I wasn't expecting that much because of the latest films of Woody, but I really liked this one. I can say that Jessy and Stewart's performance was amazing. It's one more of the love letters of Woody to N.Y. once again, beutiful and sweet. The direction is great and you sayd it all, it's funny when it has to be and it's tense when it has to be. Woody is back, and this is another of his great movies.

My favorite films from Woody are Annie Hall, Manhatham, Midnight in Paris and Hanna and Her Sisters I guess. But I just lost count of how many movies from him I've watched and how much I love his work. With dialogues, soundtracks, beutiful filmmaking, jew jokes and satirical humor. I just love the guy.