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Attack on Titan Live Action Movie: Not worth it (72)

1 Name: Kanra1935 : 2015-09-12 20:16 ID:XUHNmf0h (Image: 678x960 jpg, 169 kb) [Del]

src/1442107002339.jpg: 678x960, 169 kb
I have seen and heard from reliable sources that this movie was a total let down. It messed with character names as well as the setting of the manga and anime. The titans were okay but by using all Asian cast members it ruined it. those that know this series knows that Mikasa is the only oriental left in the world. This movie is not worth spending your money on. I highly advise not watching it.

2 Name: CanaryBlue!mVQFv8w4lk : 2015-09-13 12:32 ID:pJ+qr8yw [Del]

Wow, is it really not worth it? I was gonna go just to see the live action

3 Name: Isamu !pIYEypQghU : 2015-09-13 21:10 ID:/89DT28Y [Del]

There is already an AoT movie thread

please search for threads before posting a new one :)

4 Name: Snickrs : 2015-09-15 01:34 ID:aBGqXC0k [Del]

the really sad thing is that Levi isn't going to be in it because the name was too hard pronounce for the actors or something... (Cri every time...)TAT

5 Name: stranger : 2015-09-15 14:21 ID:++dhKacc [Del]


6 Name: Elsy-chan : 2015-09-15 15:15 ID:9i01we2D [Del]

the actor who plays Eren is a god *-*

7 Name: air : 2015-09-16 03:23 ID:YgbJAcnT [Del]

i don't believe is a good movie

8 Name: Yotsuba : 2015-09-16 09:07 ID:v3uuxdrq [Del]

I've only watched the first half of the movie, and to be honest it has potential, especially with how they animated the titans, but....the storyline hasn't felt as solid as that of the anime or manga so far.

9 Name: otaku : 2015-09-18 08:42 ID:O0qcQtfv [Del]

AWWW man!I wanna watch it now! :3......My life is a sad one......

10 Name: ( ._.) : 2015-09-19 03:34 ID:I59BcXpu [Del]

Actually, most of those who haven't watched the anime or read the manga really liked the movie. And all of those who did really hated the movie. Basiscally, the movie is good if you haven't watched/read it yet

11 Name: Myth : 2015-09-19 06:01 ID:sWNBSpOz [Del]

So in other words. This movie is more like a jump start to people who want to know the story of Attack on Titans...

12 Name: Atomic : 2015-09-19 14:52 ID:HQ93/Hoi [Del]

Lol going to go see it even tho its bad

13 Name: P0kem0n : 2015-09-20 15:07 ID:h+6ozTWz [Del]

I liked the movie.
I read the manga and watched the anime.
But still liked the movie for me.
Many are dissatisfied, but I think that the film is not to exactly repeat the plot of the manga.
What is the point to repeat the story for the third time?
Better to do something new.
And a sea of blood...mmm...
Turned out beautiful and tough.'s almost the first movie related to anime and shows in Russia.
I think it's not a bad film. 4/5

14 Name: Saika : 2015-09-26 18:14 ID:Xk/YlP+W [Del]

The actors didn't satisfy me and didn't seem to fit the part for me. Especially Armin.

15 Name: Orihara Izaya : 2015-09-26 20:31 ID:xm/fmktz [Del]

It's pretty bad in my opinion, its popularity rate in Ikebukuro is low, many people in the city hate it, most like it because they are japanese, so what it's just a crappy movie XD ha

16 Name: Elucidator : 2015-09-26 21:27 ID:kVLiFFU6 [Del]

I watched it. Well I didn't have high expectations at first, knowing Japanese production won't ever be as good as American produced (like the effects techniques won't be there). However,I was impressed. You could see that the production really put in a lot of effort. One thing that just really made me sad was that they took out Levi and replaced it with some apple-loving sadist who manipulated Mikasa (cries poor Eren). All in all not the best but not bad either .

17 Name: Shizuo : 2015-09-26 21:35 ID:xm/fmktz [Del]

>>16 Same, I really disliked the replacement, because you know, Levi is a very awesome character. I hope the second part is better :/

18 Name: N/A : 2015-09-27 07:07 ID:9ym419rm [Del]

When Realesed Season 2 ?

19 Name: Saika : 2015-09-27 14:14 ID:Xk/YlP+W [Del]

OMG. There is a rumor that Levi is going to die in chapter 73!!!! I really hope that those rumors aren't true. I love Levi!!! T_T

20 Name: Shiruka : 2015-09-28 07:13 ID:VIlh7eNV [Del]

>>19 What??? Levi is gonna die??? But Levi was the best character in the animeeeee

21 Name: Saika : 2015-09-28 07:25 ID:Xk/YlP+W [Del]

I know!!! I seriously hope the rumors aren't true but, they said that he might die in the process of saving Armin, Eren, and Mikasa.

22 Name: Moru : 2015-09-28 09:42 ID:FstW6IYF [Del]

I agreed. well I've watched it,and honestly I impressed by the picture production not the plot *bc i'm the anime vers fan*. their effort for the titans was good. but the characters should be more Germany, based on the manga/anime, and where is Levi?!

23 Name: Romeo : 2015-10-01 08:46 ID:vaYRySxI [Del]

When I went to see it I thought it was really weird, having been so different from the anime/manga etc, but I viewed it as its own separate story rather than an exact replica of the anime.

Like in stead of being "Hey, that was so different thats not how the manga goes" I thought "So that's what would have happened if Character A did this or Character B said that"

So maybe if you watch it as it's own separate / alternate universe story you wont find it so bad? I mean, I prefer the anime by far but that doesn't mean I didn't like the movie~

24 Name: Honoka : 2015-10-05 06:43 ID:1bcl9fzR [Del]

In my oppinion I thought it was pretty good.
I mean Eren grabbed a boob.
He also kneed Jean in the face.
There was a makeout scene.
Baby titan was scary asf.
"Do titans have nipples?" Was the best line ever XD

25 Name: Ganosaur : 2015-10-07 01:59 ID:dnnT9Akj [Del]

This movie was a really big let down in my opinion they missed out on heaps of stuff messed up a lot and the titans are scary >_<

26 Name: Alice Sutcliffe : 2015-10-09 20:25 ID:FeDJAlFM [Del]

I want to watch it, but at the same time I don't

27 Name: berto : 2015-10-10 23:46 ID:yIc9QDhm [Del]

a friend of mine said that they totally didn't followed the story both in manga and anime. I got some glimpse of the movie and i can't believe the sexual tension, another factor why its really a let down. they should just make a movie on the manga 'before the fall of wall maria' if they want a different storyline -_-

28 Name: Mika~ : 2015-10-12 04:47 ID:cNEb/Ymx [Del]

Good I really want to watch this ... Ima cry if I don't!!!!!

29 Name: Fortune !o3hBg9PyEE : 2015-10-15 20:52 ID:1h2bw9Ne [Del]

From the picture, it looks like pacific rim and black bullet had a baby

30 Name: Maverick : 2015-10-15 22:19 ID:1jZI2Tu9 [Del]

Good thing I didn't see it then.

31 Name: Jel : 2015-10-16 21:35 ID:fTkPzLUI [Del]

I heard people compare it to End of Eva, so I'm watching it even if it's bad

32 Name: Aaron : 2015-10-19 16:55 ID:egna6Xxg [Del]

Judging from Anime America's review of it, I'm not seeing this film anytime soon.

33 Name: Awesomesock : 2015-10-19 20:02 ID:vt6x4x+U [Del]

Lets be honest, when has a live action movie been any good. (Avatar the last airbender, Dragon ball Z....)

34 Name: Shiro : 2015-10-20 10:47 ID:0F3OOe9/ [Del]

This was a good movie, but they jacked up the plot. They had no Levi and they killed off Mikasi in the beginning and brought her back. This movie was good but the story plot was not very good. They got most of the important parts but the rest was not going with the story

35 Name: ハーフ神 : 2015-10-20 17:52 ID:+IW1m+I9 [Del]

Of course its all Asian characters its made in japan

36 Name: anno : 2015-10-20 22:00 ID:YYYMOMIJ [Del]

this was a huge disappointment

37 Name: Ou-kun : 2015-10-21 04:47 ID:SagycQQU [Del]

If levi was there and they would just show amazing battle scenes, I think it would be better.

38 Name: Top Ramen : 2015-10-22 19:37 ID:7vFbAvWL (Image: 305x305 jpg, 11 kb) [Del]

src/1445560664028.jpg: 305x305, 11 kb
This is going to suck.

39 Name: DrakoCT : 2015-10-22 23:20 ID:ltIerm8D [Del]

that's how most of the anime live action movies end up going.
it was a decent movie, in terms of scenery and action... but horrible with a few of the effects, actual plot, and original characters. i watched the movie and only enjoyed it a little... those of you who love the anime, NOT WORTH WATCHING THE MOVIE... those of you who don't care... might be worth it. ^_^

40 Name: cogi : 2015-10-24 08:13 ID:YYYMOMIJ [Del]

yea i really dont trust live action anime movies most of them are terrible. its as sad fact buts its completely true and the attack an titan movie was no acception. we should have seen this coming, but we were to exited i guess.

41 Name: JamJam : 2015-11-07 14:38 ID:37XbmqEx [Del]

Armin has brown hair in the movie and I am dissapointed. Plus, THERE IS NO LEVI-CHAN. Dude.

42 Name: Bakyura : 2015-11-08 22:52 ID:dybxtTYY [Del]

Honestly I saw both (The first one I saw twice tbh) and LOVED them

43 Name: Osiris : 2015-11-09 21:28 ID:YYYMOMIJ [Del]

you must have a very sad life Bakyura

44 Name: KuroSilverfang : 2015-11-10 19:48 ID:dOTuLLRP [Del]

Worst movie ever... I can't believe I got excited over this... it was a major let down from start to finish. I pity those enjoyed this, on top of that the titans were annoying AF! Eren was a whimpy crybaby, almost got laid from a Milf and went crazy when she died and mikasa was no longer into him...

45 Name: mrsqueaky : 2015-11-11 19:55 ID:Q2+RhCxJ [Del]

its actually an ok movie it just suffers what all movies based off of stuff suffer NOT FOLLOWING THE SOURCE RAGE

46 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-14 19:09 ID:DK56h1ej [Del]

The awkward 'tit touching before dying as a slut' scene was a fair 6.9/10 though.

47 Name: Ous Sama : 2015-11-16 15:42 ID:3+nkETKp [Del]

I was expecting more

48 Name: Locke : 2015-11-17 02:20 ID:qcA4QInG [Del]

Sound like my disappointment with the Live Action GANTZ adaptation.

49 Name: Soul : 2015-11-17 15:58 ID:BxDQVgqI [Del]

I heard that Levi isn't in there because the name was too hard to pronounce or something like that...

50 Name: Menma : 2015-11-17 22:39 ID:LHO2yrzS [Del]

This is such a disappointment and embarrassment for the fandom

51 Name: Kiba Jay : 2015-11-24 20:51 ID:G419/UkE [Del]

sucks man.... it just SUCKS! I thought it would be good but it turned out just like avatar the last air bender the movie

52 Name: catter : 2015-11-28 23:48 ID:BdmvTwkx [Del]

This is so boring

53 Name: VikleTheMan : 2015-12-01 16:41 ID:qHoXq1j7 [Del]

is all the hate cause no Levi

54 Name: Saika : 2015-12-01 17:58 ID:Uz2HTU7a [Del]

>>51 agreed

55 Name: Arsyn : 2015-12-02 01:36 ID:2Nx4tQEH [Del]

Movie was huge letdown. Great anime, terrible movie.

56 Name: kinseto : 2015-12-02 17:38 ID:w+IzPeof [Del]

It kinds seemed like it was going to be bad from the trailer, they could've done way better

57 Name: Masyn : 2015-12-02 17:58 ID:vXr2s96M [Del]

Levi wasn't even there. They replaced him.
I bet that they couldn't find anyone as short and sexy as him..

58 Post deleted by user.

59 Name: meguru : 2015-12-02 22:15 ID:CqOKC+9W [Del]

i thought that the live action would be cool but it was a total let down (facepalm)

60 Name: VikleTheMan : 2015-12-04 08:57 ID:qHoXq1j7 [Del]

You can't just make an anime a movie and it not be total crap. i guess.

61 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-12-04 09:21 ID:akHJl+kH [Del]

>>60 indeed, they just don't get the right casting, heck look at "cough" *Avatar* The Last Air Bender live action.

62 Name: Phantomhive : 2015-12-11 12:22 ID:GfuYxXL/ [Del]

I was highly disappointed in this movie... total let down. If you were planning to watch it. Don't.

63 Name: Yuukio : 2015-12-11 22:24 ID:hLjIV9On [Del]

True. It wasn't that great. I know that they are trying to be more original but changing the cool charismatic Mikasa personality to a weak unloyal bitch ruins 90% of the movie for me.

64 Name: 本文 : 2015-12-13 11:26 ID:3MrzYCpn [Del]

It didn't have Levi in it and Eren had a long lost Japanese brother

65 Name: Adhelam : 2015-12-14 14:13 ID:btFkdV/9 [Del]

Sad that the movie was a disappointment. I actually was hoping it would be better with the all-Asian cast since so many anime movies tend to be white-washed.

66 Name: Aoba : 2015-12-15 11:53 ID:umULWAaZ [Del]


67 Name: Haruko : 2015-12-26 01:54 ID:AINJAV5o [Del]

A lot of that movie wasn't cannon.

68 Name: Lapis : 2015-12-28 21:16 ID:XQLj1gtZ [Del]

Whaaaa?! no, and i was looking forward to it too! oh well, i might give it a chance if we can watch it online suu~

69 Name: cao : 2016-01-04 10:25 ID:20Ykt+0c [Del]

yeah, i heard it wasn't that good? i was a little excited for it too-- takamina and haruma miura were in it ;v;

70 Name: Lurker : 2016-01-04 15:29 ID:HnlwtGrz [Del]

Considering how Attack on Titan is set in a world where every other human that's left are of European/German descent and Mikasa is supposed to be the last living Asian, wishing for the movie adaptation to actually succeed with an all-Asian cast makes no sense at all.

Even the Japanese fanbase were angry and disappointed that they cast the characters as Japanese. They also agree that Eren and everyone that isn't Mikasa and her dead mom should've been white because this actually makes sense.

The same logic is applied if they ever make a live-action movie adaptations of Berserk, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

71 Name: Arch : 2016-01-05 06:12 ID:l1CrCKUt [Del]

Honestly, the whole thing was a mess.. And especially without Levi, the storyline felt really hollow and uninteresting.

72 Name: Anonymous : 2016-01-06 15:18 ID:+vCCjEok [Del]

>>70 And yet apparently Hollywood cast Scarlett Johansson as the lead in a future Ghost in the Shell movie. Nobody ever seems to get it right.