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The Doors (1)

1 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-08-04 00:03 ID:FF2Yja4c (Image: 580x859 jpg, 100 kb) [Del]

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The Doors is a 1991 biographical film, on you guessed it, the band The Doors. Of course, the film is mostly portraying the life of Jim Morrison, the lead singer.

How do you summarize someone's life without spoiling it? Well, you don't. So let me give you the subjects this movie touches on and maybe a bit of a background on his life. If you're already a Doors fan, then you'll know about many of the main events in this film.

This movie is basically the epitome of sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. I mean, it's wonderful. Very wonderful. I mean you really get a glimpse into this rockstar life, it's amazing.

Main points of film:

Young Jim Morrison seeing Native Americans in a car crash on the side of the road (if you've listened to some Doors songs, you'll notice this event is in some of his songs). This event pretty much changed his life. I mean after that, he grew up with it, and we see the image of the dead Native American he saw in the movie frequently. This would lead to another main point, which is the shaman. It's frequently spoken about in the film. I mean Morrison even incorporated shaman dances into his routine and songs and was highly influenced by it.

We see how the band was formed and how they got their name as well as Jim Morrison's beginnings as a UCLA film student/meeting Ray Manzarek.

We also see how Jim met Pamela Courson, Jim's long-term girlfriend and how he treated her. Good at times. Bad at times. Either way he was having sex with other people and married someone else, so I'd say he treated her pretty shitty in a romantic way. Other than that, I'm pretty sure he loved her above everyone else.

We see important parts in their career, from their start at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go, to their end at Whiskey-A-Go-Go for, coincidentally, singing "The End." We also see them get signed to Elektra Records to them playing at "The Ed Sullivan Show" to the two shows where Jim Morrison gets arrested.

We see Jim meeting Patricia Kennealy, the witch journalist lady, who is just so fucking ew. I hated her. I can't believe he married her over Pam.

Did I mention drugs??? Yeah, lots of drugs! So much drugs! I mean come on the 60s was like totally the decade of drugs.

Did I mention boobs? Yeah, lots of boobs. 60s was the decade of free-loving as well, so no one gave two shits back then. I mean watching that movie, totally made me feel like I time-traveled.

Of course, the most important scene is Morrison's death. He moves to France with Pam and Pam finds him dead in his tub. He was said to have died of heart failure *cough* drugs induced it *cough*

So that was about it, I mean we also touch the topics of: love, life, death, and perception. Probably something else I'm missing.

Main Characters (btw, they all did great. I mean I really believed I was seeing Jim's life play out):
Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison
Kevin Dillon as John Densmore
Kyle MacLachlan as Ray Manzarek
Frankey Whaley as Robby Krieger
Meg Ryan as Pamela Courson
Kathleen Quinlan as Patricia Kennealy

lol I'm pretty sure this post is long, but if you've made it this far. Here is the trailer.