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Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (6)

1 Name: bang✫bang : 2015-07-20 07:59 ID:EzAVUhlW (Image: 440x640 jpg, 78 kb) [Del]

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With magic long since lost to England, two men are destined to bring it back; the reclusive Mr. Norrell and daring novice Jonathan Strange. So begins a dangerous battle between two great minds.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is a seven episode long BBC miniseries adapting the novel of the same name by Susanna Clarke. TRAILER

Sometimes eerie and almost always charming, I enjoyed this series a lot. It's a historical fantasy story so if Regency era Britain and magic interest you then hop on it. I'd also recommend the book, even though I'm only halfway through it. There's much more worldbuilding and such which is usually lost in adaptations.

2 Name: Mag : 2015-07-24 18:23 ID:2KOAbcY8 [Del]


I don't know if I like it yet.

3 Name: Mag : 2015-07-24 21:07 ID:2KOAbcY8 [Del]

Ugh first sentence is gone.

"Currently watching first episode"

4 Name: bang✫bang : 2015-07-25 04:31 ID:EzAVUhlW [Del]

>>3 I can't believe someone took me up on this lol. I watched it on recommendation too and didn't know what to make of it in the first ep but it grew on me after the second one.

I also just finished the longass book and enjoyed it a lot. The setting/worldbuilding just really work for me I guess. And I like both main characters too even though they're both assholes in their own way. My fav is Childermass though, that beautiful slimy man.

5 Name: Mag : 2015-07-25 06:43 ID:2KOAbcY8 [Del]

>>4 Yeah, once I saw ur post in the RTT it got me thinking and I'm trying it out. After the episode, Childermass was my favorite too, but because that voice is like sex.

On to watch the second ep~

6 Name: Invisible : 2016-01-25 22:27 ID:BkIVb4iL [Del]

I'm only six months late for this conversation, but oh well.
I loved the show, I thought it was very well done- something not particularly common for the genre- and it was well balanced. It also explained enough of the universe that you could understand it, but left so much unexplained that you feel desperate for more information. I enjoyed it tremendously.