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Mad Max: Fury Road (25)

1 Name: Pickel : 2015-05-24 23:31 ID:/x6vCbcJ (Image: 863x1280 jpg, 172 kb) [Del]

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I don't say this lightly, but I think this may be one of the best movies I've ever seen. The cinematography and direction are simply flawless. Somehow it makes "show, don't tell" feel like a novel concept for movies, despite film being a visual medium. I strongly urge everyone to check this out, even if action movies aren't your thing. It's full of heart and character, and just because the dialog is minimal doesn't mean there's no story.

2 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-05-25 03:05 ID:rAMU2nHz [Del]

Thank you. For a little while there I thought I'd have to make this thread myself.

This movie was metal. So very metal.

I need to go watch all the old ones now.

3 Name: Pickel : 2015-05-25 11:06 ID:GzWGuT8b [Del]

I should warn you that the old ones are pretty campy. They're definitely not bad, otherwise we wouldn't have this thread right here, but they're products of their time. At least in my case, I'm glad I watched the originals first. Tron and Tron Legacy are another good example. I really like both of them, but I think if I'd seen Legacy first, its modern visual spectacle would have made it hard to enjoy the campiness of the original. Do let us know if you still have a good time, though.

4 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-05-25 21:29 ID:Lz4xPM2P [Del]

>>3 Yeah, George Miller had a huge budget to blow on Fury Road that he wouldn't have had back then, so I figured they wouldn't be as overblown as this one - no huge fucking monster car armies, for example.

But still, same, albeit much younger, mind at work there. I've still got pretty high hopes for them.
At least the first two.

5 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-05-29 17:18 ID:F0cIrULX [Del]

my mom and big brother went to see this they both liked it and thought it was cool they didn't use CGI

6 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-05-29 21:45 ID:rAMU2nHz (Image: 1600x908 jpg, 441 kb) [Del]

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This dude, man. He made the movie for me.
I mean, that was the last thing I expected to see when I went in for this movie.

>>5 Yeah, I don't buy that. That sandstorm (or whatever the fuck it was) at the start had to be CGI.

7 Name: Pickel : 2015-05-30 00:17 ID:NKfCxMft [Del]

>>6 The sandstorm and other completely crazy things were CGI, but almost all of the explosions and stunts were real. Yes, even the ridiculous vehicles and the pole guys.

8 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-05-30 00:40 ID:rAMU2nHz [Del]

>>7 Yeah, shortly after posting that, I came across this.

Pretty insane.

9 Name: Lidov-Kozai : 2015-06-03 10:02 ID:1mi6MsTM [Del]

Absolutely hated it.

Not really surprised.

10 Name: Pickel : 2015-06-03 17:50 ID:tTOWi9Pq [Del]

>>9 I'm not going to try to change your mind or anything, but I'm curious what you didn't like about it. My parents hated it too, but they couldn't really give me a coherent explanation as to why. It's fine if you don't really have a reason, but if you did I'd like to hear it.

11 Name: Lidov-Kozai : 2015-06-04 09:07 ID:RVyiT4nI [Del]

Everything kind of just seemed like it was there for the sake of it being there. I tend to have really high expectations for film in general, so something that's literally all surface either has to be really entertaining to me or I'll probably hate it. Mad Max just felt really dumb to me. Granted it's an action movie, but on top of that the sound mix was poorly executed, the vis FX looked crappy when they did greenscreen stuff, the so-called feminist (not really feminist) aspect seemed kind of a pathetic attempt to appeal to women (though I don't really have much of a reason to care except for people hailing it as something it isn't), and just overall the writing was bad. Mostly one liners through the whole film, and they barely touched on any of the potential for world-building and theming, in which case it was probably the least post-apocalyptic post-apocalyptic movie I've ever seen.

Again this is all just opinion, but I do think people are giving it more credit than it really deserves. I will say the production (and production sound) was impressive, but it did get a little showy for my taste. Ultimately I just don't fall into the category of people who are taken in by spectacle alone, I really thirst for substance, so again it's mostly just a taste thing.

12 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-06-04 11:52 ID:5aKP/Qpp [Del]

>>11 I disagree with most of what you said there, but I respect your opinion man.
Here's mine.

I thought the film was incredibly entertaining. I tend to like over-the-top movies, and this covered all the necessary bases and went beyond, in my books. As far as wanting something with more substance goes, I can understand why you don't like it. It sounds like you went in with expectations as well. But even so, you've gotta admit that for what this is, it's pretty fucking good.

I don't see why a movie can't be great purely because of its spectacle. Especially a film like this, where the plot serves purely to show you some awesome and unique sights. What about a film like Star Wars? Flimsy plot, ridden with holes, but what you're seeing is so amazing you don't really give a shit.

I thought the world-building was awesome. I mean, there isn't exactly Game of Thrones level of plot development, and if there was it'd probably be rather dull, so I was really pleased with the lack of exposition. It didn't go out of its way to explain everything, and yet the setting definitely seems complete and well fleshed out, at least in the narrow scope of what we see as directed by the films story.
Furthermore, what we see of the world was so bizarre that any attempt to explain it would probably have fallen flat; I mean really, would you really want a grand explanation of how that awesome guitar dude came to be, or that masked guy came to be in charge, or would you rather just see it all in action?

The writing was fine. A bit cheesy ("the green place") but it didn't bother me too much. There wasn't much dialogue anyway, but what little there was didn't strike me as... anything, really. I thought it was just fine. Nothing noteworthy.

As far as the feminist thing, I didn't really get that from the movie. Yeah, there are badass girls with guns, big whoop. But still, if people want to interpret it that way, whatever. I've read some pretty convincing feminist articles on movies and books that've convinced me before. Just because it's not explicit doesn't mean it's not there.

I think this is the kind of film that will gain a cult following and be considered a classic in the future.

13 Name: Lidov-Kozai : 2015-06-04 14:04 ID:0Z0kCmAo [Del]

Yeah it was kind of just too ridiculous for me to appreciate it. I stand by my opinion on the writing mainly because the character development was just pretty absent. Again not the character kind of film but shit like that really bothers me. My definition of good when it comes to film is if I find it interesting I guess, and while there were some things that were cool ideas they just never went anywhere with them or glossed over them. If anything my problem with it is that I saw a lot of potential that wasn't realized by it being a surface level action flick.

Agree to disagree. You definitely have valid points, but my perspective is just different.

14 Name: Baxter : 2015-06-18 10:08 ID:Qjwpn6C+ [Del]

Watched the movie expecting it to be like Borderlands, and it was. Problem was that it was just a 2 hr DLC without much plot development. It was like The Avengers 2 action without all the side characters talking. So I'll rate it 4/5 for the first 1/2 of the film. The ending make my audience just muttering: 'Is that it?'

15 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-06-18 11:04 ID:E2biAw2h [Del]

>>14 I don't understand why so many people are quoting "lack of story" as a problem against this movie. Action movie was about action - and it was much more thrilling than any of the action in The Avengers.
It's like people were expecting Fury Road to be more of a character-driven fantasy.

Anyway, just finished watching the first film in the series. It was alright, not really anything special. Probably a classic more by reputation than actual quality.
Apparently the second one is a lot better.

And I've gotta say, it's actually kinda amazing how much Tom Hardy looks like a young Mel Gibson.

16 Name: Pickel : 2015-06-30 08:58 ID:jAyE9apZ [Del]

>>15 Besides, I personally really don't think Fury Road had a lack of story. I don't mean to be rude or for this to be a judgement against people who didn't like the film, but I really feel like the modern movie-goer is used to having everything about a movie's story spoon fed to them through lengthy dialog and exposition. Fury Road told very little, but it showed everything. A huge amount of story and lore are there, you just have to pay attention.

17 Name: Izumi : 2015-07-02 15:32 ID:TATKYmoQ [Del]

It was bloody awesome!

18 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2015-07-06 15:17 ID:7I73p0GG [Del]

My issue is the movie was 95 percent driving in one direction.

19 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-07-06 22:36 ID:n3mbgNwR [Del]

>>18 and then the other.
But it was awesome driving.

20 Name: Igar : 2015-07-10 05:56 ID:auLRM8AC [Del]

The movie was simply beautiful. The visuals especially had the whole thing going for me personally.
If you think about it, how can people come up with such amazing ideas? I mean, the vehicles, the warboys, the polecats, the crazy guitarist and his taiko drum band... there's even the concept of breeders, mother's milk and a whole lot of badass kicking from the ladies.
To sum it all up, it is definitely one of the best movies of the year.

21 Name: Mr_Shoplifter : 2015-07-16 22:49 ID:hP8UIUlC [Del]

People either love this or hate it. I just don't care. Sorry XD

22 Post deleted by user.

23 Name: KuroPoro : 2015-07-19 13:58 ID:89lcWhkU [Del]

Hi, I'd like to know if this is the kind of movie that's worth watching by itself, or if I'd need to go and watch the previous one to fully enjoy it. I've never watched any of the mad max movies but I've heard about them before, thanks :)

24 Name: Pickel : 2015-07-19 17:49 ID:tTOWi9Pq [Del]

>>23 I've seen the first two movies but I don't think they're absolutely necessary. The very first one is actually set before the apocalypse, so it's not all that similar. The only thing you might need to see it for is Max's backstory, but it's not exactly hard to figure out from the beginning of Fury Road.

That said, I'd recommend watching the old movies first simply because you might not like them as much if you watch them after Fury Road. They're pretty campy, so if you're not a fan of 70s/80s style it might be difficult to go back to them after this one.

25 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-07-19 22:58 ID:NH1U2YRz [Del]

>>23 The movies are very loosely connected. They don't really follow any form of ongoing plotline. You could probably watch any one of the sequels without having seen the preceding one.

I'd recommend watching either this one and The Road Warrior first.