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The 100 (8)

1 Name: IUA : 2015-03-21 14:59 ID:DD8YHtgI (Image: 700x315 png, 426 kb) [Del]

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Set 97 years after a nuclear war has destroyed civilization, when a spaceship housing humanity's lone survivors sends 100 juvenile delinquents back to Earth in hopes of possibly re-populating the planet.The teens arrive on a seemingly pristine planet they have only seen from space. They are meant to find refuge and supplies at the old military installation in Mount Weather. However, they have landed a fair distance from it and soon face other problems. Confronting both the wonders and the dangers of this rugged new world, they struggle to form a tentative community. However, they discover not all humanity was wiped out; some people on Earth, called Grounders, survived the war, and there are even more dangers lurking...

2 Name: IUA : 2015-03-21 16:23 ID:DD8YHtgI (Image: 306x306 jpg, 22 kb) [Del]

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loved John Murphy since first ep and now he will be a series regular in season 3 can't wait!! >_<

3 Name: Dakoren : 2015-03-22 06:30 ID:Z+/CzF1a [Del]

To be honest, I thought that show had a good potential, the plot seemed interesting etc..
But oh god. Everything appears so freaking cheap. Most of the actors are bad and their characters so annoying and predictable... The scenario is most of the time pretty weak, and predictable too. Almost everything is wrong in this show, to me. (I'm only talking for the first season though, that I painfully managed to watch entirely)
I was really disappointed. Nowadays you can do really good things with TV shows, I think this one just didn't take the opportunity. (maybe the second season is better, I'll have a look at it when I have time but I don't have much hope for it)

4 Name: rivaillis : 2015-03-23 05:52 ID:1zQ7wGjY [Del]

One of my favorite shows,but I hate how everyone in the fandom keeps forcing bellamy and clarke together....I see them as brother and sister for now (probably because I'm still not over finn)

5 Name: Kasumi !XCK1vY5AF2 : 2015-03-24 20:41 ID:e74BhczX [Del]

I loved this series. I'm thrilled they renewed it for a third season. I thought it was thought provoking and all of the characters somehow found a place in my heart (even the ones I hated in the beginning).
>>3 I agree that it was definitely predictable at parts, but you should give the second season a try, it gets continuously more interesting!

6 Name: Otaku_Angel : 2015-03-24 21:06 ID:h+tW0Z07 [Del]

it's a great show one of my favorites

7 Name: Dakoren : 2015-03-25 06:10 ID:85E3QlO1 [Del]

>>5 Yeah I'll give it a try once I've got some time.

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