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How To Get Away With Murder (13)

1 Name: Adriana Nguyen : 2015-02-25 05:57 ID:9Xr2dGs3 [Del]

I'm a big fan of US-UK TV Series, and HTGAWM is one of my favorite series recently, anyone's here love this film?

2 Name: Memori : 2015-02-25 09:11 ID:RWGEGzrQ [Del]

YYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS........... no spoilers i started college and i haven't been able to catch up on all the episodes yet.

3 Name: bang✫bang : 2015-02-25 11:02 ID:EzAVUhlW [Del]

The quality of threads in this board is terrible. Please OP, remake it with a pic and a short description.

4 Name: Adriana Nguyen : 2015-02-25 19:40 ID:9Xr2dGs3 [Del]

>>2 you must watch it, it's getting better and better

5 Name: Adriana Nguyen : 2015-02-25 19:43 ID:9Xr2dGs3 [Del]

>>3 ok, your complaint has nothing to do with my post

6 Name: !!LTL6hFw4 : 2015-02-26 01:15 ID:2CiABHyp [Del]

>>5 Actually it has everything to do with your post, you fucking retard.

>The quality of threads in this board is terrible
This was said because your thread is fucking shitty, you are cancerous to this website.

>Please OP
Asking YOU nicely

>remake it with a pic and a short description
Your shit thread needs to be remade, preferably by someone who is not retarded, as you've proven yourself to be.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-27 18:46 ID:t1gfz8NN [Del]

oooor how about you stop being such an ass. Let the person be! You sound like someone I know who thinks they're better than everyone else. Well guess what you're not so don't judge the persons thread. Let's see you make a thread and judge you.

8 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-28 04:33 ID:GzNzpPsg [Del]

>>6 Ha ha! You're getting the same shit I do! How does it feel motherfucker?? XD In all seriousness, have you or Bang tried asking for some cleaning help? I don't visit this place often at all. Hell, I think in the years I've been here, this is my first time posting.

>>7 Dude. He's just stating the rules which are the same for the animation board as well. Nobody bitches and cries in there whenever there's a shit post like >>1.
You and >>5 are the real assholes who don't give a damn about them, while simultaneously claiming a regular's anger is unnecessary.

If you took time to look at >>3 he actually put it nicely.
When OP still wasn't comprehending, >>6 put it bluntly.
But whether he asked nicely or not doesn't matter.
OP is in the wrong, and that's that.

>>You sound like someone I know who thinks they're better than everyone else. Well guess what you're not so don't judge the persons thread. Let's see you make a thread and judge you.

What are you, ten? This made me cringe. Not just because it made you sound like you're still in elementary school, but the grammar...
Anyway, this guy >>6 gives me shit all the time, but bet you any amount of money that when they make a thread, they do it right.


9 Name: Kayris : 2015-03-01 04:50 ID:NP5hdKTo [Del]

Whoa 887, 886, 885, and 881...for breakfast

10 Name: bang✫bang : 2015-03-01 09:25 ID:EzAVUhlW [Del]

See OP now there's a nasty argument in your thread. All the more reason to take an extra 5 minutes out of your day to remake it with a pic and a synopsis you can basically copy-paste from IMDb or Wikipedia.

11 Name: Magnolia : 2015-03-01 11:53 ID:nz/EuE/u [Del]

>>10 put the salt away, Bang.

12 Name: bang✫bang : 2015-03-01 16:17 ID:EzAVUhlW [Del]

>>11 Shhh I'm all sugar.

13 Name: ... : 2015-03-05 04:51 ID:bvG9mUkC [Del]

>>12 lol same