Dollars BBS | Films
















The fault in our stars (5)

1 Name: Cheza : 2014-10-29 09:23 ID:ZH9XZEw8 [Del]

Have you seen this film or read this book?
Personally, I hate it.
In my opinion people think it's a deep and moving film just because it deals with a sensible theme. But it isn't. Teenagers are (quite Always) stupid and empty. This film (or book) shows us a really bad plot and plain and unrealistic characters. In my opinion, it's overrated and predictable. What do you think about it?

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-29 17:34 ID:CL6yaPGW [Del]

Agreed and I know I haven't read or seen the movie, but it just seems so contrived. I only know about bits and pieces that I've heard about it so that's what I'm going off of, but honestly I'm going to read it and see what the fuss is about it

3 Name: Cheza : 2014-10-30 08:30 ID:NfvGf81B [Del]

Exactly, I've seen it just to confirm what I thought about it!

4 Name: Pudge : 2014-11-01 11:15 ID:UXy7T/NI [Del]

I thought the book was okay, there some good and bad parts, and other part were just plain awkward and 'dumb' I would say. I've read all of John Green's book and TFIOS didn't deserve the hype it got. The book was really hyped because it was touching on an important topic: cancer.

I'll admit, I went to watch the movie too, I did enjoy how they managed to reenact the scenes from the book and made into a movie, but like the book, the movie was mediocre.

I loved the soundtrack though :D

5 Name: 秋子 : 2014-11-04 14:09 ID:mxR88Y0H [Del]

I just watched the film, yes I cried because it's sad yeah - slowly dying from cancer.
But all the voyage to Amsterdam and all that romance was just so... well, fictional. For such a sensitive theme as cancer to put such romanticism on it, I think it's not realistic!
Then I found this (please watch, you will like it):