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Ender's Game (9)

1 Name: Sloshy : 2013-09-02 08:28 ID:um8ati3S [Del]

So Ender's game is coming out in a couple months. I read the book recently and it was awesome, so I hope the movie is just as good. What are peoples thoughts on this, or just book adaptations in general? Also, what's the deal with this boycott I'm hearing so much about?

2 Name: Hibari?!hIbARIJf/c : 2013-09-02 16:36 ID:6k+lSKJs [Del]

You need to add a picture and discription

3 Name: Crestfalen. : 2013-09-02 16:51 ID:pai+s2j+ [Del]

I just hope to movie is as good as the book (^0^)

with modern day tech I think it sould be equally good. (^.^)

4 Name: Sloshy : 2013-09-02 17:19 ID:um8ati3S (Image: 1229x1920 jpg, 823 kb) [Del]

src/1378160348174.jpg: 1229x1920, 823 kb
>>2 Sorry about that. Here's a poster.

>>3 I think the main issue that people might have would be Ender's age. In the book he's six, but the trailers show that he's a lot older than that.

5 Name: Naka-san : 2013-09-03 12:04 ID:1FNnay4+ [Del]

Correction- He was entered in the battle school at 6 promoted as commander at 9 and might be about 10 when he sets out on the voyage to Eros...but i do understand. Who knows why hes actually older though...

6 Name: Sloshy : 2013-09-03 12:56 ID:BAFa7Kll [Del]

>>5 It's probably because they don't want a sub par child actor ruining the movie. It's understandable, but it's still one of those things that fans get riled up about.

7 Name: Crestfalen. : 2013-09-03 16:27 ID:VlK4Phyz [Del]

I forgot about that one. Yes.
I dont think that will bother me so much though.
it will mostly bother me if they get wrong an big scence. like maybe a battle.

8 Name: Sloshy : 2013-09-03 19:55 ID:um8ati3S [Del]

>>7 A huge pet peeve of mine is if they show the ending of the movie in the trailer. It's as if there's nothing else interesting in the movie, so they give away the ending. I mean, I know how the movie's going to end because I read the book, but you shouldn't spoil the movie to someone who hasn't read it. That being said, the final battle looks pretty cool from what I've seen.

9 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-09-04 13:54 ID:gf1yx+lZ [Del]

It was a pretty good book and I hope the movie goes well. if I remember correctly Asa butterfield (From the movie "Hugo") is playing Ender. WHich is actually a good match in my mind.