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I neeeeds the ideas (9)

1 Name: horrorfan : 2013-07-07 19:43 ID:zECdLU0I [Del]

me and my buddy are trying to get ideas for horror movies for us to make, we thank all who support and and supply ideas. :)

2 Name: YoruNoctowl : 2013-07-07 20:36 ID:of1Oul5z [Del]

What about a demon who make people fear from every people around him?

3 Name: horrorfan : 2013-07-07 21:22 ID:zECdLU0I [Del]

good good

4 Name: horrorfan : 2013-07-09 02:23 ID:IAvtVSr4 [Del]

keep it coming!

5 Name: Neige !kVW5pmtHlM : 2013-07-09 08:15 ID:+yJLjpN8 [Del]

One of the main reasons that people don't make good horror films anymore is because there's nothing original in the realm of horror films in terms of conventional storytelling. Everything's pretty much a rehash of everything else, so if you're looking for plot ideas, you're not going to find anything new online.

I reckon that the only way to make a good horror film anymore is to take a familiar theme or monster or whatever and think of a new and interesting way of telling the same story (well, that, or make it campy as fuck). Anyway, any horror film that's had any success over the last few years has been trying to be innovative in the way that it's presented.
And I don't think you're going to get many such ideas over the internet because I'm going to assume that most of the people who have those ideas are busy using them to make their own film.

So anyway, my advice would be to watch a shit-load of horror movies, and think of the kinds of things that you like about them, and the kinds of things you'd like to see, or see more of. Then just take all of that and apply it to a familiar scenario, and then, yeah, just make your movie.

6 Name: Naoto Stone!Q24oAGqUmU : 2013-07-09 13:38 ID:6wM7Kjds [Del]

Going off of YoruNoctowl's idea, the Demon will cause people to have a severe panic attacks that would end up with them getting into accidents because of their freakouts. These accidents could be anything from killing people to getting killed themselves.

7 Name: horrorfan : 2013-07-10 04:42 ID:pC6N8YfD [Del]

Neige I see what you mean, and I have watched a fuckton on horror movies in the last few years. In fact I've become a big movie buff. The only reason I'm looking for ideas online is to see what other peoples ideas are and cuz I have no money yet and until I get enough to make a decent horror film I'm also browsing around for ideas. And I know that most horror movies are reused and recycled but I've found rare gems in the countless amount of films I've seen over the years

8 Name: Neige !kVW5pmtHlM : 2013-07-10 05:52 ID:X8CuK2ql [Del]

>>7 I see. Well, I'm not really a big horror fan myself. I'm sure there are plenty of good movies within the genre, but there's just too much shit that you have to plough through to find them. Also, horror just doesn't interest me that much.

But anyway, I think it's awesome what you're trying to do, and I've gotta ask here, is this the first movie you're trying to make? I've been trying to write a short film, and I think it's coming along nicely, so if you have any experience in making movies, any tips you could give me would be awesome.

Also, while you're at it, some recommendation for good horror films would be welcome, since you've apparently done all the shit-ploughing for me. Also, it could give people some idea of what kind of movie you're interested in making here.

9 Name: horrorfan : 2013-07-12 06:27 ID:AwO+szoC [Del]

well this isn't my first script or screenplay I've written but yeah this is the first one I'm trying to make. sry I don't have any advice. I know a lot of people who can help me with my movie though.

good horror movies
ginger snaps, feast, sinister, demon knight, the evil dead, evil dead, the secret window, dead girl, smiley, dead space,
pet semetary, hostel, creepshow 1-3, army of darkness, tucker and dale vs evil, boogyman 2, and see no evil.

there are more I just either haven't seen them or I forgot the name. and before you ask how many scripts I've written I've written 1 and I'm currently working on another one with my friend and soon I'm going to be writing my first novella or if I make it long enough it would be considered a novel.