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Saddest Scene Ever? (49)

1 Name: Abraxas : 2013-07-01 08:42 ID:94ld8dsw (Image: 800x450 jpg, 67 kb) [Del]

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What's the saddest, most heart-wrenching scene you ever witnessed in a movie or show?

2 Name: bang-bang : 2013-07-01 09:18 ID:mc6Zog2C [Del]

I'm gonna be one of those people that list more things when asked for just one:

- Last scene in the last episode of The Hour
- The wall scene in the last episode of new Who season 3, the beach scene too actually.
- The execution scene in the last episode of Game of Thrones season 1

I'm sure there were movies that broke my heart too, but I can't think of any particular scenes right now.

3 Name: Abraxas : 2013-07-01 10:27 ID:94ld8dsw [Del]

Wow, I expected more traffic in this thread.

4 Name: bang-bang : 2013-07-01 10:42 ID:mc6Zog2C [Del]

>>3 If you check time stamps for various threads, you'll notice this site (and particularly this board) are pretty slow.

5 Name: Abraxas : 2013-07-01 10:46 ID:94ld8dsw [Del]

Btw, did you notice what the picture is from?

6 Name: Safae : 2013-07-02 14:21 ID:1co6uSFd [Del]

There are too many scenes that made me cry my heart out , and this scene is definitely one of them (+ hinata and Yui scene ), it still hurts when i remember it!

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: Bloo : 2013-07-02 22:41 ID:QsQxy5RX [Del]

>>1 Fucking this
it was horrible. So horrible. Also the part where Hinata tells Yui how their life would've been made me cry.

9 Name: bang-bang : 2013-07-03 04:31 ID:mc6Zog2C [Del]

No, but why does this have to turn into anime :/

10 Name: Neige !kVW5pmtHlM : 2013-07-03 06:50 ID:+yJLjpN8 [Del]

>>9 I know, right?

Anyway, here's mine:

- Dante's death in the first cut of Clerks (it doesn't happen in the theatrical one, but still)
- The scene where Alabama's having the shit kicked out of her in True Romance. Also the scene where she thinks Clarence is dead.
- Waj's death in Four Lions.
- Rambo's "Nothing is over" speech from First Blood.
- The last 10 minutes of Requiem for a Dream.
- The dead baby from Trainspotting.

I'm sure there are more, probably way sadder scenes in various movies that I barely remember, but this is all I can remember right now.

11 Name: Bob. : 2013-07-04 23:27 ID:FleWBfA8 (Image: 1600x900 jpg, 402 kb) [Del]

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The last scene in the movie The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.

12 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-07-04 23:48 ID:+xRGgBji [Del]

The scene in Memento when he kills his wife with the silicon shots was pretty damn sad.

13 Name: Naoto Stone : 2013-07-06 23:16 ID:6wM7Kjds [Del]

-When Leslie dies in Bridge to Terrabithia
-When Charlotte dies in Charlotte's Web
-Kyon giving Human Nagato back the signup sheet in The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
-Touma saying goodbye to Index before her memories get erased in A Certain Magical Index
-Hyouka's speech about being a monster in A Certain Magical Index
-Euphemia dying in Code Geass
-Shirley losing her memory in Code Geass
-Juvia's "sacrifice" during the Battle of Fairy Tail
-Any flashback with Lisanna dying in Fairy Tail

14 Name: LimeChan : 2013-07-10 09:36 ID:l7unEnZp [Del]

Kobato's disappearance in Kobato
Towa's death in Towa No Quon

15 Name: Yuki-chan : 2013-07-12 16:21 ID:USfD562j [Del]

-Clannad... and after story Nagisa's death and Ushio's death.
-Mikoto's death in [K]
-Angel Beats, when Angel moves on.
-The entire movie of Secret life of the Bee's

16 Name: Steve : 2013-07-16 18:01 ID:xS85Jcy8 [Del]

The saddest scene for me was when Light Yagami was killed in Death Note.

17 Name: bang-bang : 2013-07-16 18:37 ID:/W6Ek5i7 [Del]

Hey, how about we, uh, keep it a little more ambiguous? Avoid spoilers when possible?

(And maybe mention some things that aren't anime, because we've got another board for that.)

18 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-07-16 19:38 ID:AAn901CE [Del]

Already said Memento but might as well put another one in.

Even though Shaun Of The Dead was a really funny movie, that bit near the end got quite sad for a while.

19 Name: S : 2013-07-16 19:43 ID:v5QfPru+ [Del]

I've got some anime and non-anime ones:

End of Season 2 of New Who
That one scene in FMA: Brotherhood with Roy and Riza
All of Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Pretty much every season finale of Supernatural

20 Name: GoodLoser : 2013-07-18 01:30 ID:HN194GAP [Del]

I know that what i'm about to say could seems stupid, but when i was 9/10, i was sure that the saddest scene ever was the godzilla's death at the end of the film, i really cried a f*** lot, my mother was even worried because i was so sad for the death of a huge killer lizard in a film..

21 Name: Kamidora23 : 2013-07-18 11:07 ID:mdX/RJhB [Del]

When the Tenth Doctor regenerated.

22 Name: S.E. : 2013-07-18 12:32 ID:2sI1F2UM [Del]

>>21 Oh yeah, 'I don't want to go'...that got to me, too.

23 Name: Chrys !6XDKfCA24c : 2013-07-18 17:42 ID:BbjPrmcR [Del]

Pretty much the entire last episode of AnoHana...

!!!SPOILERS for K!!!

Mikoto's death at the end of K and then the "No Blood, No Bone, No Ash" chant from the red clan after his death.

As for >>17 mentioning adding stuff that isn't anime...I just don't think I have personally seen anything sad enough to compare to what I have seen in anime. Plus the thread started with an anime scene anyway XD

24 Name: colorlesskay : 2013-07-19 21:27 ID:YDlNueEM (Image: 500x615 jpg, 106 kb) [Del]

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The Werewolf Boy the whole ending of that movie got me crying and I cry just thinking about it

25 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-08-17 02:19 ID:S3WFiqTl [Del]

The movie 'The Mission'. I'll just leave it at that.

26 Name: Fan : 2013-08-17 23:09 ID:ycnCneyI [Del]


27 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2013-08-19 19:15 ID:LyxydZoX [Del]

When everyone is disappearing in 'Angel Beats!'

28 Name: GG : 2013-08-20 02:30 ID:7fPFKyXK [Del]

Angel Beats can touch our hearts!

29 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-08-20 08:22 ID:+8Wh2fSk [Del]

That scene near the end of The Big Lebowski is pretty damn sad.

30 Name: HollowTrex : 2013-08-20 10:21 ID:z3stpYJD [Del]

I don't think i have ever cried so much from an anime! It's definitely one of the most heartwarming story's ever!

31 Name: xbunnyx : 2013-08-22 09:30 ID:5sThHXgc [Del]

-the ending part of Guilty Crown (if you watched the series I'M SURE you know this)
-clannad after story the scene when nagisa died and ushio died and when ushio was trying to find the toy that his father gave to her then she and her father started crying

32 Post deleted by user.

33 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2013-08-22 23:25 ID:z/AcIsEr [Del]

The scene in Pursuit of Happiness when they sleep in 'the cave', and when his son drops his toy when running to the bus.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2013-08-25 02:33 ID:wolieyav [Del]

Amour. Just, Amour.

Also, the ending of Code Geass. The part in Sherlock Holmes (Downey films) when Holmes and Watson look at each other before Holmes pushes himself off the balcony with Moriarty. That moment in FMA when you realize what happened to the little girl and her dog. Road to Perdition. And so many more T.T

35 Name: cody : 2013-08-26 17:47 ID:0e8RmKbb [Del]

that dog movie hatchi or haco or whatever when the dogs waiting for the man to get off the train and he never comes because he's dead aaaaaaaaajlaksdjgfno;aslzkdnm.

36 Name: Arcillus : 2014-11-06 18:23 ID:0AzSbGO+ [Del]

So I don't know about anyone else but the first pokemon movie where Ash has been turned to stone and pikachu tries to shock him back to life over and over. The feels...

37 Name: @ki^^ : 2014-11-06 23:10 ID:XLUWJbDY [Del]

Clannad after when okazaki (if im not mistaken) was clinging to nagisas hand as she dies of childbirth.....

also the scene above in Angel Beats! but i guess i liked the one with yui better Personal preference ^_^

when masaomi went back to the Yellow scarves HQ and confronted horado that was more of a *kakkoii* moment though.... and lots more... ^_^

38 Name: Kuma : 2014-11-13 15:16 ID:PrYhr5IO [Del]

Hachiko waiting for his owner to come back when the latter is already dead x.x

39 Name: Izaya O. : 2014-11-13 17:18 ID:cn2JDtkX [Del]

In durarara the most sad scene i saw was when Sieji thought that mika was dead (he thought he killed her,but he didnt care)

40 Name: Tagori : 2014-11-20 09:04 ID:8qeAbK5p [Del]

i still cry to the last episode of Ano Hana. honestly, that movie changed me.

41 Name: Sumter : 2014-11-23 15:29 ID:FT0vQmle [Del]

In the movie, My Girl, the main girl protagonist cries at her friend's funeral. What she says to her corpse is heart-wrenching it made both my sister and I cry and that's very hard to do!

42 Name: Matriotix !HNWhTQVHMI : 2014-11-23 22:09 ID:hfLrLCVG [Del]

I cried watching koi kaze for some reason when the male protagonist was curled up in an alley while his co-worker was arguing with him when she realized that his younger sister was in love with him.

43 Name: Shadow : 2014-11-24 14:10 ID:Isc5bt6e [Del]

I'm going to cheat and say the beginning to 'The Last Of Us' videogame. XD Seriously, it was the beginning and I was already crying.

44 Name: Seeneed : 2014-11-24 15:05 ID:nw259zkj [Del]

There's many, but the one that inmediately came to me when I read this is from Clannad. When Tomoya walks down the street holding his daughter's hand and she dies. He just holds her and falls over from grief. I cried my eyes out.
See here:

45 Name: Law : 2014-11-24 23:44 ID:o7NDurVe (Image: 360x215 jpg, 19 kb) [Del]

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In the movie Boyhood where you see his mother crying after having seen the last of her children walk out of her house and into the world as an adult. I just love the honesty in the way the mother was expressing her sadness and reminded me a lot about myself.

46 Name: No : 2014-11-25 20:20 ID:XDf0J8WH (Image: 900x505 jpg, 128 kb) [Del]

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I cried like a little baby in the end of Angel Beats... (It was the first time)

47 Name: HiKaoru : 2014-11-26 03:36 ID:GkJBXKdG [Del]

there's a lot....... but i seriously wept like a baby at nearing the end of angel beats. more specifically at otonashi's past, the graduation, the extra episode of otonashi being the only one left, and yui letting go of her regrets.

48 Name: Shen!hnN9DNcEK6 : 2014-11-28 03:33 ID:148/uLhi [Del]


49 Name: Aster : 2014-11-30 14:32 ID:kTHqivcg [Del]

>>47 same