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Best Worst Movie (23)

1 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-04-15 14:42 ID:YuVdV4qW [Del]

After looking around I can't believe this hasn't been made before.

What is the best awful movie you've ever seen? You all should know what I mean; the movie that you watch and despite terrible acting, paper-thin cliche plot, camera direction of an epileptic squid or even just plain bad for some unknown reason you just can't help but enjoy every brutally pathetic minute.

2 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-04-15 21:53 ID:rYLDGdZn [Del]

The Hangover, hated it, but loved how I just knew where the one missing guy was.

3 Name: AKoaksrule : 2013-04-16 09:39 ID:sjRcihFq [Del]

Killer Clowns from Outer Space.
It is so stupid you can't help but laugh.

4 Name: LordBlacktail : 2013-04-16 15:18 ID:Qzn1Iqln [Del]

This one might be obvious, but Plan 9 From Outer Space. Surprisingly entertaining despite being the worst movie ever (sans Mars Attacks).

5 Name: Cnkcnk : 2013-04-16 15:23 ID:Qzn1Iqln [Del]

So good, but so bad.
You can't even dislike it.

6 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2013-04-17 01:45 ID:dd6WAasJ [Del]

The Mummy Series, and The Scorpion King. I loved all of them.
The Scorpion King sequels sucked ass, though. Avoid.

Also, before anyone else says it. The Room.

7 Name: Hibari? : 2013-04-17 21:27 ID:z7waI73U [Del]

Ocean's eleven (1960)

8 Name: sean king : 2013-04-19 00:41 ID:74Zdnu0L [Del]

the fan based parody of the fan based parody of naruto shapuden...the movie.

i am dead sireuse

9 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2013-04-22 01:23 ID:uN6ZCjw2 [Del]

I really love the original American Pie series, and Reunion was actually pretty good too. And no, it's not because boobs. It's because the characters are seriously lovable. I don't understand how anyone could sit through 3 of those films and not love them all, even Stifler.
The spin-off movies were fucking terrible, however.

Also, Porky's. Except that one was for the boobs. I don't think anyone watched that film for the plot.

10 Name: Starrrk : 2013-04-22 16:31 ID:eGyVk3eY [Del]

Hands down, the Butterfly Effect. Worst movie ever, but I watch it everytime it's on.

11 Name: Inoshikachou !cCDa8OL0Ck : 2013-04-25 20:09 ID:3rMNQ9L1 [Del]

Birdemic: Shock and Terror fits the bill pretty well.
If you watch it, be prepared for clip-art bird .gifs, the worst acting you've ever seen, and random fire.

12 Name: Ayson : 2013-04-26 15:25 ID:agB6cnMO [Del]

I actually liked the Butterfly Effect. Only the first one :/

13 Name: Tengen : 2013-04-27 04:41 ID:FGz4S0HN [Del]

House of Wax.

A little Paris Hilton's fault, yes.

But Star Wars had really sucky acting 4-6. Don't get me wrong, I love Star Wars.
Does not change the fact however that Harrison Ford was the best performing of them all.

Apart from C-3PO and Chewie.

14 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-05-06 13:15 ID:+P4C75QE [Del]

Most of the horror movies on the Sy-Fi channel.

15 Name: Toku : 2013-05-07 01:41 ID:tw+288Ra [Del]

I watch more "bad" movies than "good" movies.
That's all subjective though.
Bad = good for me.

16 Name: Ryu(School) : 2013-05-09 08:35 ID:R6cw7+km [Del]

>>13 Are you like five? The original Star Wars movies were fucking amazing and they weren't bad at all. Compare them to some of the other movies that produced at that time and it rises above them.

A really bad yet good movie is Your Highness, it was hilarious but it was stupid as fuck. Worth a watch really.

17 Name: Vulpixa Amore : 2013-05-13 22:37 ID:OsqwHjPk [Del]

Sharktopus is pretty bad but I think Birdemic is the worst of all. XD

18 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2013-05-14 01:41 ID:nWPCI2W5 [Del]

I have more: Orgazmo and 300.

I liked Orgazmo because Matt Stone's character was hilarious. Also Trey Parker.

I liked 300 because dumb as it undoubtedly is, you can't say that it isn't a lot of fun.

19 Name: Sir.Jim : 2013-05-14 14:09 ID:XmbNJkSP [Del]

Starting to look like Birdemic is the best worst film. Coat hanger weapons are super effective!

20 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-05-14 15:42 ID:4mKCMirZ [Del]

Birdemic fans! Sweet as. So while we're at it, they came out with the sequel a few days ago. Anyone seen it?

21 Name: Coto : 2013-05-14 19:11 ID:yP4FtpR1 [Del]

The Room
It was written and directed by the leading actor.
Terrible acting, terrible plot and all around hilarious

22 Name: merui : 2013-05-15 02:14 ID:E0+XSU0J [Del]

"spider man" T.T

23 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-08-17 02:12 ID:S3WFiqTl [Del]
