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twilight (18)

1 Name: love : 2012-11-15 23:29 ID:eEVYj/8S [Del]

twilight sucks even vampire night is better my parents are seeing it wtf! just gosh if you hate twilight post your complaints here.

2 Name: Kain : 2012-11-16 09:25 ID:Ve+9zTf8 [Del]

twilight is a shame for the vampires. I mean who the fuck sparkles? only fairies. this movie really sucks. twilight deserves the golden raizie.

3 Name: Live 2 Die !3Sd75li6/6 : 2012-11-16 17:31 ID:vWsGdtjQ [Del]

Ugh...I hate twilight. And, on top of that, the book sucked also. It was poorly written. And the movies are poorly made.

4 Name: Xros : 2012-11-19 09:56 ID:anK26uq/ [Del]

A Twilight complaint thread?
Why would such a thread that hates on something even be here.
I dislike the Twilight movies just as much as the next guy, but don't spread the hate.
It does no one any good.

5 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-11-26 12:48 ID:3J8yzSqO [Del]

>>4 This.

6 Name: Tazmon : 2012-11-26 13:01 ID:y9wbac+C [Del]

I am not a hater i am just giving critasism. The actors and actresses of Twilight are good actors, i even love water for elephants. But twilight has killed the vampire myth and took away the vampires balls.

7 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2012-11-27 02:30 ID:cqKzfoEd [Del]

>>6 Agreed. Vampires are supposed to be creepy, blood-sucking killing machines. Twilight robbed vampires of their dignity.

>>4 No, let us all unite in our hate. When it comes to Twilight, hate conquers all.

8 Name: some person : 2012-12-03 00:27 ID:Pg3qNyxA [Del]

*thinks of twilight* ... *pukes up all over Stephanie Meyer*

9 Name: gavin.x : 2012-12-03 01:04 ID:FA/+Bzfu [Del]

when i watched the first one i thought it was a spoof but it was the actual movie

10 Name: Kid Kit : 2012-12-05 09:10 ID:lk2A0XEO [Del]

Okay, Vampires Suck was way better than the entire Twilight saga. I swear, I don't know how people get caught up in something so humiliating to the fantasy genre. At first, I just didn't like Twilight, but when I saw on the back of the book Eclipse "Move over Harry Potter", I was ready to destroy every piece of Twilight paraphernalia in the universe. There's no way that that vampire-embarrassing puddle of crap. I mean, seriously. Take out the love triangle and what do you have left?

11 Name: Layla : 2012-12-05 12:37 ID:J2tu4OGw [Del]

All vampires are turn in their coffins whenever someone just mentions Twilight *shudders in disgust*. Seriously it shames all the great monsters out there. Vampires are supposed to be cool, dark, deadly, frightening bloodsuckers. Not sparkling girly boys! It totally ruins the image of vampires. (I was shocked to find Edward *gag* listed as a famous vampire in a monster book I own. If it weren't for the other cool monsters in it I wouldn't have bought it.)

Oh and I swear a couple of years before the books/movies came out I read a manga with the same basic plot; where a hot vampire and good-looking werewolf are in a love triangle with a normal human girl. However I believe the story took place in a all monster school or something, and it turned out the girl was a monster herself... or something along those lines. (Too bad I can't even remember the name of the manga since I read it so long ago.) My point is the story isn't in no way original at all, it's just another pathetic high school drama but instead of gangs their monster tribes.

12 Name: Acid Scr3m : 2012-12-06 03:55 ID:RuFe2bep (Image: 620x456 jpg, 39 kb) [Del]

src/1354787711543.jpg: 620x456, 39 kb

13 Name: FaizAkmal : 2012-12-06 14:30 ID:+eu3jwv2 [Del]

lol i like the picture above me ^

14 Name: OlivierArmstrong : 2012-12-09 23:29 ID:y73Qmx6r (Image: 225x225 jpg, 6 kb) [Del]

src/1355117341436.jpg: 225x225, 6 kb

15 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2012-12-09 23:42 ID:SsqWbT1H [Del]

Fuck. Why bump this?

16 Name: HEYINOTICERANDOMTHINGS : 2012-12-11 00:05 ID:Rttfx+Qo [Del]

Hey, isnt it ironic that the person who started the thread is "love"


and hey it's over. Thank God.

17 Name: no one : 2012-12-11 11:26 ID:ZLXt9cxS (Image: 320x203 jpg, 13 kb) [Del]

src/1355246812506.jpg: 320x203, 13 kb

18 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2012-12-12 05:09 ID:WdZ1wPIm (Image: 460x934 jpg, 73 kb) [Del]

src/1355310546557.jpg: 460x934, 73 kb