Dollars BBS | Films

















1 Name: Anti-Sin : 2012-06-05 23:27 ID:KtAu47kC (Image: 480x709 jpg, 121 kb) [Del]

src/1338956871226.jpg: 480x709, 121 kb
This is the movie I'm going to see Dark Knight Rises. And you can't understand what Bane is saying with his cool mask. If I gonna see this movie; it'll be harsh and kick ass.

"Deshi (deshi) Basarah (basarah) (He rises)!" [Bane's Theme!

2 Name: Anti-Sin : 2012-06-06 11:08 ID:KtAu47kC [Del]

The fire will rise!

3 Name: Ryuzaaki123 : 2012-06-07 04:00 ID:WAx+iwCz [Del]

I'm so excited for this movie, and worried at the same time...

The Dark Knight is my favorite movie. I watched it around fifty times when I first found it, just looping it so it would play while I was asleep. I hope this is good....

4 Name: Anti-Sin : 2012-06-07 06:58 ID:KtAu47kC [Del]

Yeah, right? I have the Dark Knight movie with Joker on it, but I don't have Batman Begins and I will see this movie!

5 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-06-09 14:15 ID:6YQEU5nz [Del]

I heard that Robbin Williams is playing The Riddler! O_O I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: LEGION(Demons) : 2012-06-15 08:00 ID:KtAu47kC [Del]

Heh. "I'll will break you, Batman", "Then the "bruja" "!

8 Name: zombie-girl : 2012-06-17 18:18 ID:U2gPD723 [Del]

i heard that they were gonna have to joker in this one too. gonna use the joker from the dark knight movie.

9 Name: zombie-girl : 2012-06-17 18:18 ID:U2gPD723 [Del]

i heard that they were gonna have to joker in this one too. gonna use the joker from the dark knight movie.

10 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-17 18:58 ID:/8AGzLgq [Del]

Can't use the same 'Joker' from the Dark Knight. The guy is dead.

11 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-17 18:58 ID:/8AGzLgq [Del]

By dead, I mean the actor.

12 Name: LEGION(Demons) : 2012-06-18 18:22 ID:iXh2pnGe [Del]

You mean Heath Ledger? Yeah, I know, he's died in age 28 on January 22 2008. To bad for Joker in Arkham City passed away at the end before Harley Quinn's Revenge.

13 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-18 18:46 ID:/8AGzLgq [Del]

The guy who voices the Joker says he won't be doing it anymore. The one on the games and old cartoon series/cartoon movies.

14 Name: LEGION(Demons) : 2012-06-19 17:55 ID:iXh2pnGe [Del]

Oh, yeah. Mark Hamil from Star Wars. He's in his 60's. He should be retired. Get this: Mark to Ark, Hamil to Ham= Arkham.
Arkham Asylum and Arkham City.

15 Name: Ryuzaaki123 : 2012-06-20 04:26 ID:WAx+iwCz [Del]

>>14 I almost want to laugh... but not really...

Though I have to say I didn't notice that before, heh.

16 Name: Mayu : 2012-06-20 08:29 ID:In8fVw5a [Del]

>>14 you figured it out all by yourself there lol jk. I cant wait to see this my boyfriend wants to go see this movie.

17 Name: Xaiver !qnt3P1NBvU : 2012-06-20 11:44 ID:IjwJ20lH [Del]

>>14 Arkham was named after a sanitarium in the fictional city Arkham, Massachusetts. Which was featured in a number of H.P. Lovecraft stories something you should know a little something about since you claim to be half demon.

18 Name: LEGION(Demons) : 2012-06-20 22:31 ID:PzkXJO+i [Del]

What's the difference? Arkham Asylum I watch on YouTube was a little bit scary since last summer in 2010 or 11. And Arkham City? Awesome. For that: they have a new game in Arkham City called: Harley Quinn's Revenge. You can play as Robin and Batman to stop Harley from the funeral of Joker's death. She was a total bitch. And I mean a BIG ONE!

She a like a clown girl and turn herself into a widow for her and Joker's mourning. Fuck....

But the Dark Knight Rises comes in July 20th. I'll be fucked to head back to school for gradutation. I hate school!

Go on YouTube and type The Dark Knight Rises Bane's Chant. Music from Hans Zimmer--name of the song Deshi Basara means He rises which is Batman or Bane, not even Catwoman too. Or Ra's al Ghul which is better. Ra's al Ghul and Bane are my favorite characters.

19 Name: Reaper !UUx7pe6l6. : 2012-06-28 10:14 ID:3hKESteH (Image: 1000x1458 jpg, 284 kb) [Del]

src/1340896456307.jpg: 1000x1458, 284 kb

20 Name: Hatash : 2012-06-29 20:45 ID:zoW0/ITS [Del]

I can't wait for this movie.

21 Name: DEVILKID : 2012-07-01 09:02 ID:y/NY69BF [Del]

It comes on July 20th.

22 Name: DEVILKID : 2012-07-01 23:09 ID:y/NY69BF [Del]

Hey, Reaper. Where did you get that picture? I had that movie. My former dad has Batman Begins and my grandmother has two Dark Knight, but now I'm ready for this movie.

Begins: Begining of Batman the Dark Knight. Falls: Puts a Bat's smile on his face. And Rises: The End of Batman! (Deshi deshi, basara, basara!)

23 Post deleted by user.

24 Name: white0wolf : 2012-07-15 22:27 ID:LfmMmOC+ [Del]

Already have my ticket for the midnight showing. Cant wait!

25 Name: Sheik : 2012-07-15 22:28 ID:sh/GLq5a [Del]

Can't wait for this one, it'll be pretty cool.