Dollars BBS | Films
















Recommendation Thread (76)

1 Name: Vaelant : 2012-05-18 04:27 ID:DxR+/7Ff [Del]

I thought it would be a good idea to throw out a thread where we can recommend films, great and minor what we think others should watch for those nights when you want to watch something new. I'll start:
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil,
Starts off to look like a typical horror film with students in the woods, but that's the twist,the typical bad guys are actually very friendly and not exactly the sharpest tools in the box, and what they think is them doing the right thing becomes a world of problems for them.

2 Name: candy : 2012-05-19 07:05 ID:wjSChZZC [Del]

gundam chars counterattack old but great for anime lovers

3 Name: Blizzaga : 2012-05-20 17:32 ID:kXN3k2XD [Del]

Fright Night 2011 >:D me and my friends watched it and couldn't get any sleep that night (not from nightmares, we were talking about it the whole night) x3

4 Name: zombie-girl : 2012-05-22 12:39 ID:7vgSoVLm [Del]

i recently watched shark night. i enjoyed it, but that's because i love my shark movies. but if you enjoy shark movies, you should watch it.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-05-22 23:13 ID:GqMi6vv9 [Del]

>>4 Best thing you have ever said.

I think people should watch A Serbian Film.
Make sure it's uncut.

7 Name: Hibari ?!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-05-23 00:58 ID:U7Fh/h7T [Del]

Chronicle is a very good movie.

8 Name: Illusive Man : 2012-05-23 07:48 ID:zLeksxQ4 [Del]

Benny and Joon, johnny depp is in it, basicly its focus is on how people who dont really connect well in society can connect to each other. just google it. its a wonderful movie.

9 Name: Narcissy : 2012-05-23 09:33 ID:fxBoheN2 [Del]

The Grey is by far one of my favorite movies. Great idea (in my opinion), realistic (if one were put in that situation, though there is one thing Liam Neeson's character did that I don't think would work), and just all around great. The movie is about a group of oil riggers going on another job while Neeson's character is hired to protect them from wolves. Their plane crashes and they're stranded in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness. It turns out that they are very close to the den of a pack of Grey Wolves and begin their trek to try and survive the wolves and the environment. Not as interesting when written down but it's truly an amazing film.

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Jabberwocky : 2012-05-24 09:04 ID:Zf/iJAtw [Del]

Kinda depends on what you want to see: COMEDY/ZOMBIE - Zombieland; CONSPIRACY - Moon; SCI/FI - Blade Runner or Pan's Labyrinth; ANIME - Spirited Away; WAR - Apocalypse Now; CAMPY - Death Race 2000 or Evil Dead (1 or 2) ; Into the Wild isn't too bad if you like sad endings.

12 Name: Luxis : 2012-05-24 15:59 ID:IrAwcN9l [Del]

I love that film! It's AMAZING! So funny X'D

13 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-05-25 02:53 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

Here's one:

David Fincher's American adaptation of the first installment of the Swedish trilogy Millenium; The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

14 Name: Axel Faraday VIII : 2012-05-25 06:24 ID:zLeksxQ4 [Del]

>>12 what exactly was a "super 8" type film anyway? i know i know i can google it, but you saw the movie so i want to hear from you.

15 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-05-26 16:01 ID:/zTY1dhZ [Del]

>>14 Super 8 was about four kids who are filming a movie and get mixed up in some crazy shit. Their teacher sets an alien who hates humans (for good reason) loose and as the alien tries to rebuild its spaceship it terrorizes the town. It's called super 8 because that was the type of film the kids were using for the movie. It was a piece of crap movie.

16 Name: zombie-girl : 2012-05-26 16:13 ID:7vgSoVLm [Del]

another movie is zombie apocalypse 2012. that's if your into seeing zombie animals, even though there is only two zombie animals. it is another movie i enjoyed, but i know it's not for everyone. dead snow is another good zombie movie. it is a forigen film, but still a good one. dead snow did scare me. and i don't get scared easily anymore.

17 Name: Axel Faraday VIII : 2012-05-30 07:37 ID:zLeksxQ4 [Del]

>>15 oh i get it now, thanks for explaining. :D

18 Name: Steve : 2013-08-03 14:08 ID:xS85Jcy8 [Del]

Ok, so I'm basically looking for movies based in ancient China & Japan. By ancient I mean movies w/ Samurai, Martial Arts, drama, etc. It doesn't have to have all of these, it just has to be a good movie based in those times. Also, if you suggest a movie that's spoken in only Japanese or Chinese, please post a link to a site that has it in English subs.

19 Name: Steve : 2013-08-04 20:35 ID:xS85Jcy8 [Del]


20 Name: Neige !kVW5pmtHlM : 2013-08-05 03:51 ID:iTsW8WFz (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 214 kb) [Del]

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>>18 I'm a gonna recommend the 1961 Akira Kurosawa movie Yojimbo. It's what I immediately thought of when I saw your post. It's pretty much about this samurai who gets caught in the crossfire between two feuding families, and he pretty much manipulates and fucks with them both as they're both trying to get him to join their respective causes.

It's pretty old (in black and white really), and in Japanese. It's also one of my favourite movies, although to be fair, I haven't really seen that many samurai movies. Still, it is regarded as somewhat of a classic, though, and has inspired a few shitty remakes and a good, but somewhat shameless, western ripoff that just so happened to be called A Fistful of Dollars.

I can't be stuffed finding a link for you, but if you wanna watch it you'll do it yourself.

21 Name: Chreggome : 2013-08-05 03:55 ID:qFgi0TyB [Del]

>>6 I agree with this guy.
He seems very awesome and he probably knows a lot about movies and a little about baseball.
We should all watch A Serbian Film and give it an honest review.

22 Name: Steve : 2013-08-05 16:03 ID:xS85Jcy8 [Del]

>>20 Thx!

Anyone else have Martial art &/or samurai movie suggestions based on ancient china & japan?

23 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-08-06 09:57 ID:eizWANAy [Del]

>>22 Karate Kid, it's the deepest and most true martial arts movie I have seen to date. Also the message it carries is deep and lasting. Both versions are good; personally I like the version with Jaydon Smith in it though, his acting really shines through.

24 Name: Kumo : 2013-08-06 13:05 ID:A9VcNEmi [Del]

quick question...
Does anyone have movies/tv shows that are based around solving mysteries or crimes? like the sort that get you yourself thinking, trying to solve it?
For example, Ninth Gate, Sherlock (the Benedict Cumberbatch Tv Show), White Collar, etc.

25 Name: bang-bang : 2013-08-06 13:45 ID:5cA7vYna [Del]

>>24 I guess you know all the CSIs already and I wouldn't recommend them. A lesser known show that I liked a lot was Luther. It's a British series with only 6 eps per season and has Idris Elba in the lead.

A few movies I can think of that I like are The Usual Suspects, Seven, Lucky Number Slevin, uh, The Prestige, idk I should watch more movies too.

>>22 Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and House of Flying Daggers, both chinese. I don't have links because I download things.

26 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-08-06 13:53 ID:eizWANAy [Del]

>>24 Bones is a bit like that but it's fairly simple. In terms of movies, Momento has you going "What the fuuuuuuuck" until the very end. If you want a movie that keeps you guessing, that gets my highest recommendation.

27 Name: Kumo : 2013-08-06 15:16 ID:A9VcNEmi [Del]

>>25 Thanks! British shows never disappoint from the few I've watched xD Will certainly look into all of those!

>>26 Alright, thanks :D *adds movies to list*

28 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-08-17 02:20 ID:S3WFiqTl [Del]


29 Name: Butterfly : 2013-08-17 17:45 ID:us9psOzw [Del]

I really really like Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog. I can't say much without ruining some of the jokes or the plot. But it's short, only about 45 minutes if I remember correctly. And definitely one of my favorites. It's on Netflix in the US, but you can google it and find a stream easy enough [even legal ones, it's original purpose was as a streamed movie.]

30 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-03-16 07:57 ID:7lr+xH8a [Del]

Any of the movies I just bumped up (the 8 or so below)

If you haven't already seen them you should probably go watch them and if you have then you should probably watch them again

31 Name: MidnightWinter : 2014-03-16 23:30 ID:+zmkt7dT [Del]

>>24 try the Illusionist or Prestige. it's not really much of a crime and detection movie but it's worth watching, i like the plot twists in it

i personally like mind-fuck movies with crazy plot twists. the type of movie where you see the ending and wonder what on earth did you just watched.

can anyone suggest me something.

I've already watched inception, memento, Prestige, the others,the eternal sunshine of a spotless mind. black swan. ninth gate, secret window.

32 Name: Grimly !0clQOa6qhY : 2014-04-09 12:54 ID:zUlPbRQl [Del]

Have you seen A Beautiful Mind? It's got quite the plot twist and if you dive into it without looking it up you can definitely empathize with the main character's perception of reality and how he begins to question it. It's basically about John Nash, a Princeton student with a genius IQ studying the field of mathematics. The movie is shown through his point of view at first but then you begin to slowly question what's so true about it and you begin to pity him as he descends into madness essentially. The general idea is based on a true story but obviously Hollywood has adjusted some things to make it more engaging for the audience.

33 Name: bang-bang : 2014-04-09 13:21 ID:RaqNvQaP [Del]

>>31 Idk if you're still around, but you should look into Donnie Darko, K-PAX or The Butterfly Effect if you haven't seen them. Fight Club has one of those twist endings too.

34 Name: круассан\\\/ : 2014-04-11 11:48 ID:ULU0WN9a (Image: 960x575 jpg, 50 kb) [Del]

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Дом крокодилов;
Эдвард руки - ножницы;
фильмы Тима Бертона и Генри Селика

35 Name: KIK : 2014-04-28 20:40 ID:DwqXg9JH [Del]

Full Metal alchemist!!!!

36 Name: bang✫bang : 2014-05-26 12:08 ID:RaqNvQaP [Del]

Bump for recs.

37 Name: coen : 2014-05-26 12:28 ID:cEKs56yx [Del]

could someone recommend to me a good black comedy film. im into it right now.

38 Post deleted by user.

39 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-05-26 18:23 ID:ueG6uWSR [Del]

>>37 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Guns, girls, grifts and RDJ. It's gold.

40 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2015-01-09 06:51 ID:bz0S+Pzf [Del]

Could someone recommend me some good gangster movies?Preferably set in the '20s in America.I have a project related to that period of time at school and my teacher suggested we should watch some movies set in the '20s.

41 Name: aterazan : 2015-01-12 22:50 ID:Ug/puy7L [Del]

I recommend Nymphomaniac. It's not suitable for young audiences as it is about sex addiction. But it's a good movie to reflect upon. It has two volumes, by the way.

I also want to add Carrie. Try and watch all of the versions. I had fun pointing out tiny differences from each other.

Heathers, too. It's from the 80's and I would consider it as a dark version of Mean Girls. They have different stories, though. :)

42 Name: SpaceKnight : 2015-02-28 10:38 ID:4sSjFQNi [Del]

My recommendation has to be the Scott Pilgrim vs the World movie... I love that film.

Its got action... and comedy and everything. It's amazing.

43 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-28 11:31 ID:GzNzpPsg [Del]

>>42 This. Okay? You will not like the first 5-10 minutes of it, but that's because you don't GET IT yet, but as you continue watching you'll get used to the pace of the movie and the comedy will start to seep in. This movie is really, really ingenious, and will be an even more entertaining for old school gamers.
I love the "Scott got a Life" scene. This movie is really good at having a joke, within a joke, within a joke. So it's the first time in a long while when I've bought a movie, and don't mind watching it again and again.
LOVED this movie.

44 Name: Anon J : 2015-02-28 21:16 ID:joDqIfu1 [Del]

You kinda need to be specific on genre type, for i have a billion movies i could recommend,but they are all different genre's. And of course i could just pick a rlly good one and say it, but i don't feel that would be right.

45 Name: Anon J : 2015-02-28 21:21 ID:joDqIfu1 [Del]

Well, to contradict my old post:
I had recently watched a Movie by the name of 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower", going deeper into it, it was originally a old book, then as i recall, made again, then made as a movie.

Well to put it in short terms, it is about a troubled freshman in grade school, who meets new friends that bring him into a new social life, changing him forever, making leave his old ways.

Genre: Romance/High school movie.

Actors: Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, Ezra Miller

46 Name: YoloLord : 2015-03-01 02:42 ID:x9nqScez [Del]

>>45 ++ this movie

Big Fish by Tim Burton. The way that the lighting and sound was used in each story made it a really enjoyable film.

47 Name: Magnolia : 2015-03-01 04:02 ID:GzNzpPsg [Del]

>>44 Oh, sorry!

Genres: Fantasy, Comedy, Romance, Action

Actors: Michal Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kieran Culkin

48 Name: Akuma : 2015-03-06 02:57 ID:fLrkwS2W [Del]

My favorite movies is:

Harry Potter
The Lord of the Rings
Grease (cause i have it related to homestuck)
Howl's moving castle

49 Name: Baxter : 2015-06-05 22:00 ID:zXa+wjde [Del]

I'm looking for films with great stories such as The Grand Budapest Hotel and Dark Knight. Comedic sub-plots would be great

50 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-06-06 09:43 ID:5aKP/Qpp [Del]

>>49 there is no linking theme with those films - they're nothing alike.
I have no idea what you're asking for.

51 Name: Anifan : 2015-06-06 10:09 ID:j03EBK6x [Del]

Studio Ghibli movies like,
Spirited Away
Howls Moving Castle
My Neighbor Totoro

52 Name: Besu : 2015-06-12 11:46 ID:gZOlZsc8 [Del]

Anime Movies
Princess Mononoke
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Kiki's Delivery Service
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Castle in the Sky
Whisper of the Heart
Wolf Children

53 Name: merubiku : 2015-06-15 03:35 ID:cE7cXYiG [Del]


54 Name: Harapkeun : 2015-06-15 08:52 ID:t5JJax/8 [Del]

What I think of a good film is a film that does not only gives a story/stories, but experiences as well. Thus, I recommend:

The Shining, if you like things such as 'hidden facts'
The Godfather
The Godfather Part II
Citizen Kane
Pulp Fiction
Das Leben die Andern
Saving Private Ryan
Apocalypse Now

55 Name: John Smith : 2015-06-15 20:23 ID:VKiw25Rj [Del]

>>52 My favorite Studio Ghibli Movie is Howl's Moving Castle, and When Marnie Was There.

56 Name: John Smith : 2015-06-15 20:26 ID:VKiw25Rj [Del]

If you haven't watched Akira, then you should. The first time I tried watching it I couldn't finish, but the second time I really enjoyed it and it seems the more times I watch it the more I get into it.

57 Name: John Smith : 2015-06-15 20:31 ID:VKiw25Rj [Del]

The disappearance of haruhi suzumiya. I think its a fantastic movie, It might be long but I find they did a really good job. Though you haft to watch the series to understand it.
And Tokyo Godfathers is another great one, you should definitely watch it.

58 Name: NebularPoet : 2015-06-17 17:14 ID:FMqMjxjb [Del]

Labyrinth. Oh my goodness, that movie's so bizarre and just cringe-worthy that it's hysterical. If you're ever down or just want to watch something with a group of friends for the hell of it, watch Labyrinth.

59 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-17 17:21 ID:YebkCwqM [Del]

>cringe worthy
What the heck? That movie is great. David Bowie is a rock and roll super star.
Jim Henson was one of the best people to ever grace film.
But it is a great watch if you're feeling down!
Dance magic dance lol

60 Name: CeaseNDesist : 2015-06-19 22:48 ID:FtY82wpi [Del]

The Raid Redemption-awesome Indonesiaian movie. Fight scenes look realistic and are brutal.
Wolf Children-an amazing animated movie
District 13/Brick Mansion- District 13 is decent film from france and brick mansion is the american remake

61 Name: Comicstar : 2015-06-22 01:36 ID:4p4PDzNk [Del]

Captain Harlock

62 Name: Asako : 2015-06-22 08:53 ID:b0UMWXwd [Del]

i am legend, the main character is will smith and if that isnt a reason to watch, the movie is about zombies and he has a dog ☜(ˆ▿ˆc)

63 Name: Poppers : 2015-06-24 18:35 ID:Pi6unVM2 (Image: 854x517 jpg, 68 kb) [Del]

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1998 horror, Deep Rising: some pieces of light comedy here and there, but there's pretty decent gore throughout. Also, the monster is based on a real creature of the deep, though not exactly the same size.

64 Post deleted by user.

65 Name: kojjiiy : 2015-06-30 00:11 ID:7HmaRCw0 (Image: 320x240 jpg, 38 kb) [Del]

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Predestination. The movie can be very confusing at first, but the more I watched the more I got into it. I especially love the choice of cast.

Its apparently a film made in Australia, which I'm a bit surprised by but no matter.

66 Name: Matev : 2015-07-02 09:22 ID:+AJgQvEN [Del]

>>65 Dem plot twists, though

67 Name: Izumi : 2015-07-02 15:31 ID:TATKYmoQ [Del]

That movie was interesting and awesome!!!!

68 Name: Nekozawa : 2015-07-08 14:20 ID:rpAMumGM (Image: 214x317 jpg, 15 kb) [Del]

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Donnie Darko! I can hardly find anyone who has watched it which is heartbreaking since it's possibly my all time favorite and the most twisted, complicated and thought provoking films I've ever watched. It's about a troubled teenager who is plagued by visions of a large bunny rabbit that manipulates him to commit a series of crimes, after narrowly escaping a bizarre accident. It may sound odd but that's only scratching the surface. If you ever get the chance WATCH IT! I swear it'll mess with your head and confuse you thoroughly.

69 Name: jack knife : 2015-07-09 10:20 ID:KYvx/y1v [Del]

>>68 a truely great movie ,it is sad it din't receive the attention it should receive

70 Name: Igar : 2015-07-10 05:53 ID:auLRM8AC (Image: 400x300 jpg, 58 kb) [Del]

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Locke is definitely a movie worth catching if one likes not only suspense, but brilliant screenwriting and directing.
It takes place in a one place only setting, namely a car, and presents the story in a gripping way.
Ivan Locke is driving his car on the way to the hospital while making several life-changing phone calls to his closest people. During the whole movie, one can see the actor's wonderful talent of playing a normal, down-to-earth distressed human being at his circumstances but with the tenacity of staying upright and never throwing in the towel.
The directing is somewhat similar to the movie "Buried" (also a must watch) and unfortunately has been grossly underated by the public.
One would think that those who are true movie goers would not like to miss this film.

71 Name: B Rabbit : 2015-07-16 11:44 ID:hP8UIUlC (Image: 640x426 jpg, 55 kb) [Del]

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End of Watch is another Jake Gyllenhaal movie. Although all his movies are fantastic. This one is one of his best. So its about two police officers and everything they go through. Yet these police officers get into some trouble once they start uncovering things that the FBI already was investigating. So some gangsters chase after the police officers for getting involved in their affairs. Before all that happens it shows daily life of the two police officers. Its very eyeopening and enjoyable.

72 Post deleted by user.

73 Name: M80 : 2015-07-26 13:11 ID:W2hPvilk (Image: 214x317 jpg, 11 kb) [Del]

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On the topic of Mr. Jakey G., I'd highly recommend Enemy and Prisoners, both by the same director and both have Gyllenhaal.

Prisoners is the more accessible of the two and features amazing performances from JG and Hugh Jackman, and bonus Paul Dano because goddamn Paul Dano rocks

Enemy is good as well, but there is more going on and is overall more confusing than Prisoners. Has multiple interpretations, both literal and metaphorical, and takes multiple viewings to find the one you prefer. It is a divisive movie that you will either love or hate.

74 Name: ldlove3 : 2015-07-27 04:38 ID:XA3WVqlc [Del]

One movie I definetly recommend is Pearl Harbor. Amazing movie! However, it's a very long one too so make sure you have time on your hands. Lol! :)

75 Name: Salt : 2015-08-08 18:50 ID:3WJrc8Gi [Del]

Uh...can someone suggest a movie that is light, like the inspirational kind of thing?

76 Name: Ararararararaagi : 2015-08-09 13:28 ID:hmvq1HFg [Del]

I think the '95 film adaptation of Ghost in the Shell is definitely worth a watch if anyone hasn't.