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Satoshi Kon's genius! (4)

1 Name: Nodamechi : 2012-03-21 08:37 ID:WvBAR2Z2 (Image: 1600x1200 jpg, 293 kb) [Del]

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Do you guys like Satoshi Kon's movies? Such as Paprika and Millennium Actress?
Personally, I like his movies better than Hayao Miyazaki's, though I'm not criticizing his talent. Kon's movies tend to be a bit darker in content, closer to reality and less fairy tale like. I love how he manages to mess with people's heads from the very beginning with each of his works :)
My favourite was probably Millennium Actress, though I can't really make a proper choice. So what do you think? Let's share opinions :)

2 Name: Nyan : 2012-03-21 15:05 ID:9E+5FdDc [Del]

I only watched paprika but I thought it was really cool! The animation was just awesome, I loved the use of the many colors. I didn't understood the story the first time tough, but I watched it again and then I understood. I don't know if his movies are better than Hayo Miyazaki's... I just like them both but in another way I think. Anyway what movie of satoshi kon should I definitly watch next?
Ps: may he rest in peace

3 Name: Nodamechi !Vn4QpK37YM : 2012-03-21 16:20 ID:RL0VyHLL [Del]

I agree, paprika is quite hard to understand at first, it just kind of feels like a lot of information all at once, but watching it again makes it clear :)
It depends a lot on what genre you're looking for. Millennium Actress is kind of a modern fairy tale like story, about a once famous actress who is now telling her life to two journalists. It's very well done, the graphics are amazing, and the story is original.
Tokyo godfathers is the story of three homeless who find an abandoned baby during christmas day and decide to keep it for the day before bringing it to the police. The story gets more complicated, and even though it faces a few serious issues in japanese society, there is this merry atmosphere to it. I find it lovely <3!
And then there is Perfect Blue, which I personally find good but very strong in content, and quite critical of all the problems involved in the idol industry. It's the story of a famous singer who decides to become an actress and leave her previous career. Subsequently there are stalkers and weird events going on, which make her wonder what is reality and what is not. It can be a little bit disturbing until the very end..
Sorry for the long post, but I seriously love this director, and I agree, may he rest in peace :)

4 Name: bang-bang : 2012-04-26 11:51 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]
