Dollars BBS | Films
















What is the most screwed up movie of all time? (26)

1 Name: RazeBlader18 !epg3L99nxw : 2012-02-11 18:10 ID:QT9/0+rC (Image: 300x426 jpg, 32 kb) [Del]

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The most traumatizing film, in my opinion, is none other than "A Serbian Film." A movie about a porn star who is at the end of his rope with adult films when he is conivinced to do one more film and then later on gets drugged and he doesn't know what happened until he wakes up. He then sees the tapes of his experiences and that's where he loses it. Tell me what you think.

2 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2012-02-11 18:20 ID:BVQCjVzj [Del]

I thought it was an absolute great film. Really well made in all aspects like lighting, sets, characters, etc. Yes it is pretty fucked up at times, but it serves a purpose. Hell the director has even stated that the entire film is a giant metaphor for life in Serbia.

3 Name: RazeBlader18 !epg3L99nxw : 2012-02-11 18:24 ID:QT9/0+rC [Del]

Good point. I guess one one wanted to hear the truth since the film has been made illegial in over 20 countries. XD
Yes, it did show more purpose, but i guess people want more fiction. I mean, the countries still tolerate "human centipede" and i find that film disgusting.

4 Name: RazeBlader18 !epg3L99nxw : 2012-02-11 18:24 ID:QT9/0+rC [Del]

>>3 i meant "no one"

5 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-02-11 20:49 ID:a3U74RM9 [Del]

I thought splice was a fucked up movie.

6 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2012-02-12 12:45 ID:a8Wk57+8 [Del]


I loved "Splice." I hate most people who hate "Splice" because about 90% of them hate it because of the sex scene. A fucking two minute scene somehow ruins and entire movie. It's a stupid fucking reason.

By the way I am not saying you are one of these people Zombie-Girl, I just got caught up in a rant stemming from that movie.

The Last House On The Left (Original)- If you thought the remake was pretty fucked up then you need to check out the original, they do so many more fucked up things like pissing on the chick after raping her. (I may have the scene messed up a bit, its been close to 7 years since I watched it, but I know those things happen in it).

7 Name: Feral : 2012-02-12 16:12 ID:jAguyzns [Del]

I know that alot of you would diagree, but my most twisted movie is "Into the Mouth of Madness". It's more of a mind-fuck kind of traumatizing than a "tear people apart and laugh" kind of traumatizing. Made me wonder how much of our lives are influenced by the written words of another, that and the hotel lady keeping her dismembered husband under the floor boards behind the counter kind of put me off as well.

8 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2012-02-12 17:38 ID:a8Wk57+8 [Del]


Must look into that one

9 Name: Majin Merr !CTpMx8GjEY : 2012-02-12 18:54 ID:DNi62lqW [Del]

I would say Cannibal Holocaust.
It's an Italian film from 1980. It was banned in 50 countries, partially because they actually killed 7 animals for the film.
Most of it is shot as a recovered documentary film from a missing crew about indigenous tribes in the amazon. Which after recovery a tv station wants to air, but after the guy who recovered it watches it he refuses to allow them to air it due to the appalling acts of the crew.
This was the most disturbing film i've ever seen because of the realistic depictions of the rapes and deaths.

10 Name: zombie-girl : 2012-02-12 22:25 ID:a3U74RM9 [Del]

hey i wasn't saying tht i hated the movie. i liked it. but i thought it was fucked up when she turned genders.

11 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-13 00:01 ID:owpgT4Oj [Del]

i have yet to see any version of last house on the left, as i have heard it's a bit too fucked up to watch lightly, but one of the most messed up movies i have ever seen is the devil's rejects. just really messed up with every murder.

12 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2012-02-13 12:04 ID:a8Wk57+8 [Del]


Like I said, I didn't say you where one of those people. It was just a pent up rant that unleashed when you brought it up, you being the person who did is just bad timing/luck lol.

13 Name: Ienari : 2012-02-13 18:37 ID:b7QDqY2F [Del]

The most screwed up movies, I think, are any remakes of classic horror films that focus more on sex/nudity, not the actual scare of it. It's fine to have some nudity/sex in a appropriately rated film but not so much that it feels like you're watching some porno instead of the scary movie you came to see.

For example: Pirahna 3D. No sex, that I can remember(insert shudder), but so much nudity that it was actually awkward/uncomfortable being in a crowded movie theatre.

14 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-13 22:10 ID:l0EccdlN [Del]

Pretty sure you're implying there are a lot of remakes that add that in.

I can only remember a few that have ever went over-board with it. Most of the time they remake it EXACTLY, just with maybe a few additions, graphical upgrades and new actors.

15 Name: Ienari : 2012-02-13 23:01 ID:b7QDqY2F [Del]

>>14 Aah, sorry about that. I didn't mean to imply that there are a lot of them that do that. I should've clarified a little bit more. The last sentence of the first paragraph went along with what I said about pirahna so I really should have put it down there with it, dropping it the 'for example.' Sorry about that =/

16 Name: DaniV : 2012-02-14 02:18 ID:KIBqkMTv [Del]

A Clockwork Orange.....anyone?

17 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2012-02-14 09:55 ID:xTD5Ct9F [Del]


My favorite movie.

18 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-14 11:49 ID:l0mKzGSY [Del]

>>16 ooooh. that's pretty bad too. i think Devil's rejects was worse though.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-14 21:50 ID:d6jZQHO0 [Del]

I thought Splice was pretty messed up...but so was Incendies

20 Name: Hotei : 2012-02-15 04:04 ID:mUpTwjOr (Image: 181x279 jpg, 16 kb) [Del]

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>>1 You think A Serbian Film is bad? You've obviously never seen Cannibal Holocaust circa 1980! That movie will make you re-evaluate your view on how screwed up a movie can be!

21 Name: izaya : 2012-02-15 13:16 ID:6nZpTmeN [Del]

this is sick and nasty this should not be on here!!!

22 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-15 18:15 ID:j7wZ3E6b [Del]


Who are you?

God of 'The Dollars', perhaps? The one who can decide what is allowed and isn't allowrd, no matter if the 'admin' thinks it's okay?

If it shouldn't be on here, they would have permasaged it by now. Thus, I tend to think it's an okay topic.

"Sick" and "Nasty" are things that are purely opinion-based. What you may find sick, and have a hatred for, others may like.

This is the 'way' here, unless it breaks our general rules. This, in-fact, does not.

If you don't like it, don't view this topic. Skip over it.

23 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-15 19:34 ID:owpgT4Oj [Del]

>>21 in addition to what was said in >>22, the only way it wouldn't belong was if it was on the wrong board, it was a duplicate thread, or if it was general consensus that OP is a fag and that the topic is pointless.

24 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2012-02-15 23:31 ID:at48Xx2A [Del]


25 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-16 12:16 ID:aIcsYGDb [Del]

>>22 You also need to calm your tits

The amount of fucks given from >>22 to >>24 far exceeded the bare minimum, and I am disappointed about that.

26 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-16 15:48 ID:l0mKzGSY [Del]

>>25 god dammit suto, you of all people know that sometimes it is necessary to go in depth on some things.