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Legend of Zelda The movie (7)

1 Name: mr.tai : 2012-01-26 05:56 ID:k0D3sG+W [Del]

o.k i know what most of you are thinking. this sounds realy stupid. but me and my friends are working on a loz movie. we have realy good video camras (i know i spelled that wrong) one of my friends knows how to do computer grapics. and if things go as planed we will have it at a film festivle (spelled wrong) next year. so does anyone like this plan. (its a ocarina of time movie)

2 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-01-26 08:29 ID:l0mKzGSY [Del]

eh. seems like it could go either way. oh, and you should probably get permission from nintendo to use LoZ characters if you're going to send it to a legitimate film festival so you don't get sued.

3 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-01-26 09:34 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

There have been several Legend of Zelda movies made by fans for fans before. Most of which had to be taken down because of Nintendo's copywright.

The only Legend of Zelda film I can think of is "The Hero of Time" which wad free to download by anyone on their site. However, as you may have already guessed, it was taken down by Nintendo. But, if you google it, there are some sites where you can still download it. It has also been broken down into several parts and put on YouTube.

Another fan made Legend of Zelda film was "The Sage of Darkness". It was broken up into different parts and placed on YouTube. However, it still breached the copywright, so in order for it to still be on YouTube, the audio of one scene was edited out and replaced by subtitles.

In conclusion, if you only plan to have it shown at a film festival, then while I am disappointed that I may not be able to see it, I am gld that it won't interfere with copywright laws.

Perhaps you could follow suit of the makers of The Sage of Darkness and take out the audio of one scene for it to be allowed for public showing? I would like to be able to see it.

4 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2012-01-26 11:37 ID:0/e17zgx [Del]

You could just make it heavily influenced by LoZ and actually have your own story with your own characters that aren't copyrighted.

5 Name: The Doctor : 2012-01-26 14:59 ID:52nEeYog [Del]

Well, there was a trailer for a LOZ movie, was said to come out 4-1-09........APRIL FOOLS!
But it made the idea of a movie look somewhat decent.
It just takes a group of people dedicated to NOT FUCKING IT UP!!!

6 Name: Takara!RM9XKToVPw : 2012-01-27 04:20 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>5 I remember that movie! I waited for it to come out =w=
Then I realised it was an april fool's joke. We don't really do April Fools in Australia, you see.

7 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-01-27 04:21 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>6 Was me btw. I was testing out tripcodes and forgot to change it back to my usual one.