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TV documentary (8)

1 Name: Makube : 2011-12-01 04:20 ID:2acFQfth [Del]

Well im a HUGE TV documentary fan. I would prefer a good documentary over a so called : blockbuster

Films bout the earth, animals, the truth behind economy and ecological footprints... at the moment im specialy interestet in films about the lobbyism and how it secretly controls the world and politics.
I searched the internet for a while but coulndt get a hand on a good one.
does anyone have a suggestion for me ?
in english, german, or with german/english subtitles :D

if you have any other suggestions about tv documentary with other subjects i would be happy to hear about it!

2 Name: bang-bang : 2011-12-01 06:44 ID:EM3LrMQ8 [Del]

I have nothing in the field of politics.

But how do you feel about physics and the universe?

3 Name: Makube : 2011-12-01 07:23 ID:2acFQfth [Del]

hmmm sounds interesting. would be nice too ! so, whats your suggestion? :D

4 Name: bang-bang : 2011-12-01 14:15 ID:EM3LrMQ8 [Del]

Through the Wormhole, a series that ran on Discovery Science/The Science Channel and is narrated by the one and only Morgan Freeman. It explores some of the questions that have always puzzled humanity, things relating to the beginning of the universe, whether or not there is a creator, if time travel is actually possible and other cool stuff.

I guess that since you're a fan of documentaries you might already know it, but it's one of my favorites so I can't not recommend it.

5 Name: Makube : 2011-12-02 04:43 ID:2acFQfth [Del]
<<< thats what you meant right?
i saw that once ! it was awesome. imaging thinks like that actualy are happening and existing is so AWESOME. When i was a child i would never have thought there were this kind of phenomenons.

the last documentary i was looking:

its a 4 hours long film about money, stock market and exchange, how insurance invented and how the socialsystem (like in japan, germany etc) were invented.
its not only a good docu, i think its kind of important to know these things in a world where money rules everything.

it also shows how money rules the politics too.
very interesting, a must look !

6 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-12-02 11:10 ID:E4Ajsky0 [Del]

Should check out "What the bleep do we know?", it's an interesting take on parallel dimensions and string theory perception.

I used to know an interesting economical documentary, but for the life of me can't think of its name right now...

Also, you've probably seen this - But "Supersize me!" is a documentary/film that watches the effects of fast-food consumption regularly.

7 Name: Makube : 2011-12-02 12:41 ID:2acFQfth [Del]

i will try that out. thanks :D
only saw one docu about the string theory. it was kind of hard to understand. but still interesting.

and yeah, i know supersize me. its veeery popular :o

8 Name: NutWin : 2012-02-20 09:34 ID:NPSUTIbc (Image: 1081x1269 jpg, 81 kb) [Del]

src/1329752063755.jpg: 1081x1269, 81 kb
If you haven't checked out HOME yet you should see it. Awesome documentary.