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How To Train Your Dragon (34)

1 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2011-11-28 23:09 ID:XL+3qMmu (Image: 1195x669 jpg, 70 kb) [Del]

src/1322543349985.jpg: 1195x669, 70 kb
I am so shocked there isn't already a thread for this...

Okay, so HTTYD is an animated film loosely based on a set of 9 children books sharing the same name and characters (though the designs are different. Such as Toothless being a large black dragon in the movies vs. being a tiny pet green dragon without any teeth at all.)

The story is about a young viking named Hiccup the Horrendous Haddock III, who befriends a dragon he was supposed to kill; however being the weak, scrawny boy he is, nobody believes him when he tells them he shot the Nightfury, a dragon shrouded in mystery. He uses his newfound knowledge on dragons to climb the ranks in dragon training classes, and thus the social ladder on the isle; but when he's thrown into a pit and is expected to kill a dragon, things take an unexpected turn as his father interrupts his show of kindness toward the dragon; and Toothless ends up strapped to a viking ship to lead them to the dragon's nest.

I think that's good enough. There are also the short films; Gifts of the Nightfury, The Book of Dragons, and The legend of the Boneknapper Dragon.
And set for release in the end of 2012 is the TV Series of How to Train Your Dragon on Cartoon Network; and the sequel that is presumed to be based off the second of the book series, How to be a Pirate; in 2013.

I personally can't wait for these new releases, as the shorts they released were amazing, and the movie itself was awesome.

So i ask you,
1. What was your favorite part of the movie/shorts?
2. Are you looking forward to the new movie/series?
3. And what was your favorite dragon (this can include dragons from the books as well for those who've read it)?

2 Name: N/tuitt/O!VAXwf1eFAU : 2011-11-28 23:15 ID:bdOIweMZ [Del]

its a brilliant film it was phenomenal

3 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2011-11-28 23:16 ID:XL+3qMmu [Del]

To answer my own questions;
1. I liked all of the shorts, and the movie; but what really stood out to me were the designs and fluid animation, though I suppose that's expected of Dreamworks. Though my favorite part of the movie was the fight at the end, and the scenes of Hiccup and Toothless sneaking around during dragon training.
2. Duh lol
3. I liked the Monstrous Nightmare, Skrill, Timberjack, Snaptrapper, Deadly Nadder, Boneknapper and the Nightfury, in that order, I think. I liked all of them though (and named most of them lol)

4 Name: Headphone_Silence : 2011-11-30 20:57 ID:nMQkPaDU [Del]

I know all the lines to this movie. It's my favorite of Dreamworks.

5 Name: Reisa : 2011-12-02 22:26 ID:RliqZj4Y [Del]

So funny! I just hate how they changed a bunch of stuff from the books but whatever the movie was great! Can't wait for others. Toothless was adorable.

6 Name: Syfka : 2011-12-03 03:02 ID:GdMDEPSR [Del]

the ending was kind of sad though

7 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2011-12-03 18:17 ID:XL+3qMmu [Del]

>>6 Yeah but I think that made the movie better, overall. It gave a more realistic sense to the story, and made the happy ending more enjoyable since death was actually an option.

I liked it better than your generic happy ending where nobody gets hurt, ever.

8 Name: Tias : 2011-12-04 15:32 ID:8eiSJ0oq [Del]

I'm playing the theme for how to train your dragon in band class at school!

9 Name: kuroji_shizue : 2012-02-04 23:36 ID:/P1ljz0E [Del]

was infatuated with vikings for two months. ^^

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-02-05 17:46 ID:a3U74RM9 [Del]

I've read the book and have seen the movie. Loved it.

12 Name: Loliprincess : 2012-02-05 17:51 ID:pIE+kdwh [Del]

1. Favorite part of the movie was pretty much every scene with Hiccup and Toothless.
2. I just hope the sequel is as good as the original or at least decent enough to watch.
3. My favorite dragon would more than likely be Nightfury(just so cute).

13 Name: R3d : 2012-02-07 10:03 ID:Qy1T+zi2 [Del]

This is one of my all time favorite movies! I'm kind of depressed though to see that they're going to make a sequel and TV series... I hope that they don't ruin the characters.

14 Name: ~Kitkat~!3i/bjGwZBc : 2014-05-31 09:05 ID:bFAVHBTx [Del]

Can't wait for 2 to come out >w<

15 Name: Cielo : 2014-06-17 18:04 ID:sAd0C+4z [Del]

I'm going to go watch it tomorrow! I can't wait!

16 Name: Icegirl : 2014-06-20 05:36 ID:kfnMYUsW [Del]

I just love the how to train your dragon series! Cant wait for a third one! :)

17 Name: GHOST : 2014-06-22 08:14 ID:NcHQy4Yk [Del]

seen the HTTYD2 :3 awesome movie i think there's a part 3 of HTTYD coz as u know in the movie (HTTYD2) Hiccup and Toothless were adventuring seeking another Night Furry as Hiccup sated "Dont worry bud we'll find them" ....i havent seen all the other series of the HTTYD coz of some reason xDD i didnt know there were a series, i dont have much time coz i am watching anime and at the same time a gamer xDD and a student too

18 Name: Mei : 2014-07-04 15:08 ID:kfH1KgHH [Del]

I've seen the movies they are awesome!! :D

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20 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-07-11 00:13 ID:tq520ftL [Del]

I pretty much dragged my whole family to see this today. I'd like to think they loved it as much as I did.

Needless to say, it was awesome. I might watch more of the series soon.

21 Post deleted by user.

22 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-07-13 11:26 ID:tq520ftL [Del]

Can't link coz on my phone, but this short is perfect.

I am fast falling in love with this franchise.

23 Name: Matt1115 : 2014-07-19 19:36 ID:ZE5R6JV3 [Del]

The second one was so good, better than i expected all the way till that last line, you guys know i what i talking about lol.

24 Name: Phantom : 2014-07-19 23:14 ID:YoijqZx0 [Del]

Ill simply say this...Finale of HTTYD2...


yeh....who woulda thought toothless had a badass mode o.o;

25 Name: hachikuji : 2014-07-21 17:16 ID:yex77jRY [Del]

I'm a bit confused about the second movie's ending. I know Toothless can fire that lazer stuff in the 1st movie, but what made him also glow blue after he thawed Hiccup?

26 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-22 01:19 ID:hkZAbiHp [Del]


27 Name: Zaendle : 2014-07-25 04:38 ID:CRtTVT6y [Del]

I love this movie. Sad that Stoick died though :(

28 Name: Setton : 2014-08-01 01:03 ID:DVDB6y6c [Del]

I can quote almost the entirety of the first movie. I have a bit too much time on my hands.

29 Name: Riceball Melody : 2014-11-04 23:21 ID:lQDcJMgH [Del]

i just have to say, this movie's music is absolutely wonderful. the story and animation are fantastic as well, but the music is something i will take away from it for a long time. (i recommend "this is berk" and "romantic flight" from the OST, especially.)

30 Name: Joppix : 2014-11-05 00:35 ID:1DfYjRth [Del]

I quote every post!

A curios thing...
In my country "How to train your dragon" as been changed in (always in English :|) "Dragon trainer"...

31 Name: Urrumi : 2014-11-10 15:05 ID:59D/Tz/+ [Del]


32 Name: Izaya O. : 2014-11-15 15:07 ID:P3owg7M0 [Del]


33 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-16 00:19 ID:FyBR2iO+ [Del]

Erm, isn't How to train your dragon being overrated?

34 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2014-11-17 03:30 ID:BxoZd1jW [Del]

>>33 No. That is all.