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Matrix (15)

1 Name: HaiHai : 2011-11-12 18:51 ID:cCgypIfi [Del]

Did anyone watch this for the first time and understand it?! Maybe it's just me, but when I first watched these movies, they barely made any sense to me. Every time I watch it over, I get more of it, but I've seen it a lot of times and still don't completly understand it. Anybody completly understand it?

2 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-14 09:20 ID:l0mKzGSY [Del]

the first couple times that i watched it i was younger, so it was pretty hard for me to get the story entirely, but i think i'm at about 80-90% there, maybe not right now not right away but im pretty sure i can re-watch them and get more. what i remember off hand is that the movie itself sort of stems from the whole "brain in the vat" argument, which basically states that if we were actually just brains put into fluids that would be sufficient enough to keep us alive, electrical signals could be sent to our brain and we could actually be dreaming up a"reality" that we would not know is false. The machines in the matrix put our bodies into a sort of dream state that is entirely controled by them using a sort of code that they themselves operate on, so it's like they have a server, known as the Matrix, that every human is connected to in order to keep their minds busy while they use the thermal power of our bodies in order to power themselves up. any program can be altered or hacked though, so they keep programs within the Matrix in order to ensure that their rules are still applied. not all humans are born into the matrix, so the "true" humans try to fight to get people out of the matrix by hacking into it and trying to save people from it, but the person themselves have to voluntarily realize that their reality is false, otherwise they still cling to it, and they are pretty much useless. i dunno what you understood prior to this post, and i am sorry if you already understood most of this, if you have a specific question, i can try to re-watch them and answer back to you. Hope this helped.

3 Name: HaiHai : 2011-11-15 20:37 ID:cCgypIfi [Del]

Sheesh, you got a lot more than me, thanks. I actually wondered how all the minds connected, so thanks. But what made only certain people break away? Were they the only ones who wanted to break away from the unreal reality?

4 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-15 22:08 ID:owpgT4Oj [Del]

as i said, the machines did not get all of the humans, there were humans that were born outside of the matrix, and those people,as stated by Morpheus "freed the first of them". Morpheus also sort of answers the question as to who can break free of the matrix when he tells neo that he knows that neo feels that there is something wrong with the way that the world is. it's the feeling that your reality isnt real, and the desire to sort of break from that false reality that enables people to leave the matrix. however, when they re-enter the matrix their mind still clings to the rules of reality, their mind is so convinced that it is real, even if they are aware that the reality is false, that even when they die in the matrix, their brains interpret their "death" to be true and totally shut down. the thing that u have a sort of trouble grasping is whether or not it is Neo's ability to seperate his mind from the false reality or his ability to read and alter the coding of the matrix, or maybe both, that give him the powers of "The One" and alter the matrix the way that he wants.

5 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-15 22:13 ID:owpgT4Oj [Del]

i'm sorry, i meant the only thing that I have trouble grasping, not you.

6 Name: The Doctor : 2011-11-16 08:08 ID:52nEeYog [Del]

Oh, this reminds me, I have to go pick up my new droid smart phone, my Ipad, listen to my Ipod and pick up the robotic love doll from Japan with built in AI Technology.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-16 11:53 ID:52nEeYog [Del]


8 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-16 14:24 ID:l0mKzGSY [Del]

>>6 i'd lol if the AI was advanced enough to dump the user. not you in particular, but just anybody, cuz then they would be like "i was dumped by my love doll....."

9 Name: HaiHai : 2011-11-18 20:30 ID:cCgypIfi [Del]

>>4 thanks, I was always wondering about this movie, so thanks for taking the time to anwser my questions.

10 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-19 22:34 ID:owpgT4Oj [Del]

>>9 no prob. like i said, if you have a more specific question later on, i can re-watch them and try to give you an answer

11 Name: Sakazaki : 2011-11-21 07:33 ID:LVvqPUiE [Del]

Always will be the movie that made History.

12 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-21 08:46 ID:l0mKzGSY [Del]

>>11 true enough. too many parodies not to have been considered influential

13 Name: lonewolf1 : 2011-12-05 01:46 ID:d2s1Z/PX [Del]

i under stand it

14 Name: Pandora : 2011-12-07 08:21 ID:BSeLKEYf [Del]

Most epic movie sci-fi movie to exist on the face of the planet!!

15 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-12-07 08:52 ID:l0mKzGSY [Del]

>>13 i got him covered on the understanding, lol