Dollars BBS | Films
















Scary Movies (8)

1 Name: Kaori !.LunmCeUzs : 2011-08-25 12:47 ID:PvE1Xvar [Del]

Okay guys, this board is filled with poop and live action crap. Let's get back to the regular people gist of things. Things such as MOVIES! 8D I want to know -yes i really do- what your most favoritist scary movie evur, was! Or wut the scariestest movie you've ever seen wus. OHEY WUT? yes that's rite. YUP. it doesn't just HAVE to be a movie. It can be a tv show, or -there's only lyke one though- scariest yt vid.

So has anyone seen Paranormal Activity? I think that wus just the weirdness and quietness of it that wus just creepy. Scariest Tv Show? idk, nevur actually bothered. Youtube vids? Most lykely Marble Hornets. Nao it's your turn :D tell meeeeee

2 Name: Blue !/sDD8ChYP6 : 2011-08-25 13:04 ID:gwngVmxG [Del]

Scariest film I've ever seen is probably The Grudge (2002). Granted, I was but a young and inexperienced tween at the time, but it scared the everliving crap out of me. I still haven't rewatched it since. Mostly because I fear I'll find that it wasn't that scary after all.

3 Name: Yubel : 2011-08-25 19:44 ID:3UXLj7dr [Del]

I love the The Grudge though when I was little I whatched The Ring and that scared me really bad even today I can't look at a fuzzy screen but I whatch The Ring all the time now and yeah I've seen both Paronormal Avtivity and the sequal and really I didn't like it at all never really scared me Oh and Insidious was pretty good too

4 Name: Leon : 2011-08-26 03:33 ID:whihxKlC [Del]

Ju-On SCARED THE LIVING THE CRAP OUT OF ME! I used to be scared of American movies until I watched Ju-On! Its definitely not a watch alone!

5 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-08-27 02:19 ID:PvE1Xvar [Del]

lolololololololol. <---ugly trollololol. Anyways, i just remembered the Uzumaki thing... o~o"

6 Name: Blue !/sDD8ChYP6 : 2011-08-27 05:06 ID:gwngVmxG [Del]

>>4 Yeah, I dunno what it is, but American horror just doesn't scare me. Maybe it's the lack of stringy haired ghost girls. Or maybe it's just that I've seen too many of them and most of them are actually pretty awful and predictable films in general. As for Asian horror I've only seen a select few, and most of them have been the critically acclaimed kind so of course I've preferred them. Also, stringy haired ghost girls.

>>5 I read Uzumaki, but while I found it disturbing I can't say I found it scary. It's definitely a good read though. I have the film downloaded, but I haven't had time to watch it yet. Has anyone here seen it? Is it any good?

7 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-08-27 12:14 ID:PvE1Xvar [Del]

meh, the film sucked btw, it was uber cheesey and fake. But i spose you'd haf to say it was pretty good for a low budget film by....a not very good producing company and etc. etc. >_> It cut out practically every chapte except for the beginning, the boy snails, the jack in the box, and the last chapter. So it was overall NOT good, content wise.

Also, what's scarier? monsters or ghosts?

8 Name: Miria : 2011-09-16 21:55 ID:EipFeQf9 [Del]

Both, actually. It depends on the person who creates them.