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Ouran High School Host Club Asian Drama (29)

1 Name: Kitty6773 : 2011-08-22 20:45 ID:Tc4wenye (Image: 624x596 png, 809 kb) [Del]

src/1314063911656.png: 624x596, 809 kb
I was so happy to see this!!! Its airing already this year, and already past episode 5

2 Name: Kaori !.LunmCeUzs : 2011-08-22 20:47 ID:PvE1Xvar [Del]

OH MY GAWSH. this is just plain creepy noffenso. also, i think theres a thread on this already, either in Anime board or somewhere here. Click 'View All Threads' it should be under somethin lyke 'Live Action Movies' or something >_> but yeah, that's just creepy still =^=

3 Name: Kitty6773 : 2011-08-22 20:57 ID:Tc4wenye [Del]

lol, its good so far but they could have picked better characters (face wise)

4 Name: Misaki : 2011-08-23 09:02 ID:tuCDN2Us [Del]

Oh god, it's so stupid XD
I freaking love it

5 Name: bang-bang : 2011-08-23 16:39 ID:GLDFS2ra [Del]

This thread is about Ouran specifically so it's ok I think.

So, when I first saw the pictures I was like "This can't possibly be good", but then for some reason went and checked it out and enjoyed it and I regret nothing. It has all the sparkle and ridiculousness that made Ouran great in its other incarnations, only now it's with real life hot asian guys. What's there not to like? Though for outsiders it would look like complete nonsense I guess.


6 Name: Kitty6773 : 2011-08-23 23:51 ID:Tc4wenye [Del]

lolz to that bang-bang

7 Name: Blackmoontiger : 2011-08-25 01:21 ID:g8D4Rvo3 [Del]

my sister thinks they have gone to far with this. especially since she thinks if the character is blond, they should stay blond even in the drama.

8 Name: Koko : 2011-08-25 02:26 ID:Crbscbi/ [Del]

I lol'd so hard when I saw this, but I am so, so tempted to look at it XD

9 Name: Kaori !.LunmCeUzs : 2011-08-25 12:29 ID:PvE1Xvar [Del]

after i read >>7 :

omgawsh. tamaki and honey @_@ so....disturbing

I never really even realized that. Silly asians =w=~

10 Name: LOVELESS : 2011-08-26 07:44 ID:rDnCzZ7O [Del]

HOLY COW THEY MADE A DRAMA!!!!!????? well i didn't see that coming

11 Name: ?FR0ZenF1r3? : 2011-08-26 20:03 ID:sBMlyjF3 [Del]

>>10 Dude I didn't see the live action part in all this. 0.0"

12 Name: 慧子 : 2011-08-28 21:47 ID:nGOebNLQ [Del]

I managed to take a look of it from my sister's laptop and found out that Hani is now taller than Haruhi. O_o

13 Name: Incognito : 2011-08-29 00:26 ID:RkWUwO/w [Del]

...the sparkles...

14 Name: DarkHammer : 2011-08-29 03:24 ID:oXyJYUEu [Del]

Where was I when I was here!?

15 Name: bang-bang : 2011-08-29 06:34 ID:GLDFS2ra [Del]

>>14 You were here when you were here.

16 Name: Fenrir : 2012-01-20 05:46 ID:/MLOzoBW [Del]

first, i think like that too, especially about Tamaki cast.
but after i watch the drama, it was pretty funny.
Tamaki's cast was brilliant in act like Tamaki :D
one thing i didn't like in this drama is every time when Honey jump to hug Haruhi. It use special effect to make him look shorter, and it looks scary.. ~_~

17 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-01-20 05:49 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

Why was it necessary to put "Asian Drama" in the thread title?

18 Name: Yamie : 2012-01-20 11:24 ID:8rUv2DpY [Del]

I watched the first few episodes and quit.... I like the anime and manga better. It's funny though.

19 Name: Master-sama : 2012-01-21 23:11 ID:N1W1fRU6 [Del]

They made the anime into a drama!!!????!!!????!?o_O

20 Name: sakurashino : 2012-01-23 15:33 ID:UucN94pO [Del]

>>19 lol

21 Name: kuroji_shizue : 2012-02-04 23:32 ID:/P1ljz0E [Del]


22 Name: Anlora : 2013-01-18 14:28 ID:/b1IC4bd [Del]

A movie was released last year too. Does anyone happen to know where to watch it, I'm searching but still no luck.

23 Name: happyaoi : 2013-01-24 13:18 ID:i8qdSFNf [Del]


24 Name: Gamerboy : 2013-01-25 00:01 ID:C2+hSivF [Del]

I am the only one that thinks a girl pretending to be a guy and all the other guys know this, but none of the girls do, is totally WRONG! p.s. sorry if i am over doing this.

25 Name: ShizukaShiroNeko : 2013-01-27 00:39 ID:xmIoRxJz [Del]

What?!?! They made a asian drama?! The anime was first right?

26 Name: Karasu~ : 2013-01-28 10:59 ID:LWjvbLbd [Del]

This is actually one of my favorite Dramas I saw a while ago. I'm so happy they made it into a Live action (though I would like to see the movie). Of course not everything was perfect. I always saw in some comments about how "Oh Tamaki's hair needs to be lighter" or "Why is Hunny tall? Isn't he supposed to be short?" I think they did a good job. Everyone in the cast was brilliant, especially the actor for Tamaki.

27 Name: Taidana Neko : 2013-01-30 04:09 ID:oqC9NPHO [Del]

The coser is so bad =]]

28 Name: cookie heiwajima : 2013-01-30 21:27 ID:UiMqMDL0 [Del]

GOOOOD drama ^^ and most of the guys are cute ^^ lol

29 Name: Shiro : 2013-02-02 15:23 ID:dSww41yn [Del]

I saw the anime, and its good. But that! I must hide it from my friend. She will kill to see it