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Spanish Translation Please (8)

1 Name: Soma : 2011-08-01 23:00 ID:ecVdlwcC [Del]

From what I gathered it's a novelea about cosplaying or something. It's pretty funny but I really have no clue what's being said.


2 Name: Thanatos : 2011-08-02 01:21 ID:nsbKUL6N [Del]


Is a mexican series. In each episode there is a miracle perfomed by the Rosa of Guadalupe. Apparently, the plot of this is a girl who live in her dream world of being a magical princess
...and then, out of nowhere, she is raped.
That's the basic of it.

3 Name: Blahsome : 2011-08-02 09:29 ID:V7jvDgsu [Del]

The Rose de Guadalupe is never funny...

4 Name: Madigan : 2011-08-02 12:58 ID:2Ovz32rv [Del]

Its a Mexican TV Drama, my mom watches it all the time. Pretty much in every episode is a new story(not with the same people). Some are sad, some are terrible, some are funny(and serious), some are weird and some shows what can happen in everyday life. A miracle is shown in every episode.
In this one on the link you shared it is about a girl who lives in a fantasy world and likes to cosplay. Some girl comes along and calls her a freak and said she will save the world from cosplayers. Her mother tells her to stop with cosplay. Then you can easily guess at the end she is about to get raped.
I dont know how it ends because I dont watch it but that should help.

5 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-08-02 22:35 ID:rnr5SOUZ [Del]

>and then, out of nowhere, she is raped.

Was the cosplay part even necessary?

6 Name: Soma : 2011-08-03 00:41 ID:l4Y5D5V0 [Del]

I am more confused than I was before getting an explanation

7 Name: マシンガン : 2011-08-03 02:09 ID:OSX/ieDE [Del]

>>6 Agree... o__o

I'm going to send it to all my Spanish speaking friends and ask them to interpret it for me. xD

8 Name: Madigan : 2011-08-07 21:42 ID:yWfSEB9n [Del]

I watched the full episode a day ago.
She cosplays with her friend (when he didn't wanted to cosplay with her in the first place but does it anyway). They get picked on just because they are cosplaying and the principal suspends her (and the bullies that was picking on her).
Her mother doesn't want her to cosplay then soon wants to understand about anime, manga, and her daughter. One day after school she gets cornered by one of the people that was bullying her and wants to rape her but she was saved by her cousin. The other kids give them death threats. Her mother demands the principle not to let anything like that happen again and have other students discriminate against her and others that are different(the funny thing is her mother went to the school in cosplay). The principle agrees and everyone ends up being friends.

Thats pretty much it.