Dollars BBS | Films
















A Clockwork Orange (26)

1 Name: DaniV : 2011-08-01 19:30 ID:KIBqkMTv (Image: 266x378 jpg, 14 kb) [Del]

src/1312245026717.jpg: 266x378, 14 kb
I've seen a little talk about the book and now here is the movie which is one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen
Sooo, any droogies in tha dollars :)?

2 Name: Sameji : 2011-08-02 17:15 ID:9/zwLfRY [Del]

I dunno about being a droogie, but I love this effing movie

3 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2011-08-03 05:06 ID:ibqjGvAL [Del]

This movie was fucking crazy, and that's why I liked it :)

4 Name: Xissx : 2012-01-11 22:10 ID:N7BE3Xyj [Del]

Haven't seen it yet but I want to. I'm hoping it will blow my mind.

5 Name: DaniV : 2012-01-12 00:16 ID:KIBqkMTv [Del]

>>4 it wont blow your mind with a plot twist, it will just really make ur mind explode from thinking about the main character and his situation, it WILL FUCK with your moral compass.

6 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2012-01-12 09:38 ID:TV2KQl/Q [Del]

I know its cliche to say this but the book is sooooo much better and a lot more fucked up than the movie. If you do read it, make sure to get the version with 21 chapters.

Also both the book and movie are in my top faves for their corresponding lists.

7 Name: A : 2012-01-12 12:31 ID:hh9A2hzy [Del]

This was condemned for 10 years and then re-released wasn't it?

8 Name: DaniV : 2012-01-12 14:58 ID:KIBqkMTv [Del]

>>6 I agree >>7 yeah it had some of that in the U.S. and U.K. especially

9 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2012-01-12 17:25 ID:TV2KQl/Q [Del]

As far as I know it was never banned in the US. In the UK it was banned for at least a decade, if I recall correctly it was unbanned right around the time Kubrick died.

Interesting fact, when A Clockwork Orange came out to theaters originally it was one of the few movies to have a "Rated X" rating (pretty much equivalent to an NC-17 rating these days) however by the time it came to video the rating system had been altered and got bumped down to the "R" rating it currently holds.

10 Name: DaniV : 2012-01-12 21:27 ID:KIBqkMTv [Del]

>>9 actually i think the U.S. version had to be censored thus removing a total of a full minute of nudity but im not sure if it was for theaters or vhs or something

11 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-01-12 23:24 ID:a3U74RM9 [Del]

I found this movie really fucked up n weird.

12 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2012-01-13 10:41 ID:TV2KQl/Q [Del]


Ok since it had been....damn almost 6 years now since I last did research on the movie and book I decided to re-look up some stuff. It was never banned in the US, however you where correct in them editing out some footage. They took out 30 seconds of sexually explicit footage and got it bumped down to an "R" rating for the VHS. Having said that the DVD version of the film is actually the original "X" rated theatrical version (this is most likely where I mixed up my thinking).

Interesting to note though that the movie was not actually banned in the UK and that Kubrick himself withdrew it from the market after some copycat crimes and death threats had been committed.

13 Name: DaniV : 2012-01-13 13:54 ID:KIBqkMTv [Del]

>>11 lol it is supposed to be >>12 Bingo, there you go, there is the accurate details, thanks for researching.

14 Name: Dimothy : 2012-02-26 00:07 ID:IBbIEdm+ [Del]

I BE A DROOGIE oh my god, I love that movie/book so much that my nickname is Dimmy cause I wubz dim and georgie

15 Name: DaniV : 2012-02-26 17:47 ID:KIBqkMTv [Del]

>>14 I liked em too...until what they did to Alex, after that I was like "FUCK THEM!"

16 Name: michi : 2012-02-27 01:03 ID:hcPsrt+T [Del]

My friend just suggested this movie to me after watching Full Metal Jacket. I'm really excited to watch it!

17 Name: DaniV : 2012-02-27 01:56 ID:KIBqkMTv [Del]

>>16 ive yet to watch Full Metal Jacket, ive seen a few scenes and I loved them all, i just gotta find time to watch it

18 Name: bang-bang : 2012-04-26 11:51 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]


19 Name: Namine : 2012-04-26 16:31 ID:a6SleYni [Del]

Get ready for the old ultra-violence while singing in the rain.

20 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-04-26 19:38 ID:6AAOEcZp [Del]

The movie was great for the simple fact that Kubrick is one of my very favorite of people. However, I felt like the movie lacked the depth found in the book.

21 Name: Namine : 2012-04-26 21:05 ID:a6SleYni [Del]

I still have yet to read the book. Kubrick is really amazing. I did also enjoy 'The Shining'.

"Here's JOHNNY!"

22 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-03-16 07:56 ID:7lr+xH8a [Del]

This board has felt very dry lately so here's some brilliant movies bump

23 Name: Colorless Energy (New Comp) !O1jzujos12 : 2014-03-16 15:28 ID:YC9Up6LP (Image: 600x450 jpg, 56 kb) [Del]

src/1395001739086.jpg: 600x450, 56 kb

24 Name: Gamerboy : 2014-03-19 19:35 ID:3muW8Atg [Del]

Heard of it, seems interesting, but unfortunately never watched it.

25 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2016-07-29 21:02 ID:7nDhobVs [Del]

beethoven and violence

26 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-07-30 22:58 ID:VQplm19j [Del]

I could be considered a droogie, even though I don't go around town beating the crap out of people for no good reason.

As for the film itself, it's a fascinating examination of violence and humanity's perception of it. This film will be relevant for all time, even though our perception of violence is constantly evolving.