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The Breakfast Club (18)

1 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-07-16 06:16 ID:c9i3W5Bw [Del]

Link to the picture which is too big to be the header of this thread.

Saw this a long time ago, and it's stuck with me even now - No matter how old this movie is, I think it's something that pretty much everyone can end up loving.

I just accidentally had this song pop into my head at 7 in the morning... So I had to make the thread here.

Dear Mr. Vernon,
we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole saturday in detention for whatever it is we did wrong, but we think you're crazy for making us write an essay telling you who we think we are.
You see us as you want to see us, in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out, is that each one of us is a brain,
and an athlete,
and a basketcase,
a princess,
and a criminal.

Does that answer your question?

Sincerely yours,

The Breakfast Club.


2 Name: DAK075 : 2011-07-18 01:53 ID:x2vw8Pqe [Del]

Any teenager in mid-high school could end up enjoying this, mainly because it applies to them, no matter who they might be.

The crazy part about this movie is the fact that even though this was like in the 80s, the problems teenagers faced then isn't so different as what teenagers face now. The same shit happens. But in a different manner due to all of this technology and just how the way society is right now.

Its crazy. We really are not that different from one another. We face the same problems as everyone else does. (Which I knew beforehand, but this movie helped me truly see what that really meant.)

3 Name: Takara : 2011-07-23 08:36 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

Oh, I love this movie. A lot. And I'm not really a movie person.

4 Name: Kaori : 2011-07-23 13:25 ID:LRcEuq3x [Del]

:O an aya post? oh mai, i guess dat means i should be watchun dis movie nao. >:D I SHALL.


5 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2013-11-07 01:07 ID:7lr+xH8a [Del]

I just finished watching this again, to me it has reall replay value, and Ive come to the conclusion this should be played to every student entering/starting their first year of high school. The scene about 3/4 through the movie where they're all confessing secrets to each other and talking about the pressure of parents, gardes and social classing is something every student has or will experience throughout highschool.
When Claire openly admits that when Monday comes round she wont talk to Brian or be his friend, being on either side of this situation most people can relate.
The five characters basically cover most social classes in highschool, worldwide.
The popular guy (or jock/sporto), The popular girl, The nerd, The weird girl (or weird guy in reality) and the 'burner' (dropout etc).
Aside from that the screenplay, cinematography and soundtrack is/are brilliant, the actors performances (especially Judd Nelson and Molly Ringwald) really completing the production.
One of my favourite movies Ive seen to date.

6 Name: Chreggome : 2013-11-07 07:21 ID:qFgi0TyB [Del]

God, Molly Ringwald was a fucking peach in her time.

7 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-04 15:18 ID:BUN/Bq5u [Del]

What a movie!This is what I call an "intelligent comedy movie".It's one of my favourites and I love how it shows us that every generation of teenagers face the same problems.Also,I love the scenes involving the teacher and the janitor : two adults who come in contact everyday with the same teens,but their attitude towards them is so different.

8 Name: Exoexoten : 2014-08-05 19:13 ID:Ou+lyeTw [Del]

Everybodies gotta love this movie! It's basically classic film art!

9 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2014-08-05 19:20 ID:UluFWtAm [Del]

The Breakfast Club is a magical movie that people can connect with no matter what time period in my opinion because of the kids relationships with family and their personal struggles. It's one of my favorite older movies (besides Back to the Future and Red Dawn >_>). I cannot tell you how many friends I have forced to sit down and watch it because they have never seen it.

10 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-09-07 17:41 ID:FF2Yja4c [Del]

Ok, I'm writing this review as I'm watching it, but I've already formulated an opinion on it from the first ten minutes.

This movie is so shitty. I hate this. It's for impressionable teens who think this movie is a true representation of themselves. They think the movie "understands" them, but do you know why? They picked the five most common people you'll meet in high school. The popular, "pretty" (Molly Ringwald is so ew) girl, the athlete, the bad boy, the nerd, and the weirdo. Everyone can usually identify as one or more of these. Then people wath it and they think "Oh my gosh *character that is like them* totally gets me!" No, they don't. It's a general stereotype and you fit it and you think it's the most profound thing ever.

The scene where the weird girl is biting her nails, I just don't understand. Then the nerd does something else, I think he was putting his pen in his mouth and the whole time this is happening I'm just like, "This is so totally socially unacceptable. This wouldn't even happen in real life." The acting and the stereotypes are so over-exaggerated it makes me want to throw up.

The whole having to do an essay thing is so stupid. It's so predictable that by the end of the movie they're going to "find themselves" and write an awesome essay.

Why does Mr. Vernon have time to watch over five students on a Saturday?

"Omg these kids are so cool" is what the movie tries to make you think. No one is this overly stereotypical in real life and that's why it's not believable at all.

Allison has problems. When Claire was talking about her family problems and she yells "Ha" I don't even think weirdos would do that. Mental people would do that. People with problems. Like, what is wrong with this movie?!

They try to make Bender such a profound asshole and he's not. It's just so overdone. I'm sorry, I can't take this and I'm barely on minute 28.

Claire has sushi for lunch. Kill me. Who brings sushi for school the 80s?! Andy has a super huge lunch...again no? They're not even going to be there for a super long time. No one actually eats the way Allison does in public. Allison is just an attention seeker.

I just found the best part of the movie guys. When Bender is asking Brian if his mom married Mr. Rogers and Brian replies, "No Mr. Johnson." Best fucking part lol.

How does Mr. Vernon not hear any of the shit they say when they're talking super loud/making loud noise if he's in the next room?!

The weed scene is so lame, especially the part where Andy is dancing around.

Allison says, "I'm a nymphomaniac...the only person I've told is my shrink" and Andy asks her, "What did he do when you told him?" and Allison replies, "He nailed me." Ew. No. This is not even right?! I hate her. Haha, I thought I would hate Molly Ringwald's character more, but I hate Allsion way more than Claire. Then Allison says, "I'm not a nymphomaniac, I'm a compulsive liar." Ugh, fuck this. I have 26 minutes left of this shit.

When they're all telling these stories. I just don't get it. How do you connect to someone so easily in one day and tell them all this personal stuff?!

"When you grow up, your heart dies." Nice. I bet this was supposed to be one of the best lines in the film, but no, it wasn't.

Omg my mom is watching it with me and see they're all crying right now and she said, "Aww...this movie has become so stupid."

How did they go from crying to laughing. This is so dumb. They're playing music super loud in the library, umm, Mr. Vernon, again, how do you not hear this shit?!

The ending is so stupid...How did two relationships form in one day?! I don't think this is how high school is at all!!!

The only character I fully liked was Brian until the end of the film around minute 45???, when he started to totally suck.

I understand why people like this film. I guess it's very coming-of-age, but I think there are so many better coming-of-age movies. This is a really bad representation of high school. It's just very general, yet unbelievable/too stereotypical at the same time.

Btw, why are they even called the Breakfast Club? Is it some profound meaning I was unable to find? There is no breakfast in this all.

11 Name: JR : 2015-09-08 06:44 ID:Qjwpn6C+ [Del]

Thank you! To me, it was already boring in its first half, then the last half was just ridiculous

12 Name: bangāœ«bang : 2015-09-08 09:55 ID:+vCCjEok [Del]

This movie is appreciated because it meant a lot to a certain generation. It's 30 years old right now. Some might say its content is timeless, but I doubt that it is.

I have no idea if it's an accurate representation of what high school was like then (it's probably still an exaggeration), but the fact that it doesn't resemble what high school is today isn't at all surprising.

I don't even remember this movie that well, I watched it a while ago, but I though it was kinda cute even though it didn't resonate with me that much.

The first few paragraphs you wrote >>10 kind of remind me of my feelings for Catcher in the Rye lol. God, I disliked that book.

13 Name: Robin : 2015-09-20 11:32 ID:13azh+hG [Del]

I think this movie is awesome.

14 Name: R : 2015-09-21 09:16 ID:8FyFxYTo [Del]

It's a teen movie done right. The new ones now are worthless.

15 Name: Ayumi nakada : 2015-09-24 19:46 ID:yswrphTP [Del]

It was so good I couldn't believe it was over when it ended I just sat there like ... So then what happened I want more

16 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2016-07-29 21:04 ID:7nDhobVs [Del]

Both iconic and extremely important/relevant. Every kid should be made to watch this movie upon entering highschool.

17 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-07-30 23:01 ID:VQplm19j [Del]

This is the kind of story that could take place in any setting and still be just as good. I've thought about setting something similar in a prison, but you could also do this in the workplace or a restaurant. In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions, it's a timeless story.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-02 12:05 ID:QQZYKTRy [Del]

This film really disappointed me when I finally watched it at the age of 15 or so. It just felt like a clever ploy aimed to make teenagers feel great about being kinda shitty. It has a lot to say, I'm just not sure if anything it says actually means anything. Like, what is its actual message, that people aren't always the way they seem to be on the surface? Every second Disney film has that message. It was just one of those films that felt supremely off while I watched it, but maybe I'm just missing this massive meaning to it that everybody else got. I guess it's just the genre of the teenpix, a genre that never appealed to me in the first place. It felt kinda like Highschool Musical for the grunge kids who feel like nobody understands their deep and complex rock lyrics.