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Doctor Who (240)

1 Name: Ashiko : 2011-03-26 22:45 ID:5Xgeiubm [Del]

who likes this British show?

2 Name: Raminé : 2011-03-26 23:58 ID:KrVBNEG+ [Del]


3 Name: GunnyGanGan : 2011-03-27 01:19 ID:xsdOQt8z [Del]

Exterminate! Exterminate!!

4 Name: bang-bang : 2011-03-27 05:12 ID:JYG0EJE5 [Del]

I like, I like. Can't wait for the new season to start^^

I'm still not used to david tennant not being the doctor anymore though. He fit the part so well.

5 Name: Thanatos : 2011-03-28 00:49 ID:ePJ2Hu1h [Del]


6 Name: Ashiko : 2011-03-28 15:36 ID:HLF6enjE [Del]

:D @bang-bang I agree! But Matt Smith is doing a pretty good job so far.

7 Name: Ashiko : 2011-03-28 15:39 ID:HLF6enjE [Del]

@Raminé yes it's me haha

8 Name: bang-bang : 2011-03-29 07:14 ID:JYG0EJE5 [Del]

>>6 matt's growing on me, sort of. If I didn't like him I would have stopped watching haha, which I didn't.
The whole show's changed with him, which makes sense cause each doctor has his own style I guess.

9 Name: Ashiko : 2011-03-30 15:28 ID:HLF6enjE [Del]

@bang-bang I hated him at first. because he replaced David xD lame excuse I know haha and that's true. every new Doctor has the same past memories but their personalities change a bit. when David was in Doctor Who, who was your favorite assisstant with him? mine was Donna.

10 Name: bang-bang : 2011-03-31 04:01 ID:JYG0EJE5 [Del]

>>9 He's got a lot of work to do to rival david in my mind haha

My favorite one is Rose, just because they had so much chemistry and were so cute together:3. Martha was the one I didn't like all that much, so Donna falls somewhere in the middle. She was great because she was the only one who didn't actually fall in love with him.

11 Name: Ashiko : 2011-04-01 11:32 ID:HLF6enjE [Del]

@bang-bang hahaha he does xD

That's why I love Donna so much! She thought of him as a best friend and nothing more. But the Doctor and Rose were so cute together. I felt really bad when they got separated after season two ended. (actually cried at that part xD)

12 Name: bang-bang : 2011-04-01 13:22 ID:JYG0EJE5 [Del]

There have been a lot of dramatic moments in doctor who but none can beat that last episode. It was brilliant, i cried like a baby too haha. And how the transmission died right at the moment he was gonna say i love you;_;

wow are we actually the only two people here watching this show? xD

13 Name: Hook-and-Peel : 2011-04-05 16:38 ID:iEFHGht+ [Del]

Loved the Who-ster for ages now. Although I loved David, personally Christopher is the Doctor for me, I just loved the way he portrayed the character, and also that was where I picked up from the show after some of the absolutley marvelous Tom Baker. But, I do think that David made an amazing Doctor as well, a very close tie with Chris.

Jelly Beans, anyone?

14 Name: bang-bang : 2011-04-06 15:27 ID:JYG0EJE5 [Del]

I'm obviously too young to have had contact with the old series while it was actually running, but I do feel like I'm missing out.

I don't know if I should start it from the beginning (there's not much available from then anyway) but since Tom Baker seems to be pretty well liked I might pick it up from there. Don't really know what to expect haha.

15 Name: Batora : 2011-04-07 06:59 ID:kTNH7uVQ [Del]

I absolutely love the show. Tennant was definitely my favourite Doctor (I saw a bit of the older Doctor Who with Baker, but not enough) but I have to admit, Smith is doing a pretty good job.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-12 03:36 ID:ZQJPBweK [Del]

i adore doctor who. :)
it's a bit of a tie between david and matt for me.
david made an amazing doctor, in my opinion, but i think
matt has a more fitting quirkiness. they're both great, though.

17 Name: Ashiko : 2011-04-12 12:03 ID:HLF6enjE [Del]

ahhh this is amazing :D so much Doctor Who fans x3

18 Name: Alen : 2011-04-12 21:04 ID:gIjHzhTQ [Del]

I <3 <3 Doctor Who!!
damn im mad at my sis cuz she has 2 dw shirts and a sonic screwdrivr and a darlec blanket and i hav nothng D:< lol

19 Name: Keru : 2011-04-17 00:54 ID:K2kcIuHb [Del]

I love it! One more week until the new season!

20 Name: Ashiko : 2011-04-18 11:48 ID:HLF6enjE [Del]

@Alen lol wow i have a sonic screwdriver and a bunch of books.
@Keru I KNOOOOWW! i cant wait!

21 Name: bang-bang : 2011-04-26 06:25 ID:JYG0EJE5 [Del]

New season started really in force. Feels almost like a season finale rather than an opener or maybe it's just me.

22 Name: Ashiko : 2011-05-04 11:10 ID:HLF6enjE [Del]

>>21 i know. its so weird. i haven't seen any new episodes recently though. or it could be that i havent been watching tv lately... lol. oh btw, do you guys read the DW novels? they're really good. i have 15+ of those books. I CANT STOP READING THEM.

23 Name: Con : 2011-05-15 16:42 ID:P81/20Wp [Del]

I´m looking the new sason and i started with the ninth doc. but david tennant was the best of all- aah i´m just in love with the Doctor Who!!!

24 Name: Ashiko : 2011-05-16 16:27 ID:HLF6enjE [Del]

>>23 I agree with David being the best. I love him. With a burning passion. haha xD anyway Doctor Who is amazing!

25 Name: Doodle : 2011-05-29 06:18 ID:TQ5yWnlP [Del]

Well guys - episode 7 next week. Anybody got any theories as to what's going on and what's going to happen? I'm sort of torn between not being able to wait, and not wanting it to come becasue then we'll have a massive break until the series continues...

My opinion on Matt? Him and David are my joint favourites. At first I wasn't too sure about hime because I just loved David Tennant so much, but he's really grown on me.

26 Post deleted by user.

27 Name: bang-bang : 2011-05-30 13:41 ID:GLDFS2ra [Del]

Screw the break, I just want to know what happens next.

I love these kinds of revelations. At least we know what's the deal with the doctor dying, I was wondering how that would get solved. And ah, two doctors, always a pleasing trick. I'm still wondering about the little girl that regenerated like a time lord at the beginning. I have theories about it but the implications are a bit out there. Gonna have to wait and see.

28 Name: Takara : 2011-06-08 01:42 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

I go on this website that releases spoilers and theories about the upcoming episodes...
I'll just leave this here and turn my back around.

29 Name: Doodle : 2011-06-08 09:38 ID:pEg3bGp5 [Del]

Ah, so loooooooooong until it's back :( I can't wait!

At least we finally know who River Song is now. And my theory was correct!

30 Name: Takara : 2011-06-18 07:40 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

I wonder if she's the Doctor's wife as well though...?

31 Name: Kasuie!!MDqeze2d : 2011-06-27 05:32 ID:KRcwjnhi [Del]

Love it :D

David Tennet was my Favorite although Matt smith is not to bad either. But I found DT made everything so epic haha.

32 Name: Bubbles !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-06-27 13:08 ID:7ioSonmn [Del]

I like pronouncing it "Doctor, who?" ^^

33 Name: Ashiko : 2011-06-28 17:43 ID:5Xgeiubm [Del]

ahhhh so many fans of Doctor Who! this is just amazing! *fangasm* xDDD

34 Name: Rockferry : 2011-06-30 17:00 ID:n4OP6sUC [Del]

I love Doctor Who! There's a tribute band called Chameleon Circuit and genre is Time Lord Rock :3 <- that's a link to their song Exterminate Regenerate :)

35 Name: Takara : 2011-07-02 08:43 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>32 We all do!! (^_^)

36 Name: 70K1D0K1 : 2011-07-06 22:26 ID:IALd7gd9 [Del]

This show is epic! You can't even fathom how awesome it is until after you've watched it!

37 Name: Nix : 2011-07-12 08:57 ID:I2xPAKmh [Del]

Much better with David Tennant. I'll say no more.

38 Name: DAK075 : 2011-07-12 20:21 ID:x2vw8Pqe [Del]


39 Name: AddictedToRamen : 2011-07-13 05:07 ID:IALd7gd9 [Del]

I dunno about that. It might be blasphemous to say so but I like Matt Smith's portrayal of the Doctor better.

40 Name: 70K1D0K1 : 2011-07-13 10:16 ID:IALd7gd9 [Del]

>>39 Agreed! (I don't think it's blasphemous though, haha) Matt Smith brought back the funny XD

41 Name: bang-bang : 2011-08-29 08:25 ID:GLDFS2ra [Del]

So, new episode after the break. Wooo!

I've got few words except that I'm starting to like Moffat's style of fast paced story telling that always keeps me guessing.

Also this article is pretty interesting, 10 Totally Different TV Shows that Doctor Who Has Been Over the Years. And it's kind of useful to get an idea of what you're getting into with the older series.

42 Name: bang-bang : 2011-08-29 08:27 ID:GLDFS2ra [Del]

43 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-08-29 19:42 ID:mJ7uhGdH [Del]

ddaayyyyuuummmm. so wuts this about? well so far i've known from OP that this is a british this science? =w=~

44 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-08-30 02:32 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

Anybody see Let's Kill Hitler yet?

45 Name: bang-bang : 2011-08-30 06:12 ID:GLDFS2ra [Del]

>>43 Oh my, well let's see. It's the story of a 900 year old alien called the doctor, that travels through time in a ship that looks like a blue british police box. He picks up various people along the way and has a habit of saving the universe every once in a while.

It's also the longest running sci-fi show ever (started in 1963), which is pretty cool.

46 Name: ErRoR : 2011-09-01 00:17 ID:GUkXXDrd [Del]

>>44 I HAVE! it was awesome! :)

47 Name: ryan!OM4GtB6KG. : 2011-09-01 02:47 ID:gBWilkc3 [Del]

Today i'm going to do something nerdy...... WATCH DOCTOR WHO SERIES 1-6

48 Name: boombang77 : 2011-09-01 18:50 ID:fIJ9W8Gh [Del]

>>44 it was amazing

49 Name: bang-bang : 2011-09-01 19:39 ID:GLDFS2ra [Del]

Interesting tidbit(that somebody other than me figured out):

In The Impossible Astronaut the Doctor invites everyone to Utah at 16:30 MDT.
In Let’s Kill Hitler the Doctor’s death record says he died in Utah at 17:02 MDT.
Exactly 32 minutes.
“You’ll be fine for 31 minutes. You’ll be dead in 32 minutes.”


50 Name: Invader Kiwikami : 2011-09-01 22:26 ID:JnylB4AQ [Del]


I'm sorry, Ashiko, but the simple phrase 'British show' simply does nothing to express how brilliant and epic and awesome and fantastic and cool and wibbly-wobbly and timey-wimey Doctor Who is. It's literally the only thing I actually turn on the TV to watch every week. I've watched seasons 1-6 and a very large number of the classic ones.

>>47 It's not nerdy. It's BRILLIANT.

>>49 BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (You are now my new hero. I know it wasn't you who figured that out, but if you hadn't told me that, I would never know. Thank you. This just made my day.)

So who is everyone's favorite Doctor? I'm fond of (in order) 10 (minus the whole bleh romance thing he had going with Rose), 8 (as he is portrayed in the Eighth Doctor Adventure novels but NOT in the movie), 11 (awesome but ANNOYING), 5 (sweet), 4 (fun), 9 (grumpy), 2 (lovable), and 3 (brilliant). 7 and 1 are alright, but I didn't really like Colin Baker's portrayal...

Eh... super long post. Sorry. Well, I DID warn you.

51 Name: ErRoR : 2011-09-03 07:39 ID:GUkXXDrd [Del]

so who is excited for the new episode tonight?? :D

52 Name: Invader Kiwikami : 2011-09-04 20:18 ID:Nny0PuPq [Del]

Ehh... I didn't really like last night's episode. It was too... I dunno. Not quite Season 6. It's like the 10th Doctor's time was full of single-episode adventures, and this would have fit in well there, but 11's time is more of an ongoing storyline, with each episode fitting into the puzzle. This was basically a filler episode, which I wouldn't have minded except that it just didn't seem to fit with the spirit of the rest of Season 6.

53 Name: Candles XD : 2011-09-04 20:29 ID:ypJ6Zifb [Del]

OMFG! i love Doctor Who! it is so awesome! one of the greatest shows ever!

54 Name: TheIntrepidExplorer : 2011-09-04 22:27 ID:EwBPj4eC [Del]

I didn't really like 'Night Terrors' for some reason. It seemed to rushed, and it really didn't capture my attention. I'm hoping the next one will be better!

55 Name: Moon : 2011-09-04 22:34 ID:XiYvJNPR [Del]

Oh I love Doctor Who!But the most recent episodes dont really fit...

56 Name: zmcr1234 : 2011-09-05 11:52 ID:+2EXoyyI [Del]

wtfomfglmfaobbq! i love Doctor Who,its hilarious! XD

57 Name: Paine92 : 2011-09-06 14:33 ID:Wxic+/2p [Del]

I love Doctor Who, but I have seen 2nd season of the new one yet :(

58 Name: Koniko : 2011-09-06 17:35 ID:GbomM7bJ (Image: 299x168 jpg, 5 kb) [Del]

src/1315348548255.jpg: 299x168, 5 kb
Fezzes are cool

59 Name: Atrum : 2011-09-06 18:40 ID:OxohukxO [Del]

This show always has the best monsters like the Silence and the Weeping Angels, although the Silence is just the name of a cult, but I still call the monsters by that name.

60 Name: Koniko : 2011-09-06 19:43 ID:GbomM7bJ [Del]

OMG I HATE THE WEEPING ANGELS!!!(thay give me the willies)XD

61 Name: Getsu : 2011-09-06 23:59 ID:NOt/4amt [Del]


62 Name: Getsu : 2011-09-06 23:59 ID:NOt/4amt [Del]


63 Name: Dim : 2011-09-07 02:33 ID:J2h2oXHm [Del]

AWESOME SHOW!!! You could never go wrong with the Doctor.
I been watching the entire season on Netflix...

64 Name: Yazui : 2011-09-07 14:50 ID:V1t2jPgJ [Del]

I love that show XD

65 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-09-09 21:05 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>49 You just blew my mind. O_O

66 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-09-09 21:07 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>50 Honestly, I always kind of hated 10th. 11th is my favorite.

67 Name: ryan!OM4GtB6KG. : 2011-09-09 21:33 ID:gBWilkc3 [Del]

the 1st, 9th, and 10th were my favorite

68 Name: Koniko : 2011-09-10 19:04 ID:8noVqzZu [Del]

David Tenant sux -_-

69 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-09-10 21:35 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>68 he really does. Over acting.

70 Name: Schir : 2011-09-10 23:41 ID:aqCLc1pp [Del]

>>13 They were Jelly Babies not Jelly Beans.

As for Doctor Who, I LOVE IT, even though David left his position as The Doctor, I still loved Doctor Who no matter what was thrown at me. Though Russel T. Davis and Steven Moffet are really surprising me with all of these secrets they are throwing at us, like who River Song was. The TARDIS's feelings for The Doctor. Whatever else they are planning I can't wait.

71 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-09-18 01:13 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]


72 Name: The Doctor : 2011-09-18 23:42 ID:52nEeYog [Del]

I just love it......... yeah that's were I picked my screen name...David Tennant was awsome, and matt smith is cool too.

73 Name: SaintSoul : 2011-09-21 12:57 ID:yEXDwkJK [Del]

:3 I love this show~ So much~
The Empty Child was a good episode, though I stayed up until five am after watching it for the first time. //shot

74 Name: Phantom : 2011-09-21 21:42 ID:mqILXivt [Del]

STILL waiting for them to say Doctor Who Movie.It was mentioned but so far no other news has been leaked.

75 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-09-22 08:59 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>74 There's already been one made. I'll post links to various sites about it:

Google is very helpful when it comes to these things. I've seen the movie, personally I didn't like it very much.

76 Name: Phantom : 2011-09-22 18:24 ID:mqILXivt [Del]

Actually,I was referring to a NEW one they announced just before the 11th doctor came out.

77 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-09-22 22:08 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

Ah... I see now

78 Name: DSOTM889 : 2011-09-22 23:45 ID:Ee+6CXLQ [Del]

i heard matt smith is leaving the show after this season

79 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-09-23 08:48 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]


80 Name: bang-bang : 2011-09-23 14:36 ID:Tr4UY49s [Del]

>>79 For some reason I heard that in Dalek-speak.

81 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-09-24 07:42 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>80 LOL! But no this guy's information really is incorrect. Both Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill are scheduled to appear next year. It's impossible that they would have them, and not Matt Smith. Matt Smith just got here, he can't leave already. Every single Doctor has stayed around for more than two seasons.

82 Name: Schir : 2011-09-24 14:12 ID:incRvQCg [Del]

>>81 Um actually, The First Doctor was around for one season, so did the Second. The Third Doctor was the one that really started to do more than one season. Though The Eight Doctor of course only got a movie deal and that was his whole season.

83 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-09-25 08:07 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>82 I don't think that one movie, counts as a season.
Also, William Hartnell, the First Doctor was around for 4 seasons.

Patrick Troughton was around for quite some time, we don't know how long though, as the episodes he was in, are now lost.

Check it out on TARDIS wiki if you don't believe me:

84 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-09-25 08:10 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>83 Correction, Patrick Troughton was around for three years. I think that's at least 3 seasons.

85 Name: Schir : 2011-09-25 21:57 ID:incRvQCg [Del]

Well, saying that the movie wasn't a season would be like saying there wasn't a Eight Doctor to me. So in my opinion it would count as a season/ movie.

As for any other Doctor Who seasons, I do believe that the other Doctors did have a long time, but from my understanding is that The Third and The Fifth Doctors really stood out with longer seasons. I am at least definitely sure about The Third.

86 Name: The Doctor : 2011-09-26 00:09 ID:52nEeYog [Del]

Allons-y!......wonder what the 11th doctor's catch phrase is?

87 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-26 07:43 ID:lA6U49hM [Del]

>>86 It first started as Geronimo. Though he hasn't really been using it.

88 Name: The Doctor : 2011-09-28 10:24 ID:52nEeYog [Del]

>>87 Yeah, that doesn't seem to roll off the tongue as well.

89 Name: FluffyYuki : 2011-10-02 01:20 ID:6kOuQ+Jz [Del]

I do! :D I just watched this season's finale :3

90 Name: JessCarrion : 2011-10-02 09:57 ID:OO0rBq4p [Del]

Doctor Who is amazing. Did you mean the original or the new series?

91 Name: Marianna : 2011-10-03 21:21 ID:wBZH5gQP [Del]

I love the Doctor Who series! Can't wait till next season!

92 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-10-03 22:29 ID:kN1R04wU [Del]

I saw the season finale. I hated it. I really expected more from Stephen Moffat. How could he send me off without a proper goodbye? I really expected a more dramatic ending...

93 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-05 07:47 ID:lA6U49hM [Del]

>>92 What you don't think that "the first question" wasn't dramatic enough or the fact of The Doctor messing with his death?

94 Name: bang-bang : 2011-10-06 10:34 ID:Tr4UY49s [Del]

What's with the downer attitude, I thought the finale was brilliant and damn witty. Last season didn't really sit well with me, but i guess is was just adjusting period stuff.

And that bit at the end. Damn. The show's been running for 50 years and even though people love asking that question only now has it become important in the story (correct me if it was addressed before). If the answer is his name then what the hell could be so important about it? If there's another answer what could it be? I have no idea where this is heading, but I'm damn excited to find out.

95 Name: Rasputin : 2011-10-06 16:52 ID:PBPGAt6v [Del]


I wear bow ties now, bow ties are cool.~~

I wear fezzes now, fezzes are cool.~~

Ahh~~~ Doctor... your SUCH the trend setter! \(^///^)/

96 Name: MasterGatherer : 2011-10-06 22:24 ID:/O/P5qBU [Del]

I love Doctor Who! Best part, if there's an awkward pause around my school, just mention the Doctor and you're guaranteed to have someone to talk to.

This past season had a strong beginning and end, but the middle was lackluster. I still prefer Tennant and RTD, but Smith and Moffat have definitly grown on me.

>>92 Yeah I felt like the season finale could have been better. I mean, I didn't hate it (all that is reserved for "Let's Killed Hitler"), but I felt like they had a lot of cool openings to go for but they didn't. Plus I would have liked some more characterization of Madame Kovarian. Oh well.

97 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-10-09 06:06 ID:H/cC3LtI [Del]

>>93 >>94 I mean, that I loved all of the episodes that Stephen Moffat wrote. Every single one of them was cleverly presented and then when the season finale came out, I felt like Russell T Davies came back.

98 Post deleted by moderator.

99 Name: Maisa : 2011-10-23 12:54 ID:GBMVrK3P [Del]

Family Guy + Doctor Who = Doctor Stew

100 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-10-25 06:18 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>99 I saw that one. I Lol'd at it.

101 Name: bang-bang : 2011-10-25 09:48 ID:EM3LrMQ8 [Del]

102 Name: daisuke : 2011-10-27 13:56 ID:zs5IxD39 [Del]

I LOVE IT!! haha
Are the rumors of Moffat pushing the new season to fall next year true? Cause that... I can't even.

103 Name: Phantom : 2011-10-27 19:36 ID:mqILXivt (Image: 255x144 jpg, 4 kb) [Del]

src/1319762189997.jpg: 255x144, 4 kb
I cant wait for the next season. We finally get to learn the final question,the question hidden in plain sight...

Doctor Who...

104 Name: The Doctor : 2011-10-27 23:20 ID:52nEeYog [Del]

I think that the next doctor ought to be an older person, but more energetic, like 3 was, just to bring people back to where it came from.

105 Name: daisuke : 2011-10-28 02:09 ID:zs5IxD39 [Del]

well we won't have a "next" doctor anytime soon, but i think this time he should be a she.

now that would be interesting.

or we can just make his dream come true and let him be ginger LOL

106 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-10-28 09:10 ID:wVRf8i8h [Del]

>>105 Well, one of the candidates to be the 11th Doctor was Catherine Zeta Jones. Here is the list

107 Name: Schir : 2011-10-28 16:46 ID:E+f3RMVb [Del]

>>106 I remember that list. Though I don't think Billie Piper would been allowed to be The Doctor since she was already Rose Tyler in the previous season.

108 Name: The Doctor : 2011-10-29 10:08 ID:52nEeYog [Del]

Well, it would be kinda neat, but also Really creepy if the next incarnation of the Doctor was a hot woman...."Doctor, you look so...different!" "I use to be a man" .......0_0

109 Name: Schir : 2011-11-01 22:58 ID:7B9vvFLW [Del]

>>108 The Corsair, she was a very bad girl.

110 Name: Rasputin : 2011-11-02 18:17 ID:ueEoxPWS (Image: 512x384 jpg, 29 kb) [Del]

src/1320275842025.jpg: 512x384, 29 kb
>>108 what I would say.

111 Name: Sutato : 2011-11-03 09:20 ID:Aq22yIoR [Del]

Gotta love DW

112 Name: Peachboy : 2011-11-04 04:03 ID:jBaPLR1T [Del]

this is awesome, and now pillaged.

113 Name: lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2011-11-09 23:48 ID:JRf1JdE1 (Image: 600x750 jpg, 74 kb) [Del]

src/1320904126622.jpg: 600x750, 74 kb
Okay I started with David tennant but it was after Matt smith started so I really love Matt smith as the doctor.
Don't get me wrong, David tennant is a fabulously absolutely amzingly awesome actor. I just don't like the way he played the doctor as much as I like Matt smith.

114 Name: Lumen serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2011-11-22 22:22 ID:jOr2JKKs (Image: 500x312 jpg, 31 kb) [Del]

src/1322022177848.jpg: 500x312, 31 kb

115 Name: Kon : 2011-11-23 03:25 ID:ExeusZkK [Del]

Honestly, presents and family time are fun and all, but the real reason that Christmas was invented is so that we can watch the Doctor Who winter wonderland special ^_^

116 Name: Lumen serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2011-11-23 13:23 ID:jOr2JKKs [Del]

>>115 I knew it.

117 Name: Tsuki !PL2yJCdKsw : 2011-11-24 03:54 ID:hYRo0R4C [Del]

What is wrong with Matt Smith's face. I miss David Tennant.

118 Name: KiraLycann : 2011-11-24 20:26 ID:Qms7q/hB [Del]

Silence will fall when the question is asked. I know the question and anyone who watched the last episode knows too and I also know the answer!!! They said it in either the first or second season doctor who ever showed. Susan said it while her and the doctor were talking.

119 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-11-25 00:41 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>118 "DOCTOR WHO?"

120 Name: Tul : 2011-11-26 06:58 ID:k8sxguKr [Del]

Beautiful show, I miss Tenant but Matt Smith is doing a pretty good job, I'm wondering who (if they will continue) will replace him...

121 Name: Starbloom : 2011-11-27 00:24 ID:HE/tpMnZ [Del]

Love the show too.

122 Name: Jay-chan : 2011-11-28 20:11 ID:IRlqmJty [Del]

Ahhhh~! The Doctor is simply amazing~ =^^=

123 Name: J.P.McCoy : 2011-11-28 21:05 ID:4ODb4MIW [Del]

I love Doctor Who all my hearts

124 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-11-29 00:09 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>123 I see what you did there. "Heart(s)". Because Time Lords have two hearts. Nerdgasm!

125 Name: Yami : 2011-11-29 11:46 ID:8rUv2DpY [Del]

YEAAAA!!!! Go Doctor WHOO!!!

126 Name: Ryuugan : 2011-11-29 16:05 ID:JK0aXTZv [Del]

I love Doctor Who but i like the 10th regeneration better.

127 Name: J.P.McCoy : 2011-11-29 23:05 ID:4ODb4MIW [Del]

I think most people do my friend after all he is amazing.

128 Name: Yummy : 2011-11-30 09:13 ID:8rUv2DpY [Del]

>>126 you mean David Tenant?

129 Name: mewmaddie : 2011-11-30 15:19 ID:jEFDktt/ [Del]

i like the 10th docter the most because of his sence of humor....lolz

130 Name: Ryuugan : 2011-11-30 16:16 ID:t72A7+m0 (Image: 300x375 jpg, 55 kb) [Del]

src/1322691398352.jpg: 300x375, 55 kb
Me too! david tennant was so funny!

131 Name: mewmaddie : 2011-11-30 17:41 ID:jEFDktt/ [Del]

lolz! the new docter dosnt cut it that much though...

132 Name: Number.13 : 2011-12-01 11:57 ID:lb+eTPUe [Del]

Best tv show ever to hit the air has had me hoked on it sence the first ep

133 Name: mewmaddie : 2011-12-01 19:27 ID:Znlaiu8o [Del]

i got hooked on it on the 9th docter premere!

134 Name: ryuugan : 2011-12-02 17:27 ID:vBImVzXQ [Del]

mewmaddie you do have a point, matt smith isnt as good as david but he's kinda ok.

135 Name: mewmaddie : 2011-12-02 20:24 ID:t1zvHsPm [Del]

i guess....

136 Name: Ryuugan : 2011-12-02 22:06 ID:WoGYTUwN [Del]


137 Name: Pandora : 2011-12-02 23:11 ID:/Qz7hyC6 [Del]

Bow ties are cool! Stetsons are cool!!! FEZZES are cool!!!! THE DOCTOR IS COOL!!! Never forget Rory though!!! HE is also COOL!!

138 Name: mewmaddie : 2011-12-03 19:15 ID:dKqNoTrn [Del]


139 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-21 19:39 ID:52nEeYog [Del]


140 Name: Ichigo : 2011-12-28 02:04 ID:9zfjW4A/ [Del]

Love this show! Fezs-Stetsons-Bowties=Cool

141 Name: mechfanboy : 2011-12-28 11:14 ID:J3/u0UxT [Del]

Saw a 1966 movie based on it early this morning. My first venture into Classic Who... and it was terrible. Nobody from the show's cast was used, resulting in The Other Doctor (rather than a case of The Nth Doctor), his granddaughter went from being a normal Companion to being a worthless load of a child.... the only thing in character at ALL were the Daleks.

142 Name: Brad : 2011-12-28 13:41 ID:vPS27Um1 [Del]

>>141 I saw that movie yesterdsay!

I love Doctor Who.

143 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-28 19:15 ID:52nEeYog [Del]

Best Doctor Moment EVER!!!!

144 Name: ScraftyHat : 2011-12-29 13:01 ID:NxFKkXM0 [Del]

I love this series, but I never seem to catch it on nowadays...

145 Name: iono : 2011-12-29 17:18 ID:4+9mG7hz [Del]

Huge Doctor Who fan. :D The most well written and imaginative show Ive ever seen.

146 Name: Ichigo : 2011-12-30 18:38 ID:9zfjW4A/ (Image: 819x460 png, 10 kb) [Del]

src/1325291893226.png: 819x460, 10 kb
I drew this in the Paint app! Gauss what it is...

147 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-12-30 22:37 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]


148 Name: unicorngod : 2011-12-31 01:02 ID:b36MUdXc [Del]

dahleks ftw

149 Name: bang-bang : 2011-12-31 10:23 ID:EM3LrMQ8 [Del]

So, the Christmas Special a.k.a. that time the Doctor gave some people Narnia for Christmas and it didn't occur to him that might not be the best idea.

All turned out well though. Way to close it off too. Moffat, you bastard. I hope next season is gonna be a fucking awesome one.

150 Name: SaintSoul : 2011-12-31 13:09 ID:eKm9FM4l [Del]

Damn..I hope they make the next series a bit scary, glad they're making it more like the 2005 series, less two parts and cliffhangers apparently. I wonder who the next Doctor will be though. >->

151 Name: The Doctor : 2012-01-01 00:10 ID:52nEeYog [Del]


152 Name: Kaito-san : 2012-01-01 01:44 ID:kaoOcvjN [Del]

oooh i live doctor who (@.^)

153 Name: Yuiko : 2012-01-01 13:54 ID:Ev6kZuYZ [Del]

I have only seen the episode blink, and that's because my teacher is awesome, but it does look like a really awesome show.

154 Name: The Doctor : 2012-02-11 21:46 ID:52nEeYog [Del]

I was watching the 1st Doctor episodes, and he has a "granddaughter"... and a very disturbing, dark thought came to mind....If she was a timelord, then she may have died in the Last Great Time War, thus adding to the 9th and 10th Doctor's anguish.

155 Name: Starlight : 2012-02-12 00:09 ID:2+gkIQM5 [Del]

i love it!

156 Name: bang-bang : 2012-02-12 07:54 ID:iI5WhviD [Del]

>>154 I do remember it being hinted at some point in the new series too that he had a family at some point. Unfortunately I can't remember the context.

157 Name: Echo !V1l9Amc90Q : 2012-02-12 11:21 ID:l++D0xVQ [Del]

What Isnt better than Dr Who .. Here's My analysis, plus why I watch these Doctors

Classic = If i need a laugh at over acting, bad scripts, bad acting and over the top poorly manufactured props and bad guys

Modern Dr Who = That guy before david tennent .. does anyone rememeber him?

David Tennant = Brilliant and probably in the top 5 Dr's but had some of the worst script and even whole series

Matt Smith = Altra Querky and out there but overly enjoyable plus Amy and Rory are always a good laugh .. He has had the best streak of Awesome episodes and story lines so far .. I think only one bad episode so far and that being the 2011 Xmas Ep which was over the top cheesy.

158 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-09 23:56 ID:k7cEiXFV (Image: 444x700 jpg, 68 kb) [Del]

src/1331358981713.jpg: 444x700, 68 kb

159 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-03-09 23:58 ID:eKm9FM4l [Del]

>>157 Modern Doctor Who was Christopher Eccleston.

Empty Child. <3

160 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-03-10 19:58 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>157 David Tennant was still kinda over acting. Every now and then I'd see him make the "Oh, hey look at me acting all serious". You can clearly see this face in Smith and Jones when he says "suffocating". That's the face I mean.

161 Name: deathowl : 2012-03-12 14:58 ID:IEuz74Eh [Del]

I love doctor who

162 Name: bang-bang : 2012-04-26 11:51 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]


163 Name: Aradia : 2012-04-27 14:22 ID:YzI30azA [Del]

AMAZING AMAZING I love this show... Favorite of all Times!!! I even want to paint my door a Tardis Blue.

164 Name: bang-bang : 2012-04-27 16:45 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]

Ahhhh I am the Doctor is a really great track, isn't it?

165 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-04-27 21:49 ID:6AAOEcZp [Del]

Would you like a jelly baby?

166 Name: The Doctor : 2012-05-01 13:02 ID:cdZeYNh2 [Del]

Watched a clip of "The End of Time" Where the 10th Doctor says goodbye to everyone. In the comments, someone had asked "Why is he saying goodbye? He's just regenerating."
Well, I watched Doctor Who back to back to back to back, and I've come up with this thought:

He was tired.
All the death that surrounds him. All the lives he flips upside down. All the people he loses. All his friends he outlives. He was just tired of it all.
He felt he was ready to die, and saying goodbye for one last time.
He was refusing to regenerate, like the Master had, but after saying goodbye to everyone, at the last moment, he realizes what he has gained through all of them.
That's why he said, "I don't want to go!" That was him changing his mind about dying.

167 Name: bang-bang : 2012-05-01 13:25 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]

Honestly, I love David to bits and all, but I saw the last part of The End of Time as pretty, um, fan oriented. You can make sense of it in the show sure, but it felt a lot like a 'Goodbye David Tennant!' thing.

That's how I took it at the time anyway, as more of a meta thing, 'I don't want to go' included. Which I obviously answered with 'Bawww, I don't want you to go eitheeeer'.

But since it was explained in pretty much the same episode or the one before that each incarnation is a like separate person, the goodbye isn't so out of place. It just got a lot of focus.

168 Name: nice guy : 2012-05-01 18:59 ID:wdQxIpYF [Del]

I like it

169 Name: Little Black Raincloud : 2012-05-03 06:59 ID:Vw1qBYMv [Del]


whos there?


docto- wait a minute


170 Name: Yamie !8EDKi6Ffgk : 2012-05-03 10:56 ID:8rUv2DpY [Del]

>>169 Haa~!!!

171 Name: Dagda !v5YOJ26ZOY : 2012-05-13 14:07 ID:xA7boGpV (Image: 400x287 jpg, 19 kb) [Del]

src/1336936038182.jpg: 400x287, 19 kb
David was my favorite, but they're all good to be honest. I want a sonic screwdriver just because.

172 Name: bang-bang : 2012-06-11 16:03 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]

Why is thins show not back yet. I miss it.

173 Post deleted by user.

174 Name: bang-bang : 2012-06-11 16:11 ID:TXfKClQY (Image: 900x673 jpg, 160 kb) [Del]

src/1339449065789.jpg: 900x673, 160 kb
Also, this outfit, I like it. Wonder if it's gonna be just for one episode or stick around for more. And the chick is Jenna-Louise Coleman, future companion after the Ponds leave, for those who did not know.

175 Name: iono : 2012-06-11 20:13 ID:bPzec/k2 [Del]

one of the longest running and best written Sci-Fi's of all time!

176 Name: RK : 2012-06-11 20:44 ID:ORpX35Uw [Del]

It's a real shame that so many of the original episodes have been lost to badluck.

177 Name: The Doctor : 2012-06-15 05:24 ID:cdZeYNh2 [Del]

>>176......right.....**_....._**......bad luck. -_^

178 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-06-15 20:11 ID:ZV7wGrTW [Del]

Loooooooovee Iiiiiiiiiiit!!

179 Name: Pinkz : 2012-06-19 17:35 ID:UXvxDNfP [Del]

It's the best show..ever! *loves living in Britain for that reason*

180 Name: ヨルク : 2012-06-23 11:40 ID:rKggSl1Q [Del]

love Dr. Who :D and their whole barrage of BBC shows including Torchwood and Sherlock \o\

181 Name: The Doctor : 2012-08-29 11:02 ID:yYajDSBB [Del]

New Episodes coming soon! Geronimo!

182 Name: RyuKente!nPTippytOo : 2012-08-31 20:44 ID:LAVsQuFK [Del]

Downloading all the seasons to catch up as we speak...I remember this show from when i was younger. I loved it! I have to go through 7 seasons xD

183 Name: ShotaroKaneda : 2012-08-31 23:34 ID:uv7KtCRj [Del]

I want to watch this show, I really do, but there's so freaking much of it that I don't know where I'm supposed to start.

184 Name: Setton : 2012-09-01 16:13 ID:8zo9h77w [Del]

This show is amazing!! I can't wait for the season premiere tonight :D

185 Name: bang-bang : 2012-09-01 17:28 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]


If by "so freaking much" you mean everything from 1963 until now, you should lay that aside, at least for a while, and start with the 2005 relaunched series. It's what most of the people in this thread are are talking about.

186 Name: juji : 2012-09-04 03:19 ID:4+d4pRzJ [Del]

i saw the first ep of the new surprising...blew my mind

187 Name: ShotaroKaneda : 2012-09-04 06:40 ID:uv7KtCRj [Del]

>>185 Thanks, I'll do that.

188 Name: arka !chvok4/SZI : 2012-09-04 12:31 ID:2UARHsNy [Del]

I can't believe there's a thread for this, and that I missed seeing this even when viewing all the Random threads.

One of my favourite shows. I watched five seasons in a row one summer weekend and was hooked ever since.

189 Name: lupin 3rd : 2012-09-06 08:42 ID:LXmRbup7 [Del]


190 Name: Tatsu-kun : 2012-09-06 14:31 ID:GG8DOb6R [Del]

Oh god, I watched one episode of Doctor Who and I didn't stop watching it all summer. I love the show! I wish there were more episodes though.

191 Name: REDWOOD : 2012-09-08 00:24 ID:DDa9xhPM (Image: 625x417 jpg, 172 kb) [Del]

src/1347081862270.jpg: 625x417, 172 kb
new episode every sunday on abc iview

192 Name: moonlightshiki : 2012-09-08 17:24 ID:fuLdT0Uc [Del]

Doctor Who is amazing!

193 Name: Domukgelin : 2012-09-08 21:09 ID:p2wrO6cr [Del]

Just saw the new episode. Great!! Always loved Dr. Who.

194 Name: DN !UWk.oLHhGQ : 2012-09-09 15:22 ID:aJ8w3Psq [Del]

Im British, and I've been watching this show religiously, since I was really young. I even paid for the old DVD's for the ones I hadn't watched. I've seen them now though. :-D

195 Name: bang-bang : 2012-09-09 16:54 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]

I have a bit of a question.

The first episode, when did it take place? Like in Dalek continuity, is it in the "present", as in after Victory of the Daleks or...? I just find it odd that they would have grown so much since.

196 Name: bang-bang : 2012-09-09 17:06 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]

And Doctor Who under Steven Moffat continues to be a giant string of ups and downs for me.

197 Name: Zion : 2012-09-10 02:49 ID:Dpnxc0LW [Del]

I only recently got into Doctor Who, but it is probably my favorite live action television show. I've seen every 2005-onwards episode, but I do need to watch the older ones too.

Anyway, my personal favorite Doctor (Out of Eccleston, Tennant, and Smith) would have to be Matt Smith. Overall I enjoy his Doctor's personality and quirks most. Of course, I'm biased, as he was the first Doctor I ever watched. I have a feeling most Whovians remain loyal to their "first" Doctor, but that's just my own (admittedly shallow) view.

I'm very excited for this new season. Asylum of the Daleks, in my opinion, was well done. I would have probably labeled it "so-so" if not for the ending. Plus, even after just seeing her in one episode, Oswin is probably one of my favorite Smith-era characters. xD The idea of the Doctor and Rory fencing with their chin and nose (respectively) is highly amusing to me.

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship... Overall I was a bit unimpressed, honestly. I liked the ending, and the graphics were surprisingly good for Doctor Who. But it almost felt a bit crowded with three extra characters to keep track of.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling.

198 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-09-10 14:49 ID:5JqCQnY+ [Del]

Dinosaurs.....ON A SPACESHIP!

199 Name: otter !PUg8oZyq.2 : 2012-09-13 14:46 ID:GZPNqsCx (Image: 224x188 jpg, 6 kb) [Del]

src/1347565590560.jpg: 224x188, 6 kb
I drew a Dalek in art class, everyonbe though it was R2D2

200 Name: Flyffe : 2012-09-14 12:16 ID:b7WVsKsG [Del]

>>199 Surprisingly, I actually know this feel.

201 Name: bang-bang : 2012-09-16 06:18 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]

Whoa this fan-made title sequence is really cool. I say fan, but I mean motion graphics professional.

202 Name: Sao : 2012-09-17 02:48 ID:3AXNC1TM [Del]

I just have to say this - the last DW episode was shit. It was absolutely the *worst* episode of DW I've seen.
The Doctor was out of character, the plot was stupid and I feel like they stole one of the last pond-episodes.
Everything about this was fucking shit!!

>>201 This is the best thing ever!

203 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-09-17 05:40 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

I don't like the new intro. The font they used makes it seem like something a fan would use.

204 Name: bang-bang : 2012-09-17 07:18 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]

>>202 Yelling "out of character" when it comes to the Doctor, even though I know I've felt like doing it sometimes too, is a bit mmhm. Because he's been 11 people so far and some of those are very different from others and I haven't watched all of them. Saying it in relation to just 9 and 10 isn't really accurate because it's completely ignoring how much came before it.

Anyway I'm gonna spill some thoughts. I liked in A Town Called Mercy that the Doctor got called out on his bullshit. I don't know if it was plain to see but in recent seasons he's become much darker and sometimes much crueler under that playful guise than how he was before. What I was displeased with at times was not that this was happening, but that it wasn't addressed.

It resulted in things feeling "out of character" (for me and maybe some others), like most recently in ep 2 when he just up and killed that guy, and that's because it felt so opposed to the themes that were so central to his character as 9 and 10. I don't want another 10, 11 is great, but I want the Doctor to make sense. I want all the characters to make sense for that matter, and I want that more than fancy plot gimmicks.

I forgot what my point was.

205 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-09-18 15:35 ID:LJ/PGMpK [Del]

>>202 Agreed.

206 Name: The Doctor : 2012-09-19 14:28 ID:yYajDSBB [Del]

I think it's rather funny, that 9&10 (doctors) dealt with the Last Great Time War and how he's the last of the Time Lords, and 11 deals more with the wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff that goes with time traveling.

207 Name: The Doctor : 2012-09-21 13:55 ID:yYajDSBB (Image: 278x181 png, 18 kb) [Del]

src/1348253757618.png: 278x181, 18 kb
Never noticed it until now! lol

208 Name: cheshire !CjloO9Of8g : 2012-09-24 19:23 ID:fVmEF93+ [Del]


209 Name: 2260231515 : 2012-09-25 21:40 ID:htiGUWmV [Del]

I agree with many of these people, David Tennant was a great Doctor, but Matt Smith is doing really well. I also rather miss David Tennant, as many of you out there.

210 Name: Little Black Raincloud : 2012-09-27 07:55 ID:Vw1qBYMv (Image: 212x238 jpg, 10 kb) [Del]

src/1348750511662.jpg: 212x238, 10 kb

211 Name: left_chan : 2012-09-27 08:47 ID:Ryo9/b/e (Image: 195x259 jpg, 8 kb) [Del]

src/1348753620850.jpg: 195x259, 8 kb
I love Doctor Who and I love David Tennant. he was a really good actor. my favorite Doctor forever!

212 Post deleted by user.

213 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-09-30 00:59 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

Fuck you Moffat. You didn't have to get rid of them like that.

214 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-09-30 02:45 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>213 It was a good episode nonetheless, however.

215 Post deleted by user.

216 Name: bang-bang : 2012-09-30 07:30 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]


Except not really. What even was that episode.

217 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-09-30 19:09 ID:eKm9FM4l [Del]

I'm missing out on the new season aren't I.

218 Name: left_chan : 2012-10-01 08:37 ID:jEP8kJSH [Del]

here in Italy, we have to wait january 1013 to see the Doctor... what a bad destiny....

219 Name: bang-bang : 2012-10-01 08:48 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]

>>218 I'd probably have to wait who knows how long for it too, but there's always the internet you know.

220 Name: Zeckarias !LoWvdc0uhQ : 2012-10-02 21:45 ID:YuVdV4qW [Del]


221 Name: left_chan : 2012-10-03 09:39 ID:7cxE6UXp [Del]

>>219 where do you watch it?

222 Name: bang-bang : 2012-10-03 17:30 ID:TXfKClQY [Del]

>>221 I download it actually. But I'm sure a streaming site isn't that hard to find, I just can't really recommend you any since I don't use them.

223 Name: bang-bang : 2012-11-15 05:20 ID:Su6t1qOI (Image: 500x750 jpg, 87 kb) [Del]

src/1352978420389.jpg: 500x750, 87 kb
Appreciating The Doctor's fancy outfit. Teaser pic for the Christmas Special.

224 Name: The Doctor : 2012-11-16 05:17 ID:mHvjHEM7 [Del]

Here's a site where I watched the series:

225 Name: Live 2 Die !3Sd75li6/6 : 2012-11-16 17:31 ID:vWsGdtjQ [Del]

I just love how one sentence started this 225 reply thread.

226 Name: RadioMonkey : 2012-11-17 16:20 ID:b+jbIJ5l [Del]

Just found out there is a Who society at my university just starting up. I'm gonna go fanboy with them first chance I get.

227 Name: madi : 2012-11-17 23:27 ID:nBw0gxmM [Del]

*Fangirls eternally over doctor who*

228 Name: Count_Duckula !z.S9KJmHTI : 2012-12-26 11:45 ID:I470pk4i [Del]

Who watched the Christmas special?
I thought the episode was alright but the unveiling of the new TARDIS couldn't of been cooler.

229 Name: Emiri : 2012-12-26 17:56 ID:d36hFQkB [Del]

DOcter Who!! My friend was the time machine for halloween

230 Name: Takara!!Eg5kLIly : 2012-12-26 21:24 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

I don't like how they made the console room smaller. :(

231 Name: Setton : 2012-12-26 23:42 ID:DVDB6y6c [Del]

I love Doctor Who! The Christmas special was great but I don't like the new design for the TARDIS---I like the Season 5 and 6 design the best

232 Name: Circinus : 2012-12-27 04:19 ID:rcmET2Sa [Del]

Yes!! But I kinda fell behind :/ oh well, I guess I'll just have to spend an entire day watching Dr. Who :D

233 Name: j-taxton !WABCAFs6Hg : 2012-12-28 23:12 ID:4Phwzwiy [Del]

I LOVE Doctor Who @Setton i agree

234 Name: Count_Duckula !z.S9KJmHTI : 2012-12-30 15:35 ID:x29uFJxh [Del]

>>230 >>231
I'm not overly fond of the new TARDIS but I do like how it's been made to have 360 pans so now you can actually follow the characters walking into the TARDIS.

235 Name: j-taxton !WABCAFs6Hg : 2012-12-30 15:42 ID:4Phwzwiy [Del]

If you love doctor who you should vote here

236 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-01-10 10:42 ID:a57ZzoH7 [Del]

Bump. I'm painting my bedroom door to look like the Tardis.

237 Name: HarryPenis !0mvkTdlwA. : 2013-01-12 12:18 ID:VQauztxM [Del]

I love this show with both of my hearts!!!!! I still miss Rose, Donna, Amy and RORYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! :'(

238 Name: Xissx!6bey4Qz3DY : 2013-01-12 22:14 ID:ScV3QKn1 [Del]

Probably should get another thread with a description and a picture of the latest Doctor. But I dunno, whatever. :I

239 Name: bang-bang : 2013-01-13 06:06 ID:outC2u7C [Del]

I think if we were to remake the thread we should have a pic of all the doctors if possible >>238 . But this one has so many replies I could never bring myself to do it.

240 Name: Count_Duckula !z.S9KJmHTI : 2013-01-13 23:18 ID:XjmZL5R3 [Del]

>>239 I couldn't find a good enough photo with all the Doctor's but I got a nice enough one of the 11th. This current thread does look too plain so I couldn't not make a new one.