Dollars BBS | Films
















Howl's movng castle (147)

1 Name: Haruka : 2011-02-26 18:26 ID:JijvPhxg (Image: 478x347 jpg, 38 kb) [Del]

src/1298766377323.jpg: 478x347, 38 kb
I just HAD to post this. Howl's moving castle is one of my all time favourites :D Though it isn't exactly new. Anyone else like it? :D

2 Name: Eari : 2011-02-27 06:20 ID:UGKbGUy8 [Del]

i love the Miyasaki films. in all honesty i do not have a favorite x.x to me they r all highly rated in my page.

3 Name: Haruka : 2011-02-27 13:52 ID:OECDrKkU [Del]

>>2 yeah, i thought Spirited away was a pretty good one too :)

4 Name: Misuto : 2011-02-28 02:19 ID:BblcKeu9 [Del]

Oh jeez, Miyazaki.

Everything he does is a masterpiece, and out of all the ones I've seen, Howl is one of my favorite animated films of all time.

I'm a sucker for presentation as well as story. The steampunk style, the level of detail in the art, the orchestral composition of the music.. I could go on, but I've geeked out just in summation as it is.

5 Name: Eari : 2011-02-28 02:35 ID:UGKbGUy8 [Del]

>>4 now this person knows what they are talkin about lol

6 Name: Mayu : 2011-02-28 09:40 ID:FpD/XZ+e [Del]

I love it~~!! Miyazaki's movies are great!! And Howl's moving castle is pure love~! x) (Now i feel like watcing it again XD)

7 Name: Haruka : 2011-02-28 10:19 ID:OECDrKkU [Del]

>>6 Same, I feel like watching it tooo~ :D

8 Name: Lustral : 2011-02-28 15:15 ID:eEwCSAYw [Del]

Love this movie and all the other studio ghibli ones.

9 Name: LacieLove : 2011-02-28 23:16 ID:hSHdifgV [Del]

This movie gave me hope <3

10 Name: Nocturnal Geek : 2011-03-06 13:33 ID:X2koEhLg [Del]

I remember this movie almost perfectly. Watched it more than 5 times. Studio Ghibli is BOSS

...Dang. Did I spell Ghibli right?

11 Name: Dainn : 2011-03-07 01:43 ID:kb+d7qR7 [Del]

My favorite is probably Princess Mononoke, but I'll admit there are a lot of these movies I still haven't seen, Howl being one of them.

12 Name: Lustral : 2011-03-07 08:49 ID:eEwCSAYw [Del]

Princess mononoke was awesome. I also like Nausicca or however you spell it. It was really really good.

13 Name: Kamberlai : 2011-03-07 18:43 ID:prc2t3sa [Del]

Howl's Moving Castle is a great movie. I like Spirited Away the most, probably because it was the first Ghibli movie I saw. Ahh... The memories...

14 Name: Akito : 2011-03-08 23:38 ID:ny5DCcjP [Del]

I love Howls Moving Castle! ^^
I remember my first Ghilbi movie was Kikis delivery service and Totoro!
Good times..

15 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-03-14 11:39 ID:Tt3zjrUy [Del]

Y'know.. I've never been a huge fan of Miyazaki movies.
I mean, they're not bad or anything. Just pretty mediocre.
The ones I've seen anyways.

Haters gonna hate.

16 Name: Incognito : 2011-03-15 19:27 ID:M/xJKwtV [Del]

>>13 Same! Spirited Away was the first Miyazaki film I saw, and at first, I was pretty freaked. But once I watch all the way through I realized how wonderful it was.
>>15 To each his/her own. But you never know. Maybe give Miyazaki another chance?

17 Name: Willow : 2011-03-21 15:43 ID:DzTqkG7v [Del]

LOVE this movie! I actually read the book first. The book is really good and has a lot more to the story.

18 Name: Misuto : 2011-03-21 19:04 ID:BblcKeu9 [Del]

>>15 I know where you're coming from, sometimes they're a bit bland in terms of story. It doesn't really jump out at you or anything, so if it's not interesting in another way it won't really appeal to you.

Miyazaki's works are those of deeper meaning and theme (herpderp implying i know literature), and while it's well done it's not for everyone. If you somehow ignore the gratuitous scenery porn and just take everything face value, it's not that great to be honest.

This is why Howl's Moving Castle was one of my favorite ones though. It had appeal in so many different ways.

19 Name: HTT : 2011-03-23 14:39 ID:z7iV6kPG [Del]

ALL MIYAZAKI MOVIES ARE AWESOME~!! including this one AND especially Spirited Away~!! ^^ Miyazaki's a genius~

20 Name: Julia : 2011-10-02 19:46 ID:tfe6ExWM [Del]


21 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-02 19:49 ID:7x30Vtsk [Del]

>>20 While your use of the archives is appreciated, there's no reason to bump every single thread about the same topic, Julia. We really only need one, especially if you're just going to say the same thing on both threads.

22 Name: HaiHai : 2011-10-05 19:57 ID:KPljB7fl [Del]

I Love This Movie! So Good, Funny, And Clever!

23 Name: Rasputin : 2011-10-06 16:55 ID:PBPGAt6v [Del]

>>13 I agree, but i just recently watched Howl's Moving Castle because I found it for free on my Comcast on demand-deal.

24 Name: Mika : 2011-10-07 23:44 ID:jpf4plnv [Del]

does anyone of you have already watched spirited away? ...

25 Name: Mimi : 2011-12-01 19:13 ID:p9VzmItz [Del]

its a tear jerker for me,and, like spirited away, will never get old. hayao miyazaki is brilliant, and this is one of many of his masterpieces

26 Name: Darasuum : 2011-12-01 21:22 ID:/iInO0qH [Del]

love this movie. right up there w/ paprika

27 Name: Kael : 2011-12-01 23:39 ID:q5wvr3iU [Del]

I love that movie! The animation is beautiful.

28 Name: Baka ranger : 2011-12-02 11:30 ID:V+LCEkkL (Image: 300x300 jpg, 20 kb) [Del]

src/1322847013720.jpg: 300x300, 20 kb
Beautiful movie! But I still prefer Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

29 Name: ABYSS : 2011-12-02 11:47 ID:xh+CR9uw [Del]

This is one of my favorite hayao miyazaki movies of all time :D

30 Name: mewmaddie : 2011-12-02 15:41 ID:t1zvHsPm [Del]

i love this movie!!!

31 Name: Maren : 2011-12-02 16:53 ID:qJOWAijT [Del]

The first Hayao Miyazaki film I saw was probibally Castle In The Sky. And of corse, I loved it! Then I watched My Neightbor Totoro and Kiki's Dilivery Service which are both fantastic also! Then, after seeing Spirited Away, I finally realised these films were all made by the same person. This is when my fasination for his work grew in me! I really would like to see all the Miyazaki films!! And I've probibally seen over 2/3s of them. However, my favorite one so far is Howl's Moving Castle. It's really great! They all are (of corse!!)! ^-^ Thanks for reading!

32 Name: Ryuugan : 2011-12-02 17:21 ID:vBImVzXQ [Del]

God! Do i love this movie!

33 Name: Nani : 2011-12-02 17:37 ID:CtH1eTQM [Del]

I love this movie! I watch it all the time when I visit my grandparents or when I'm sick and can't do anything. I have watched almost all of Hayao Miyazaki films like this too! This is much appreciated!

34 Name: Reisa : 2011-12-02 22:25 ID:RliqZj4Y [Del]

I love this movie so much. I watched it once and was hooked. I watch Miyazaki's movies every summer. I made it a tradition. Soon, I'll be able to quote. I already do Spirited Away. My english research paper was on him lol.

35 Name: Pandora : 2011-12-02 23:06 ID:/Qz7hyC6 [Del]

I DO!! I DO!! I DO!!! I DO!! I DO!!!

36 Name: people : 2011-12-03 00:13 ID:ng0LlmjW [Del]

this is a good movie so are all the others made by the same guy, srry i do not now his name

37 Name: Seji : 2011-12-03 00:14 ID:cvFJWBdK [Del]

I loved this movie, unlike those found today, it actually played your emotions smoothly, insteady of being up and down with things, I'd watch it over and over again if I had time for it.

38 Name: Yami : 2011-12-03 02:59 ID:UEl+/GXv [Del]

Luv it... What I didn't get was, why did her hair not change back to it's original color(Brown)?

39 Name: alice : 2011-12-04 19:41 ID:xpUmT2bp [Del]

I love howl too ..... and spirited away and castly in the sky there all great.

40 Name: PeachBoy69 : 2011-12-04 22:44 ID:vC+aech4 [Del]

favorite movie of all timeeee!!

41 Name: イジー愛は打た : 2011-12-05 12:12 ID:xXpoiqE6 [Del]


42 Name: act2 : 2011-12-05 19:12 ID:+cRGUG0P (Image: 627x350 jpg, 206 kb) [Del]

src/1323137540784.jpg: 627x350, 206 kb
I love all of Miyazaki's movies :)
the book is really good, so is the sequel "House of Many Ways"

43 Name: MomoKami-sama : 2011-12-06 08:04 ID:Nq95TIgN [Del]

Love this! When I first saw it, I cried at some parts. Over all, good experience.

44 Name: Vortex : 2011-12-06 11:48 ID:xDU2E2Wv [Del]

I love this movie!!

45 Name: Loliprincess : 2011-12-17 18:56 ID:1XrNDmBz [Del]

i thought this was pretty good movie though i hear there are plenty of differences from the book and film. Either way i still like it :)

46 Name: TheNobody : 2011-12-18 10:30 ID:5u9gZkZq [Del]

Love this movie and every other Miyazaki movie!!!

47 Name: Ladarius : 2011-12-18 12:16 ID:l/nqDUIy [Del]

This movie is so cool I liked it :)

48 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-18 15:10 ID:ryZttNBV [Del]

I can't believe it took me this long to finally come across this movie.

I finished it yesterday and I can't stop thinking about it.

I have to say, the story itself could've been much better. However, for what it lacks in plot, it makes up with music. The music and soundtrack for this movie is phenomenastical! I have to say, they compliment each other very nicely.

Spirited Away > Howl's Moving Castle.

The movie itself was nice, but it's not as good as Spirited Away. Perhaps close to equal, but not better.

49 Name: Vives !0qvjPx3R8I : 2012-02-28 23:26 ID:7iIq+0cN [Del]

This is one of my all-time favorites, definitely.
I read the book shortly after seeing the movie for the first time (finding it by sheer coincidence; I didn't know that it was a book first) and I have to say, reading it just made watching the movie a better experience.
I give 5 stars to both the book and the movie. ^^

50 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-02-29 06:25 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

>>49 Ah, I've seen the book around a couple of times at my scool library. Is it good? I might try reading it.

51 Name: Vives !0qvjPx3R8I : 2012-02-29 15:01 ID:7iIq+0cN [Del]

>>50 Yeah, I think it is. Diana Wynne Jones is a pretty good author. :P
It's different from the movie, but it's really good.

52 Name: Oberon : 2012-03-02 14:20 ID:JLc2gMYg [Del]

this movie and castle in the sky are my favorite miyazaki films. They put Howls moving castle on netflix a few moths back

53 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-02 19:17 ID:OoIV7TXc [Del]

<3 i love this movie

54 Name: iono : 2012-03-03 18:50 ID:HectJQ6+ [Del]

Ive always wanted a walking castle. Not flying. thats not nearly as mystical... oh, and that scarecrow would be my constant companion. That things awesome.

55 Name: minki : 2012-03-04 02:04 ID:BTUqZmyO [Del]

o.o i love this movie and i love my boyfriend holw xD

56 Name: Sakazaki : 2012-03-04 23:58 ID:O8/xLJyE [Del]

yes exactly. i love it as well.

57 Name: Finhephor : 2012-03-05 14:49 ID:l2SebYt2 [Del]

Who couldn't love Howl's Moving Castle - especially if they've seen it? Great plot, beautiful characters, great imaginative works, and best of all (imo) the talented voice actors. ESPECIALLY that fire demon!

58 Name: Mad : 2012-03-05 18:14 ID:ygg/dafK [Del]

this was my moms favorite movie

59 Name: Zyshi !wwb/uRI1Ko : 2012-03-05 21:48 ID:rUuYtUr4 [Del]

Who else new Christian Bale played Howl?~ if you did, you're awesome! ♥

60 Name: Tsukiko !TgQ3fuQLTo : 2012-03-06 04:02 ID:ib6hss31 [Del]

LOVE LOVE LOVE !!!! the first time i watched the movie, i watched it 3 times all in one go cause it was too good XD

61 Name: tasha : 2012-03-07 18:31 ID:r1xF7PJz [Del]

i have been IN LOVE with this movie since the firt time i saw it! <3
i even have it on my ipod to watch whenever i feel like it :D

62 Name: Axel Faraday : 2012-05-01 07:20 ID:zLeksxQ4 (Image: 500x598 jpg, 110 kb) [Del]

src/1335874824753.jpg: 500x598, 110 kb

63 Name: Airai : 2012-05-01 11:42 ID:/gDL11cV [Del]

I love this movie. And >>62 that is just amazing

64 Name: Naru : 2012-05-01 17:07 ID:77dGhn2x [Del]

BEST ANIME MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

65 Name: Dokuro-chan : 2012-05-01 23:22 ID:3h6RQKeL [Del]

Of course it was awesome! Everything by Hayo Miyazaki is completely amazing!

66 Name: Riceball Melody : 2012-05-02 17:04 ID:2+vhyMUd [Del]

I loved this movie is AMAZING...


...although the ending with Turniphead being the prince made me facepalm. If it hadn't been so sudden I probably would've felt different.

67 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-05-02 17:07 ID:OiQB+9CT [Del]

Best and first Studio Ghibli movie I ever watched

68 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2012-05-02 18:19 ID:alJBUT6K [Del]

I watched this in Anime club at school!!!

69 Name: Master-sama : 2012-05-02 18:53 ID:5aNY/6j7 [Del]


70 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-05-03 08:18 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

Did anyone pick up the metaphors in this film? If so, please point them out and explain them for me.

71 Name: Dak : 2012-05-03 12:45 ID:bkylpEjH [Del]

Wow what a great movie, the animation was superb!

72 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-05 14:28 ID:SZXd4mOy [Del]

LOL I remember this! I watched it when I was 4 year-old, and I haven't seen it since~!

73 Name: Rooona : 2012-05-05 14:50 ID:SEnKDMNS [Del]

I watched this movie 4 years ago. It takes a special place in my mind. It touches heart so deeply:)

74 Name: Yume Heiki : 2012-05-05 21:33 ID:1S3p2EsJ [Del]

oh i miss this, gotta look it up, and i miss it too.

75 Name: Neva !MBee85.6sc : 2012-05-06 00:05 ID:in85INE5 [Del]

Oh my god, love Howl's Moving Castle! or really anything by Studio Ghibli XD

76 Name: Emiko_saika : 2012-05-07 16:01 ID:bxaWdpyI [Del]

what surprises me is i just found out about this just two months ago and when i found out it was all anime, i freaked and made my little nii-san watch it! :D

77 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2013-06-29 20:49 ID:WdZ1wPIm [Del]


78 Name: Haon Syl : 2013-06-30 00:13 ID:5gTDp4GX [Del]

I love this movie.

79 Name: CielPhantomhive : 2013-06-30 09:22 ID:EFxdU2W/ [Del]


80 Name: CielPhantomhive : 2013-06-30 09:22 ID:EFxdU2W/ [Del]


81 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2013-07-01 21:18 ID:WdZ1wPIm [Del]


82 Name: Oguido : 2013-07-02 00:25 ID:Hs6oJm9V [Del]

one of Ghibli's best!!!!

83 Name: LYNN : 2013-07-04 15:15 ID:kzXtBz/3 [Del]

I do enjoy the movie, but I ruined it for myself by watching it too many times in a week;.

84 Name: Shizuo H. : 2013-07-04 20:07 ID:OXMft+gQ [Del]

Love that Movie to bits

85 Name: Naoto Stone : 2013-07-06 23:18 ID:6wM7Kjds [Del]

One of the best Ghibli films!!!

86 Name: Septem : 2013-07-07 15:54 ID:UKJULUmb [Del]

The best film for me **

87 Name: Red : 2013-07-07 16:42 ID:dFN0iuvO [Del]


88 Name: Red : 2013-07-07 16:42 ID:dFN0iuvO [Del]


89 Name: KuroKaze : 2013-07-07 20:23 ID:bMZyphcW [Del]

I love that movie

90 Name: Callie !h1sqTdEBNs : 2013-07-08 19:36 ID:sMbAyG7B [Del]

Its one of my favorite movies ever

91 Name: No one~ : 2013-07-08 20:04 ID:lTjV4ZFa [Del]

Crispin Freeman(Shizuo) is the Turrup(can't spell ^^") king~~~~

92 Name: Master-Sama : 2013-07-09 10:59 ID:ofVQ3wu0 [Del]

My childhood!!! All of Miyazaki's films are amazing!

93 Name: 12th Doctor (Axel) : 2013-07-09 12:32 ID:JXpMtLZ6 (Image: 720x960 jpg, 165 kb) [Del]

src/1373391140832.jpg: 720x960, 165 kb

94 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-07-09 15:07 ID:CK6CtNjD [Del]

>>93 WTH?!?! XDDD Pretty awesome though! LOL

95 Name: LimeChan : 2013-07-10 09:32 ID:l7unEnZp [Del]

love that movie!!! XD anybody here read the book too???

96 Name: DotaChin : 2013-07-10 15:58 ID:LBiuTVRp [Del]

haruka its amazing i watched the movie today with my another otaku friend and its amazing <3

97 Name: DotaChin : 2013-07-10 15:59 ID:LBiuTVRp [Del]

limechan i fried up by searching for the book cant freaking find it :/

98 Name: Yuki-chan : 2013-07-12 16:18 ID:USfD562j [Del]

Best thread I've seen so far. Howls Moving castle is amazing and by far my favorite Studio Ghibli movie. If any of you need a link as to where to watch it online go to ^-^

99 Name: Shadow : 2013-07-15 16:13 ID:qxGRuNRX [Del]

Oh.. Howl's moving castle *laughs* it's so hilarious, but little bit sad too.. But the best movie what Studio Ghibli has ever made!! Really i love when Howl's hair changes colour ^.^

100 Name: S : 2013-07-16 14:20 ID:v5QfPru+ [Del]

I remember watching this in my high school Japanese class. I still prefer the Japanese to this day simply because Howl's temper tantrum is 10x more hilarious to me (Sorry Christian Bale)

101 Name: Mr. Cuddles : 2013-07-16 23:26 ID:b6UKL5zA [Del]

this is really worth watching :D

102 Name: S.E. : 2013-07-17 20:51 ID:tae82PMf [Del]

I found the plot a bit confusing when I first watched it, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it. The book's great, too.
All hail Calcifer :)

103 Name: DDRXCRIM : 2013-07-22 11:30 ID:j2r4d1lJ [Del]

Its a very clever movie but I will say its entirely different from the book. Solomon is actually a guy not a girl.

104 Name: ShadowDragon : 2013-12-29 20:06 ID:4KKqprE9 [Del]

I really loved this movie as it is also the very first anime movie I ever watched:p

105 Name: Kuro Neko : 2013-12-29 21:51 ID:pxuv1qvq [Del]

Haha, I enjoy this movie so much. It was so interesting the first time I saw it and it's still very fun to watch.

106 Name: ichigo : 2014-01-04 16:58 ID:HRfgTLpM [Del]

ahhh! this is the movie that got me into gibli films, spirited away was another one!

107 Name: Keito !5D0KL94kc2 : 2014-01-05 14:24 ID:iOoIkVLv [Del]

This movie is amazing! I've literally watched it so many times I almost know half the words! About a year ago I stumbled across the book by accident and loved it. I didn't even know it was a book until then, a Welsh one at that! I like to think that it was this, Spirited Away and My Neighbour Totoro (wait, actually all the Studio Ghibli films) that got me into anime! I'm even wearing my totoro onesie now~

108 Name: hi1119876 : 2014-01-07 13:37 ID:EcJy6l2Y [Del]

So after seeing this thread I went and watched the movie and yes it is an amazing movie everyone should watch this.

109 Name: 0bedere : 2014-01-11 11:37 ID:yvQCqDAO [Del]

HMC is my favorite of the studio ghibli films

110 Name: BlueRose : 2014-01-15 10:16 ID:hGKKOSLH [Del]

I love this movie, it one of the best Studio Ghibli films along with Spirited Away.

111 Name: Mrrobato : 2014-01-16 06:23 ID:WxVONMb7 [Del]

Yeah I love it! xD

112 Name: Alkeid Asura : 2014-01-16 12:19 ID:NpUjhdnI [Del]

Great film. i just loved it.

113 Name: GIANT : 2014-01-19 00:03 ID:EEH/6mxc [Del]

I'll always remember my first time watching this and just feeling so captivated by the story. I love the musical theme to this movie too, gets stuck in my head all the time

114 Name: Titan : 2014-01-20 19:48 ID:+PXLJ623 [Del]


115 Name: Crim !ACccwml3JM : 2014-01-21 00:35 ID:akTZ3pnZ [Del]

I remembered that movie when I was little I loved it

116 Name: Shan Garadex : 2014-01-22 16:01 ID:pnAa7FhD [Del]

I've seen this one so many times. Its a favorite <3

117 Name: Norin : 2014-01-22 19:11 ID:vL5jNcyW [Del]


118 Name: BLEACH : 2014-01-25 22:29 ID:LoC/aUt8 [Del]


119 Name: Sleeping Akuma : 2014-02-01 00:15 ID:hmJGhV8V [Del]

Why must you have to remind me the feels that I feel TT^TT

120 Post deleted by user.

121 Name: Ajin : 2014-02-01 23:02 ID:fE7ieCkR [Del]

Love that movie!

122 Name: Shadow : 2014-02-04 11:53 ID:jD8BB7SG [Del]

I love that film so many feels

123 Name: Satsura : 2014-02-04 17:39 ID:yRi8UE7x [Del]

Love all the Miyazaki films. I would totally recommend this film to anyone. Absolutely amazing!

124 Name: Seirin : 2014-02-04 17:49 ID:Oz/bef5O [Del]

Favorite Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

125 Name: bang-bang : 2014-02-15 09:30 ID:RaqNvQaP [Del]


126 Name: Gilgamesh : 2014-03-05 01:14 ID:5lXYvLZf [Del]

I would say it is the best romance Ghibli, however the rest are to good to say there is one that is the best in general. (However I did watch this over 200 times or more)

127 Post deleted by user.

128 Name: Lux : 2014-03-05 08:51 ID:24CKb1xT [Del]

favorite studio ghibli movie is still spirited away. in my mind that is always the best.

129 Name: Era : 2014-03-08 02:07 ID:mBbZX54n [Del]

Howl's moving castle really is one of the best ^^ but my favourites are still Spirited Away and Laputa-Castle in the Sky :)

130 Name: Lena : 2014-03-08 02:39 ID:WmvrhJm/ [Del]

All Miyazaki's movie are great :3

131 Name: Takara!!dOFnbQCJ : 2014-03-09 01:35 ID:cueMLnEv [Del]

...I just noticed the typo in the thread name.

132 Post deleted by user.

133 Name: Ryoko : 2015-04-12 12:32 ID:z9bKIWSE [Del]

i squealed when i saw this..

134 Name: Malone : 2015-04-12 20:22 ID:QoTB6tAa (Image: 315x160 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

src/1428888177570.jpg: 315x160, 9 kb
I'm more of a Spirited Away or Whisper of the Heart fan myself, but this one is definitely on my top 5. :3

135 Name: Sakaya : 2015-04-12 22:14 ID:xYp9ZTyA [Del]

omg the movie and the book are wonderful

136 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-04-15 09:41 ID:MREYbV7t [Del]


137 Name: Malone : 2015-04-15 17:57 ID:QoTB6tAa [Del]

>>136 Lol, it really is an ineffective curse when you think about it.

138 Name: aura : 2015-04-17 09:41 ID:mmMrns0S [Del]

ahhh this show was amazing <3

139 Name: Price : 2015-04-20 08:09 ID:cvHfnV51 [Del]

A classic. I also recommend that you guys give the book a try if you have time. It's very different, but just as good.

140 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-04-20 14:37 ID:lDULT4vC [Del]

>>139 i asked my grand parents for the movie for Christmas....they got me the book i'll read it at some point

141 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-23 15:49 ID:u4YDD3jW [Del]

As much as i loved this film at the begining ther was something that was bugging me. The dog. So i bought original book (one of the best books ever I just fell in love with Diana writing style). And as sad as it is the only thing thats similiar beetwen the book and the film are names of haracters. Half of the book got cut of, other half was changed completly. Howl's moving castle is still one of my favorite films, but I'm higly disapointed in studio Ghibli. Im just against changing nerly perfect story (nothing is perfekt, ever). So to sum it up. I liked film but book is many times better (for me) and I'm just sad i won't see original story as a film.

142 Name: celton : 2015-04-29 21:41 ID:snX3PYyU [Del]

love, love, love!

143 Name: Tobi : 2015-04-30 06:31 ID:p7iHEz4F [Del]

I love this film, but I think that the book is more interesting. And there are more funny moments in the book.

144 Name: tsukishiro : 2015-05-01 04:08 ID:N6v9NPR2 [Del]

oohh this movie is my all time favorite too! actually , all of ghibli's!

145 Name: Sweg !CAZDUnjz.Q : 2015-05-03 23:48 ID:WTJ1OwWO [Del]

I just watched this a couple weeks ago, and I absolutely loved it! I've recently started going back and watching all the Ghibli movies, and so far, this is my favorite. I hope to get the book soon!

146 Name: YUI : 2015-05-07 21:07 ID:vue12OUV [Del]

i lovee ghibli's cute romance :3

147 Name: David Forrest : 2015-05-12 16:21 ID:NPsGt4Wg [Del]

Oh my god yeeeeeeesssss this movie is so good. The soft criticism, the landscapes, the romance (and the fact that Josh Hutcherson is the voice of Markl in the english version)
So far my favourite Ghibli movie, but i still have quite a few left to watch so.....