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Inception (22)

1 Post deleted by user.

2 Name: Misuto : 2011-01-21 14:44 ID:BblcKeu9 [Del]


3 Name: lurksalot!/aPzExRzGw : 2011-01-30 01:32 ID:yNGNWhUC [Del]

ehhhhhhh, I wasn't so blown away as everyone else. I could comprehended it, I just couldn't comprehend how hard it was for most of my friend to comprehend it.

4 Name: Misuto : 2011-01-30 05:45 ID:BblcKeu9 [Del]

Aw, where'd OP go?

Yeah I understood it too, but the whole thing was a trip either way.

So...about the end... Did it fall?

5 Name: Blue : 2011-01-30 07:48 ID:gwngVmxG [Del]

>>3 I know, right? I don't get why people had such a hard time understanding it. Sure, it isn't the kind of movie you can watch while really concentrating on something else and still be able to follow what is happening. But I would definitely not classify it as a mindfuck.

>>4 Yes it did, but that's not important. Notice how Cobb doesn't even look at it, doesn't give a shit whether it falls or not? That's because he is sure this is reality and that those are his real kids, spinning tops be damned. And that is all that matters, isn't it. He got his happy ending, he got to come home.

And there are loads of other things that point toward the fact that what we were told was reality, was in fact reality and not a dream. Like, Cobb only wears his wedding ring in the dreams and he doesn't wear it at the end, or that the actors portraying the children at the end are different, older actors wearing other clothes than the ones we've seen throughout the movie.

6 Name: Misuto : 2011-01-30 15:49 ID:BblcKeu9 [Del]

But if it was still a dream, even if he's happy, it's a Lotus Eater Machine ending, isn't it?

Fine fine, you're right, those details do lead to that conclusion. It's just, at the time, not thinking about it, it kind of messes with you, doesn't it? It's like "Happy ending!... MAYBE /cut to black"

7 Name: Blue : 2011-01-31 01:58 ID:gwngVmxG [Del]

Well, a major theme throughout the movie was the fear of getting stuck in the lotus eater machine and not be able to tell it was not reality. If it ended with Cobb still being in a dream, it would have been a complete downer ending even though he is happy. There is some room for speculation, but I refuse to accept anything else than a happy ending, cause that would just be sad :P

Also, off topic, but how do I link stuff here? All of my posts would be greatly improved by a few dozen potholes to TV tropes.

8 Name: Misuto : 2011-01-31 15:03 ID:BblcKeu9 [Del]

It takes HTML.

9 Name: Blue : 2011-01-31 15:20 ID:gwngVmxG [Del]

So I can just use regular HTML in the posts here? Sweet.

10 Name: Sweeney Todd : 2011-02-19 14:32 ID:9IKlDR86 [Del]

I really need to watch this movie, my friend keeps telling me that it is very interesting and my video production teacher says that it is the best edited movie he has seen. I will watch it before the end of this week hopefully.

11 Name: Ali : 2011-02-19 15:25 ID:Ukg/556c [Del]

We were actually watching this movie in school (since it was make-up day and no one does anything on that day). Unfortunately, we were watching it in the middle of it so I didn't get to see the ending. Plus my friend kept asking questions during the movie because she couldn't understand it. -____- But I'm planning watching it on my own one day. It looks really good.

12 Name: kinri : 2011-02-19 20:23 ID:9IKlDR86 [Del]

This movie was AMAZING!!!! It treats the viewer like someone with a brain wich most movies forget. It really makes you think about life, and what reality really is.

13 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-02-23 16:06 ID:E4Ajsky0 [Del]

>>12 "Treats the viewer like someone with a brain."
>>11 "My friend couldn't understand it."

Darwin's social process at work.

14 Name: kinri : 2011-02-23 16:34 ID:aQSH3f23 [Del]

>>13 its a good thing or the worlds brains would turn to goo...

15 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-22 19:20 ID:owpgT4Oj [Del]

actually just recently watch this about 75% of the way through (though i've see the whole thing before) and the one thing that i don't really get is this: even though people are sharing a dream, why is it that someone who is not the person who's dream they are sharing is the one who actually creates the dream?

16 Name: Raix : 2011-11-22 20:23 ID:s77ER7nU [Del]

>>15 it is like an out of body experience, people told me I wouldn't understand the movie, but it's pretty easy, in my opinion.

17 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-23 01:56 ID:owpgT4Oj [Del]

>>16 i understand like 90% of the movie, took me longer for some parts but this >>15 is the one thing i can't quite seem to justify adequately enough. my only idea would be that the extra person realizes that it's a dream, but in the beginning with the chick, she doesn't realize it's a dream at first and suddenly she's like "ohp, let me change shit." not only that, but why can't anyone else change shit?

18 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-11-23 07:27 ID:Xe4QNxsU [Del]

It's because they are the ones dreaming. The machine allows the others to enter their consciousness, knowingly. Part of what they all learn to do is become aware they are dreaming without waking up - this makes their target believe they are dreaming; an illusion they keep up by altering the dream itself. Only one person ever controls what is in the dream, an it's the consciousness of that person that they enter.

19 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-23 14:51 ID:owpgT4Oj [Del]

>>18 what i mean is that the inhabitants of the dream are a product of the dreamer, this makes sense because they are in his subconsciousness, but the actual DESIGN of the dream is created by someone other than the dreamer.

20 Name: _Mari_ : 2011-11-23 16:27 ID:My2ZU0ZD [Del]

Inception is so good! I think if I watch it again I'd still have my mind blown from it--and I'd probably catch something I hadn't noticed the last time I saw it. ^^

21 Name: gridlock !JyJ4Lw0YTI : 2011-12-15 23:20 ID:98mdjCxt [Del]

>>7 what? you're a troper! dude your so cool its awesome!

inception is amazing! this is one of those movies that i wish were real because it would make life so much more interesting!

22 Name: Ladarius : 2011-12-17 17:07 ID:l/nqDUIy [Del]

I needed to see this movie 5 times just to get it :)