Dollars BBS | Countries




















Montana dollar (123)

1 Name: Vexen : 2011-09-14 14:15 ID:F3tUWK1b [Del]

I have asked before about other Montana dollars and didn't get any responses. I know for sure there are more of us here than just me. I have had a hat made it is simple, black hat with the word colorless in Capitol letters across the front. If you see me wherever you are please approach me. I am eager to meet other dollars in my area. Sorry if this is in the wrong place I didn't know where else it should go

2 Name: Misumi : 2011-09-29 11:22 ID:R+7AwXWg [Del]

Heya. Im a montana dollar. i just started here the other day. Im glad to know im not the only montana dollar, even if there only is two of us. and if i see your hat ill be sure to say hey.

3 Name: Wraive : 2011-10-04 20:36 ID:zrLzMOZN [Del]

Yo! Another Montana Dollar here, I'm glad I'm not the only one!
I'll keep my eye out for the hat.

4 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-19 14:32 ID:g4zq6l8g [Del]


5 Name: Sai-chan : 2011-11-20 17:05 ID:FueL5n5r [Del]

I'm in Montana. I live in Butte, i haven't met any other Dollars in the area, however i WAS just in billings for ATF over the weekend. It would be glad to meet up with other memebers.

6 Name: Sai-chan : 2011-11-20 17:26 ID:FueL5n5r [Del]

actually if any other montana members want to, i have a Skype account and they should totaly add me; nyanyasaichantheartist i'd love to have new friends on there. ^-^

7 Name: Ayana : 2011-11-22 01:02 ID:FueL5n5r [Del]

I-I'm new here too, just like sai. i only joined bc she said it would be a good way to make new friends, since i'm not very good w/ppl. i still don't get a lot of things, and her and i are both still learning the sight, but we'll get there i hope. Th-This is Ayana from Dollars Helena.

8 Name: Sai-chan : 2011-11-22 01:04 ID:FueL5n5r [Del]

AYA-CHAN! X3 glad you made it on here safe and sound! hope you've been making friends and meeting new ppl! <3 it'll be good for you to actually be able to talk to ppl for once. ^-^ hope you're having fun. this is Sai from Dollars Butte! <3 X3

9 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-22 01:09 ID:xVYl3EIi [Del]

8 Name: Sai-chan : 2011-11-22 01:04 ID:FueL5n5r
7 Name: Ayana : 2011-11-22 01:02 ID:FueL5n5r

Are you two in the same house or something? Just curious.

10 Name: Sai-chan : 2011-11-22 02:30 ID:FueL5n5r [Del]

iie, no, i know her bc her twin brother is my friend and is dating my other friend {{i got them together X3}} she lives about an hour away from me actually. X3 she's shy but this'll be a good way for her to make friends. she's already doing better. X3 where are you at Name?

11 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-22 03:13 ID:xVYl3EIi [Del]

Eh nowhere near you, I shouldn't even be posting here, I was just curious because of your IDs.

12 Name: Sai-chan : 2011-11-22 05:03 ID:FueL5n5r [Del]

Surprisingly Ayana's her real name. X3 it's fine though it bumps the thread this way. X3

13 Name: Sai-chan : 2011-12-12 11:39 ID:eIhF690h [Del]


14 Name: Sai-chan : 2011-12-12 19:17 ID:eIhF690h [Del]

bump X3

15 Name: Ichigo : 2011-12-12 20:58 ID:UOoybdd+ [Del]

Hey! I'm from Havre! Text me if your in the area! Just leave your user name after the text. 406-945-1837

16 Name: Sai-chan : 2011-12-13 02:11 ID:eIhF690h [Del]

just sent the message. ^-^ I'm in Butte, but like i said, i go up there from time to time for school stuff X3

17 Name: Sai-chan : 2011-12-17 01:57 ID:eIhF690h [Del]


18 Name: Ichigo : 2011-12-19 22:26 ID:f5/7yw2S [Del]

I never got that message¡!

19 Name: Sai-chan : 2011-12-20 12:31 ID:eIhF690h [Del]

lol i'll send another hold on. X3

20 Name: Sai-chan : 2011-12-24 10:18 ID:eIhF690h [Del]

BUMP!!!! <3

21 Name: Sonia : 2011-12-24 15:28 ID:yUIT9An3 [Del]

los banos dollar!

22 Name: Ichigo : 2012-01-01 05:12 ID:guB+S+vv [Del]

Bumpty bump bump, bump bump!!

23 Name: Sai-chan : 2012-01-02 09:19 ID:G+mlN10L [Del]


24 Name: Trezzi : 2012-01-02 23:24 ID:zkdh66XW [Del]

I'm from Montana too! Woot! Whitefish! :D

25 Name: Sai-chan : 2012-01-06 18:37 ID:xgP23bwG [Del]

Omg!!! I'm in Butte Montana! if you're headed this way ever give me a ring at 406-461-6499 let me know if you're headed this way and give me you're screen name too <3

26 Name: Ichigo : 2012-01-14 19:53 ID:EXRz8B1n [Del]


27 Name: Sai-chan : 2012-01-17 16:04 ID:G+mlN10L [Del]

DOUBLE BUMP!!! X3 sup ichi?

28 Name: Sai-chan : 2012-02-28 14:25 ID:x6pPkcDq [Del]

BUMP!!! :D

29 Name: Ichigo : 2012-03-25 16:55 ID:mrzTkk6j [Del]

We should all teext everybody. You all have my number already

30 Name: Emina : 2012-04-15 13:51 ID:x3sma3/Z [Del]

31 Name: Emina : 2012-04-15 13:59 ID:x3sma3/Z [Del]

You guys should text me! I'm from Kalispell Mt, and I would totally like to get to know other dollars members and stuff! My # is 419-558-0459. I know that tha'ts a weird area code, but I just prefer to text off of my ipod.

32 Name: Emina : 2012-04-15 22:03 ID:x3sma3/Z [Del]


33 Name: Shizuo H. : 2012-04-16 01:30 ID:xdt58OKk [Del]

Hey im in missoula and chillin Dollar here 702-769-7945
i just moved from vegas where i have a large group :D hit me up if your bored really do it illl swing ovah n help/chill whit you

34 Name: Echo Undumiel : 2012-05-22 21:13 ID:y6Z/F5hX [Del]

I'm a Billings Dollar, and I know a few others here, so that's kinda cool^.^

35 Name: Echo Undumiel : 2012-05-24 18:56 ID:y6Z/F5hX [Del]

If you guys ever come down here, shoot me a text! 406 697 9134....i cant believe i just put my number on the interwebs...0.o

36 Name: Sai-chan : 2012-06-05 12:49 ID:S16GiW2T [Del]

hey been a while since i last got to get on here. i'm in the chat rooms usually {{hetalia rooms i'm WstUS find me if you can}} X3 anyways Montana dollars it's GREAT to see we now have more ppl keep bumping our thread please! we need more montana dollars. it's nice meeting you all and i hope to talk to everyone soon!
With all the lack of color but plenty of love,

37 Name: Sai-chan : 2012-06-09 17:05 ID:S16GiW2T (Image: 391x495 png, 225 kb) [Del]

src/1339279501471.png: 391x495, 225 kb
Bonjour Everyone!!!,

Hey! it's Sai/Meri here!

I hope you all enjoyed the picture message i found for you. i thought it was fitting

anyways. i might actually be changing my name to that just so you all know. ANYWAYS so i've been poking around and have all of your numbers so far in my phone and texted everyone PLEASE text back if you can i'd LOVE to get to know you all X3

i have a couple of topics to touch up on.

for those who DON'T have my number yet it's still:
PLEASE feel free to text me. i have my phone on me ALL the time and i hardly sleep anyways so seriously pplz feel free to message i'd be happy to meet everyone and get to know all the other LOVELY Montana Dolars <3 X3

thanks to our LOVELY Emina in Kalispell i now know of Nagucon and FULLY plan to go i'm pretty sure i'll be meeting her there. :3 anyone else going PLEASE message or post here and i'm sure we can all meet up it'll be SO much fun!!! <3 the details to it are at this site;
it'll be great to have a dollars meet up <3 i hope to see more dollars there! it'd be great to meet everyone!!!

uh..... pails and buckets alive i forgot...... uh... i guess i'll just make something up? i suppose just request that everyone keeps bumping this thread <3 get us more attention here in montana so word can be spread oui? <3 we need more attention mon ami's! :D i'd love ta see everyone getting us more attention so spread the word that the MT dollars DO exist!!! <3

i THINK that's everything i have to say from here on out bump our thread once or twice a day if you can. the more often it get's bumped the better <3 LOVE YA ALL!!!!

Good bye mon amis,

38 Name: Sai-chan/MeriWestUS : 2012-06-10 01:53 ID:S16GiW2T [Del]

Bonjour again everyone!!!! i'm just here to bump the thread again! :D

39 Name: Sai-chan/MeriWestUS : 2012-06-10 11:43 ID:S16GiW2T [Del]

Doing my first bump of the day!!!! <3 i'll be back to bump more later!!!!

40 Name: Sai-chan/MeriWestUS : 2012-06-12 02:01 ID:S16GiW2T [Del]

Thread bumping again! message me ppl! <3

41 Name: Sai-chan/MeriWestUS : 2012-06-12 16:19 ID:S16GiW2T [Del]

Bonjour everyone! :DDD
seems i'm the only one that bumps anymore, but here it is;
Meri <3

42 Name: Sai-chan/MeriWestUS : 2012-06-13 03:16 ID:S16GiW2T [Del]

bonjour everyone. Meri here bumping the thread again. come on ppl i think we're the ONLY thread that HASN'T reached 100 yet D:

Meri <3

43 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-06-13 17:02 ID:oW6BROYn [Del]

Hey Montana! Check the missions boards <3


44 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-06-13 18:23 ID:JS8X55U8 [Del]

lol yfw Wyoming has just 10.

45 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-06-13 18:40 ID:S16GiW2T [Del]

>>44 well at least we're not alone! thanks for the message it really helps cheer things up <3 feel free to drop a message whenever! :3


46 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-06-14 17:11 ID:S16GiW2T [Del]

Bumping our thread chat thing again


47 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-06-14 23:54 ID:S16GiW2T [Del]

chat bump. come on montana bring friends please


48 Name: Ichigo : 2012-06-15 18:50 ID:op+MB5s/ [Del]


49 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-06-15 19:56 ID:S16GiW2T [Del]

ha ha!!!! also bump!!!


50 Name: Ichigo : 2012-06-17 23:25 ID:op+MB5s/ [Del]

Bump x3

51 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-06-18 03:39 ID:S16GiW2T [Del]

XDDD well i bump your bump ichigo! XDDD


52 Name: Ichigo : 2012-07-27 19:25 ID:SU1Y7Pb0 [Del]


53 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-08-06 20:00 ID:OoVdh8t1 [Del]


54 Name: Whisper : 2012-09-19 02:46 ID:MvFmOQf2 [Del]

Billings Dollar! 406-861-9633 (texting only)
BreathingInBlades <--Skype. Anyone in Montana feel free to contact! <3

55 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-09-19 02:59 ID:fe6f5L61 [Del]

Welcome Whisper! we're glad to have you. you're now in my phone and let me be the FIRST of our state to say hi. i hope that we can meet up soon!

56 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-09-19 03:02 ID:fe6f5L61 [Del]

>>34>>54 I'll be in Billings in the middle of november for ATF!!! i hope i can meet up with some of you!!! <3 i'll be there on the 16th and 17th HOPEFULLY the 18th too. we'll see though

57 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-09-19 03:15 ID:fe6f5L61 [Del]

for those who DON'T know what atf is check this out;

check it out! maybe i can meet some other dollars there <3

58 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-09-20 15:13 ID:fe6f5L61 [Del]

>3 i'm bumping our thread so ha!!!


59 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-11-16 07:40 ID:NFrRVyBr [Del]

Meri from the Butte Dollars here!!! i'll be in Billings Today and Tomorrow for sure MAYBE part of Sunday but probably not. if you want to meet up you all have my number!!! text meh!!! >w<

60 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-11-27 19:00 ID:9CbQs/+0 [Del]

Sup peeps?!?!?! Meri/Sai in Butte here!!!!! I'm giving out the first info on nagucon for this year!!!!!

So I have a couple of notes on the topic:

•If you want to go with the main group and join our rooms TEXT me asap. I need all reservations BY June 17th. So PLEASE get ahold of me ASAP. If you HAVEN'T messaged/texted me BY then then I can't get you in with the group.

• next, if you want to do group cosplay sets PLEASE give me your lists by April 13th at the LATEST. Lists of what animes we have so far are as fallow:
*Air Gear
*Shugo Chara
~ more can be added upon request. Skype me at nyanyasaichantheartist or text me at 1-406-461-6499 to talk about ideas or otherwise.

• Tickets. Wonderful topic to talk about next. Get yours as soon as you can. buy them WITH your friends as a word of advice. Major money saver. Once you get it let me know so I can add you to the list of ppl who are attending.

• Money: touchy topic I know. Not everyone can aford to do full 3 day passes and a room AND food AND cosplay. So here's what I want EVERYONE to do. We're going to have a money pool to help EVERYONE be able to go and have fun. For those of us who CAN aford to i'm BEGGING you to set aside $20 or more to help out those in need. Even I'll be doing my part. Those with jobs that can help MESSAGE/TEXT me by June 17th please.

• Events!!!! We have a LOT of cool ones this year! So be sure to go here: that SHOULD take you there.

if youp have ANY other questions feel free to ask me my darlings!!! The dates are August 9th 10th & 11th. Info for tickets is at:

Anything else let me know!!!

61 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-11-27 19:09 ID:9CbQs/+0 [Del]

Oh!!!! And if you need transportation or can PROVIDE transportation PLEASE get me your name and how many you can take or hoe many ppl NEED rides. Ty.

62 Name: Ichigo : 2012-12-05 20:40 ID:vrBXDil6 [Del]

Good to see so many Montana Dollars! Making a trip to Havre? Scroll up and you will see my number! Call? Text?

63 Name: Squalo : 2012-12-06 12:31 ID:BOdr7rqM [Del]

Anyone live in Derry NH?

I think we have only 2 person that were Dollars in here.

64 Name: MeriWestUS : 2012-12-13 01:17 ID:wdYubVSf [Del]

>>62 dude! guess what!! :O i just found out i'm probably moving up there to Havre come early to mid January >w<!!! i might see you soon!!! i'll text you later with details!! =D

65 Name: MeriWestUS : 2013-01-12 15:56 ID:4fLweiFd [Del]

I move up there in a few days! =D i'm excited and nervous to be back in Havre!!!

66 Name: Evangeline : 2013-02-14 15:16 ID:s3vLFQnZ [Del]

I'm in Montana also, if anyone wants to get together in some central place, we should all plan that!

67 Name: Evangeline : 2013-02-19 15:59 ID:ckvhLtjx [Del]

This is to Shizuo H. I'm down really close to Missoula. Actually, I'm in Hamilton, so we need to get together real soon! I would love to meet you!

68 Name: SolSkopeo : 2013-03-30 21:32 ID:Ig2KYhhf [Del]

Wow, I didn't know that there were people from Montana in the Dollars. Haha!!!! That's awesome :3. I just recently joined and just want to say you have another from MT :).

69 Name: SolSkopeo : 2013-04-25 17:37 ID:7hepFcge [Del]

I don't know if anyone checks this anymore, but there is an art trip for all Montana kids tomorrow. We are going to Great Falls, I was wondering if any of you were going ^~^

70 Name: Janus : 2013-05-03 12:46 ID:NzPIUVOd [Del]

Woah, so many Montana Dollars! I just joined, so this is a surprise. I'm from Billings, by the way. Nice to meet everyone.

71 Name: SolSkopeo : 2013-05-05 22:15 ID:D85/yAWr [Del]

Nice to meet you as well, Janus :). I don't know if many of the other Montanans check this thread often anymore, so on their behalf, I welcome you :)

72 Name: Janus : 2013-05-05 22:56 ID:NzPIUVOd [Del]

Thanks. ^-^ I'm glad someone is still around, at least. Having a local community is really nice...

73 Name: SolSkopeo : 2013-05-17 18:51 ID:mVy6lzmf [Del]

It is pretty nice :) So how are you lately?

74 Name: Janus : 2013-05-18 10:36 ID:NzPIUVOd [Del]

Pretty good, I'm working on my cosplays for Nagu Con this year. How 'bout you, any plans for the summer? I thought it'd be fun to do something for Dollars Day, but we're so spread out over the state so I'm not sure if it'll happen.

75 Name: SolSkopeo : 2013-05-18 17:11 ID:sT8Gw63g [Del]

Well that's good :) and I am tired. Haha, its near the end of the school year so all of the teachers are cramming homework down my throat. And yeahh, it probably wont happen for Montanans because we are spread out, but you can still celebrate, have your own little party haha

76 Name: Janus : 2013-05-20 14:20 ID:r5/aIZR9 [Del]

Ah man, still in school? Well at least it's almost over. The spring semester already ended for me, so I'm as free as a flightless bird~

77 Name: SolSkopeo : 2013-05-20 17:50 ID:Tp2KptOX [Del]

Well that's good :3 Im assuming you are in College, cause that's what it sounds like :)

78 Name: Amel : 2013-05-31 12:27 ID:pUnIy33d [Del]

wow! didnt know there were so many dollars in Montana! nice to meet you all!

79 Name: Janus : 2013-06-01 09:33 ID:NzPIUVOd [Del]

>>77 Yup, you guessed it. I go to MSUB, but only as a University Connections student. (sorry for the late reply)

>>78 Oh hey there Amel, nice to meet you too!

80 Name: Amel : 2013-06-06 11:40 ID:pUnIy33d [Del]

i was just wondering are the montana dollars having a meeting anywhere on dollars day? cause i think it would be really cool! :)

81 Name: SolSkopeo : 2013-06-06 22:17 ID:yyZRQEYQ [Del]

>>79 Its okay, I haven't checked this in a little while, getting out of school for summer has been taking a bunch of my time.
>>80 Hello and welcome! And I don't think we are going to.

82 Name: Janus : 2013-06-12 20:30 ID:NzPIUVOd [Del]

>>81 It's the same for me. I started driver's ed not too long ago and the pacing is just terrible. I'm either scrambling to finish tomorrow's homework or studying madly for tomorrow's test.

>>80 Looks like we're pretty spread out over the state. Any meetup would have a small turnout, if anyone was able to show up at all. So no, doesn't look like it. (´∩`。)

83 Name: SolSkopeo : 2013-06-16 23:03 ID:PyYngnZc [Del]

>>82 It should be okay ^~^ School is out for the summer here, when is it out for you??

84 Name: w-s dragon : 2013-07-21 14:08 ID:bl0nPSNX [Del]

Hey monta dollars. Im montana at heart, but im stuck somewere else. Miss the state.

85 Name: Janus : 2013-08-23 13:51 ID:NzPIUVOd [Del]

>>83 Gosh, sorry 'bout that! I haven't been on in a couple months. How that happens, I don't even know...well, school starts for me on September 4th, so we'll see how that goes. How about you?

86 Name: Lady Red : 2013-09-17 10:47 ID:L4+TcVRa [Del]

Hello, Montana Dollars!

87 Name: Janus : 2013-09-19 19:20 ID:NzPIUVOd [Del]

Why hello there, Lady Red. And what brings you to our humble thread?(¬‿¬)

88 Name: Janus : 2013-09-19 19:20 ID:NzPIUVOd [Del]

I swear I didn't mean to make that rhyme.

89 Name: GodComplex : 2014-03-07 03:46 ID:P1CCGI5+ [Del]

Where did everyone go? :,( Hope im not to late to say hi and glad to see so many others!! Im in Missoula and travel around MT a lot, so if you see a Teddy Bear of a guy in a Nightmare Before Christmas stalking cap, Please come up to me and say hi! I would love to meet a fellow Dollar!!

90 Name: Janus : 2014-04-13 18:33 ID:Xq9KJMhe [Del]

Oh hey, always nice to see a Montana Dollar. I'm not very active these days, but feel free to drop a message if you're ever in the Billings area.

91 Name: GodComplex !PTk8YlA7q2 : 2014-05-15 13:10 ID:IV8WvReI [Del]

Alright sounds great! Ill bring some other Missoula Dollars with me if and when i do head your way!

92 Name: Hei : 2014-06-23 12:55 ID:7dvbTDom [Del]

Hello Fellow Dollars! Just moved here from Denver, CO. Does anyone still use this thread anymore. Any Kalispell Dollars left? It would be great to meet some of you!

93 Name: GodComplex !PTk8YlA7q2 : 2014-07-02 09:48 ID:f1rSb78e [Del]

Welcome! Live here before or new to the area? Rarely, it may be used more since its summer now though! Good luck finding fellow Dollars! We'er scattered everywhere so it shouldn't be to hard!

94 Name: Anri : 2014-07-07 01:18 ID:6oy/eZPC [Del]

I used to live here a few years ago but moved to denver with my mom. Moved back to visit my dad and make some moneys so I can move out. (I forgot to change the name from Hei to Anri, This is the same person XD)

95 Name: Anri : 2014-07-07 01:21 ID:6oy/eZPC [Del]

If there are any kalispell dollars come to the movie theater on a weekend with a Dollars shirt/hat/necklace/something and i will say hi if i see you :D

96 Name: Anri : 2014-08-04 17:17 ID:6oy/eZPC [Del]

Has anyone ever heard of Dead Drops?

97 Name: Anri : 2014-08-04 17:19 ID:6oy/eZPC [Del]

I think it would be awesome if all of us put a few dead drops around montana and listed them on that site. I'll be putting a few out around Downtown in Kalispell

98 Name: GodComplex !PTk8YlA7q2 : 2014-09-14 13:21 ID:eKHJarEK [Del]

There kinda like geo-cashes! But i looked into it and that would actually really cool for everyone to do, ill try to start it here in Missoula. Helena already has one or two. But if all fails, We could have a Montana Dollars day

99 Name: Anri : 2014-09-21 23:10 ID:6oy/eZPC [Del]

Found a Geo-cash the other day in Woodland Park. I would like to set up some of my old flash drives somewhere in town and load manga and a hyperlink to the dollars website with the password. Is anyone in the Kalispell area that would like to participate in my shenanigans?

100 Name: Shandri : 2014-09-26 22:50 ID:8SqtvEn5 [Del]

Hiiiii! I'm from Kalispell originally. Not anymore though... Maybe I might know some of you from, like, second grade though! If anyone knows me, let me know!

101 Name: Shandri : 2014-09-26 23:12 ID:8SqtvEn5 [Del]

I'll check back as soon as I can ♪♪♪

102 Name: Anri : 2014-10-05 20:47 ID:6oy/eZPC [Del]

I don't recognize your name, I went to West Valley.

103 Name: Shandri : 2014-10-27 22:32 ID:8SqtvEn5 [Del]

I went to Hedges for a couple years. I'm in Texas now.

104 Name: Anri : 2015-01-08 11:59 ID:YHC6oaZi [Del]

Now working at Wheat Montana, if your a dollar I'll make you a sandwich or get you a pastry. (don't work tue. or Fri.)

105 Name: Anri : 2015-03-27 16:14 ID:evdRsctw [Del]

I'm going to Denver for Comic Con at the end of May. Any Montana Dollars going? Also, a friend of mine, and also a dollar member, is having a Homestuck event in June if anyone is interested.

106 Name: Parzival : 2015-07-13 15:25 ID:kvQ2Ntdt [Del]

Missoula dollar here. I'm surprised at the amount of replies on this thread! Didn't think there'd be many Dollars in Montana.

107 Name: Anri : 2015-07-18 00:47 ID:D59Bc2Sc [Del]

There were some, but nobody checks the thread anymore :/ I was hoping the second season would bring everyone back.

108 Name: Parzival : 2015-07-22 21:21 ID:kvQ2Ntdt [Del]

Ah. That's a shame.

109 Name: Pretzel : 2015-10-16 23:31 ID:o6zmgKm1 [Del]

Oh gosh, this thread is so dead.
Anyway, I'm in Montana. Not sure I've ever spoken with a fellow Montanan online (excluding through popular social media).

110 Name: Anri : 2015-11-03 19:06 ID:Ewqs7gkg [Del]

I check this thread every once in a while. But yes. This thread is dead.

111 Name: MeriWestUS{{cosplayKippy}} : 2016-02-25 05:31 ID:WJCXlDEH [Del]

i'm still here sometimes. i check the thread for Whispers and myself. she's my roommate now >w< so glad we met threw here!

112 Name: Dabido : 2016-03-10 03:26 ID:jRM+C36X [Del]

Billings dollar here! don't let this thread die! Can't believe some of you other fuckers exist here thought I was the only one that even watched anime to begin with in this state lol

113 Name: flowermaku : 2016-11-05 22:33 ID:ZxXlO8UE [Del]

just moved to montana when school started and im excited that im not the only dollar here^~^ I live in Bigfork so if anyone else is close id love to hang out sometime.

114 Name: Anri : 2016-12-19 16:57 ID:HJxFchJ2 [Del]

Awwwwww flowermaku! I wish we could have met while I was there. I worked at when in Rome near the brewery and fire department. When I come back from sacred stone in North Dakota maybe we can find some other Montana dollars and annoy everyone in a coffee shop about durarara :P

115 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-18 12:54 ID:rhXBE1UF [Del]


116 Name: illya665 : 2017-01-29 14:00 ID:xYHS6UpS [Del]

Anyone hear in kalispell, or even better kila? I would love to meat up with you. One of these days I'm going to send out a date, time, and place. If you see it and your going to be in the area, it would be awesome to meat any of you. Also if you have Kik you can contact me, illya 556.

117 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-30 23:43 ID:snX+Gu42 [Del]

Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone is in st.ignatius?

118 Name: Anri : 2017-02-04 02:34 ID:albdbYDb [Del]

I'll let you know if I'm back in the valley anytime soon! I'm in ND fighting the Dakota access pipeline!!

119 Name: alex : 2017-05-08 10:00 ID:PjguFn2Q [Del]

hello, I'm wondering if there is anyone in st.ignatius or close by?

120 Name: Ghost : 2018-01-04 22:03 ID:oBlYpUi0 [Del]

I'm in Kalispell

121 Name: Segrall : 2019-02-11 12:02 ID:8pbtgZZZ [Del]

Hey! I'm here in Glendive. if anyone is nearby i would love to meet up.

122 Name: Wolff : 2019-02-15 12:49 ID:FoubBLoo [Del]

I am new to the Dollars, I am in glendive and very happy to be a new member!

123 Name: Amel212 : 2019-06-12 03:14 ID:kw/IocQ+ [Del]

Heya, shoutout from Missoula. Glad to see this site's still alive, I'll be floating around the chat rooms looking for people to chat about day to day stuff with cause I'm so bad at irl socializing lol ~