Dollars BBS | Comics

















1 Name: Akashi : 2018-10-31 17:45 ID:O89LUieQ [Del]

anyone knows why hunter x hunter manga often hiatus???

2 Name: basurahan : 2019-01-17 22:36 ID:sCHlQZgl [Del]

Togashi is always either sick or playing Dragon Quest

3 Name: KsoleilChii22194 : 2019-02-01 15:05 ID:Kp4wV7gX [Del]

Do you guys think they'd ever bring back the anime?? It was my favorite in the shonen genre and I miss it so much!!! Plus the manga is on like vol. 36 now, and the anime left off at vol. 32 so maybe one day years from now . . .

4 Name: Jaydon.A : 2019-02-03 04:40 ID:aL5gEal6 [Del]

>>3 You like HXH even more than promised neverland?

5 Name: KsoleilChii22194 : 2019-02-03 09:46 ID:Kp4wV7gX [Del]

Anime wise yes I first watched it when I was in grade school and then later on I rewatched the whole things cause I just loved it so much! The plot, all the crazy unique characters, it actually had decent evil characters like it’s hard to hate the Phantom Troupe, I love Kirua’s seiyuu Mariya Ise, I loved how different some of the arch’s are like the Chimera Ant Arch was amazing! I could really go on and on about why I like it so I’ll stop here! I haven’t watched the original tho but I’d like to some day I hear it’s pretty different! As far as manga goes I prefer Promised Neverland cause I still cannot get over Posuka Demizu’s artstyle, it’s so powerful yet graceful and the way she draws the demons and the flames in book 5(?) it’s just so cool to me! I don’t like my current art style so it makes me jealous lol, but I also really appreciate the effort Posuka puts into subtle details like panel arrangements! For example in episode 3 the Isabella just appearing without warning scene tbh felt 10xs scarier in the manga! Like the anime was making it so obvious with its dramatic build up something bad was about to happen, but then the manga everything was all fairly normal/bright and turn the page and BOOM Isabella’s face is just there with that I’m on to you expression I actually jumped when I was reading it lol I loovvve thriller that sensation it’s kind of addicting hahaha... but anyway I also just don’t like Togashi’s artstyle it’s not very aesthetically pleasing and I know art doesn’t always have to be that’s just what I like but I mean some panels are just empty space or stick figures so the the HxH manga has always had a still in draft phase messy feel to it even after it gets published... maybe I’m just being a critical fan but when I become a manga artist I want to create manga with a more high quality style! But this is just my personal opinion/feelings on it u guys are totally welcome to disagree! - ケイ

6 Name: KsoleilChii22194 : 2019-02-03 09:47 ID:Kp4wV7gX [Del]

Omg I wrote way too freaking much I’m sorry!!!

7 Name: HartWolf : 2019-04-25 01:54 ID:mBrKMHIl [Del]

The reason is obvious, you don't need to job when beeing maintained by the Sailor Moon creator.
It's just a joke, but is a possibility