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new comic idea need suggestions (6)

1 Name: dark : 2018-02-12 10:21 ID:OrBmjE3E [Del]

the story I'm making is of a kid in a who is pulled into a program where each child is experimented on just so they can go to war and defend the country once he is released his mind is wiped except the only things he remembers is his name family and everything he's learned so nobody remembers him and he does not remember them and one of the girls in the school remembers him because they dated a while back and then he is called out to be deployed into war and she tries to stop him from going to war but his transport vehicle blows up on the battle field and he tries to find his way back to her but thats where it ends so this is why I need your help finding a new ending though because I have no ending for it

2 Name: Jo : 2018-02-21 21:29 ID:CqUowTwi [Del]

uhhhhhh.................... i guess you could make the story longer by having him go on an adventure to get back to his girlfriend....

3 Name: dTree !N13m0ewMrQ!!pay7Ps22 : 2018-03-21 09:34 ID:eFTNUYcv [Del]

If you want to end it Asap, You could also just end the story there or kill off the dude and then end the story. Or if you want a happy ending, just flash through an adventure and then he meets the girl again they hug and the story ends with a one-liner from either of the characters or you, the narrator.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Izaya Orihara : 2018-04-23 07:53 ID:RslLyvh7 [Del]

Or why not have a cliffhanger and leave it as that for the imagination of people to wonder. Someone could create spin-offs from the cliffhanger ending, linking to the story itself or anything that possibly could relate to after the ending. If not either of these, then who knows, someone may be interested in pitching a next series part for the story or consider purchasing the story idea, etc. You never know.

6 Name: ECHOFIRE45 : 2018-05-19 14:28 ID:5QN/WORJ [Del]

I hate cliffhangers it messes with my btain and emotions