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Berserk (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-08 09:57 ID:mLmhPSh7 (Image: 620x350 jpg, 81 kb) [Del]

src/1454947039937.jpg: 620x350, 81 kb
Man, no thread for Berserk. Time to fix that

Berserk is a dark fantasy series created and illustrated by Kentaro Miura. Created in 1989 and still currently being produced, it has spanned for over 350 chapters. As well as this, it was adapted into a 24 episode anime that I would also highly recommend.

It is split exclusively between two timelines- the first, covering the earlier sections of the story outlines the 'Golden Age', following Gatts, a tortured but skilled young warrior with a massive sword, Griffith, a beautiful, brilliant and highly ambitious mercenary leader and Casca, the female second in command, as their military band - The Band of the Hawk - defeat various enemies and rise to fame.

The second timeline is set following an event called the apocalypse, during which Gatts, hunted by death and various assorted demons, seeks and kills various 'apostles' in the hopes of summoning and vanquishing the 'god hand'.

EXTREMELY dark fantasy, that is a warning. Combat is brutal and bloody, and topics such as child rape, slaughter and vicious revenge are covered in depth. However, it is also one of the most wellcrafted stories I've seen in any medium, it gives real depth to all its characters, and has a story not held back by chains of child-friendly compromises.

Really recommend it.

2 Name: Robo !5lMucx4OC2 : 2016-04-01 07:21 ID:apgSHODi [Del]

Oh my fucking god yes. I freaking loved the anime and manga so damn much and am still reading it. I think I've read up to the latest chapter about 4 times just because of the level of detail and work that was put into it. Honestly I wish it had more recognition but it never did, same for the game that was made of it, but that didnt get anywhere.
Also bumping because spam

3 Name: Wrath : 2016-04-02 07:28 ID:d1ypTeSX [Del]

Wait..Theres a game? a Frikkin Game? how´d i not know?

4 Name: Robo !5lMucx4OC2 : 2016-04-02 21:51 ID:apgSHODi [Del]

>>3 It's on the first arc, and the game isnt very well known but you can still find it, though i'm pretty sure it's only in Japanese