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Daredevil (6)

1 Name: bang✫bang : 2015-05-11 17:44 ID:TSkNb6ZJ (Image: 500x323 jpg, 80 kb) [Del]

src/1431384249473.jpg: 500x323, 80 kb
(most DD stories aren't nearly as lighthearted as this pic would indicate)

Matt Murdock lost his sight as a child, but at the same time gained superhuman heightened senses. By day he is a successful trial lawyer, but by night, he guards Hell's Kitchen as Daredevil.

Daredevil was created by Stan Lee and Bill Everett and debuted in his own comic in 1964. This run lasted 380 issues until being cancelled in 1998. I haven't read any of it yet, but I heard there's some nice stuff in there, most notably the parts by Frank Miller.

Volume 2. This volume last for 133 issues and includes the acclaimed run by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev (#26-#81) though there's no reason to not start at the beginning. The Parts of a Hole and Wake Up story arcs (#9-#19) feature some great art by David Mack and the following arc is about Matt suing Daredevil and is (in my opinion) a riot. Ed Brubaker takes over from Bendis starting with #82. After issue #119, the series reverts to its original numbering with issue #500, do not panic.

Volume 3 starts publishing in 2011 with Mark Waid as writer and Joe Rivera (later Chris Samnee) on art. Very newbie friendly, this run also has a noticeable shift in tone from previous ones which are very dark and gloomy. The drama and darkness don't disappear completely, however there's also a chance you'll get a laugh out of it. In 2014 DD continues with Volume 4 with the same Waid/Samnee creative team.

There's also a bunch of limited DD series: Daredevil: Road Warrior (2014, between V3 and V4), Daredevil: Reborn (2011, between V2 and V3), Daredevil: The Man Without Fear (1993), Daredevil: End of Days (2013), Daredevil Yellow (2001) and others (google it).

Volume 3 is probably the best jump-on point for beginners (it's where I started) and is also a really really good comic. You could start with V2 too though, or even right at the beginning if you're into old comics!

2 Name: bang✫bang : 2015-05-11 17:52 ID:TSkNb6ZJ [Del]

There are a lot of dl links over here, though I don't know how long they'll last. You can also probably torrent everything. Or buy it like a nice person!

DD is an interesting character and I also like that he lives in his own corner of the Marvel universe and barely gets affected by the big crossover events. You can read the whole of V2 without getting more than a couple of references to Civil War or Secret Invasion. It's nice, especially if you're new to Marvel entirely, to not get bogged down in all that lol.

3 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-05-11 20:23 ID:NBeYmuVO [Del]

I read 2 issues once and I thought it was really cool. =)

4 Name: bang✫bang : 2015-05-12 05:13 ID:TSkNb6ZJ [Del]

>>3 :o Older stuff or newer stuff?

5 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-05-15 23:19 ID:a8+dd4xH (Image: 400x614 jpg, 55 kb) [Del]

src/1431749986307.jpg: 400x614, 55 kb
>>4 older stuff. This is the first one I read Daredevil vs. the Sub-mariner.

I read another one where Daredevil meets another blind guy and helps him out with legal stuff. I just don't remember what issue it was or the name of it sadly.

6 Name: Darid Evil : 2016-04-26 17:31 ID:U4tNEJOU [Del]

Dared Evil is best Daredevil