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Saga - Brian K. Vaughan and artist Fiona Staples (8)

1 Name: KAS : 2014-09-28 02:17 ID:QEGsMjNd (Image: 250x385 jpg, 31 kb) [Del]

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Have you ever read Saga ?? If not, I recommend you give it a chance. It's an incredible take on the 'lovers from warring countries' idea.

2 Name: KAS : 2014-09-28 02:18 ID:QEGsMjNd [Del]

[] - for more information

3 Name: Lovely : 2014-09-28 13:23 ID:32OoSbRV [Del]

My mom read this. She said it was really good and she's got pretty good judgement on books.

4 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2015-07-10 18:50 ID:MQMtHKk3 (Image: 534x712 jpg, 88 kb) [Del]

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I just finished reading the first four volumes, which compiles the individual chapters (issues). This is by far one of the best comic series I have ever ready. Not only is the art amazing, perfectly capturing not only the characters personalities but their emotions. And boy are their a lot of emotions. The fifth volume will be released this fall, and I would strongly recommend taking that as a chance to catch up or even better START this series. It is an epic, in the truest sense of the word. We follow many intersecting stories of individuals and entire cultures surrounding a young family trying to survive in a universe where their two people are at war. Heavily borrowing from real world issues on a small and grand scale, ranging from PTSD veterans to jealously in a relationship to indigenous genocide to war as a device for social control. Honestly, I am not doing Saga justice. It should be noted, this comic is very explicit and contains VERY mature themes, offensive language, and graphic images nudity and violence.

5 Name: Non : 2015-07-18 13:16 ID:v81sbKLB [Del]

I haven't read it yet but I do know it since Vaughan created the Runaways (Marvel) and that is my favorite superhero (though if you read it, you'll argue that they aren't really "superheroes") team so far.

Anyway, is Saga worth it though? Does the quality diminish as the story progresses? I've read some titles that started out nice IMO but sucked as it progressed.

6 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2015-07-21 10:46 ID:MQMtHKk3 [Del]

>>5 Exactly the opposite. The story stays strong if not grows stronger. Brian Vaughan does an amazing job with the plot, and unlike in Runaways he gets full creative reign (they let him go as the main writer in later issues of Runaways Y_Y).

It is worth every second.

7 Name: Siren : 2015-08-22 19:27 ID:AceFzfZ4 (Image: 1440x2212 jpg, 223 kb) [Del]

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Fantasic series, I love everything about it. I recommend Y: The Last Man, it's also an amazing story which explores many themes.

I love how Saga, with everything going on, always goes back to the theme of Family. It is apparent with every race, from the Robot Prince, to the wings and the horns.

8 Name: niaocat : 2015-08-22 20:07 ID:Sg1inKf2 [Del]

Ooh, I've picked this one up in the bookstore a couple of times, but was kind of waiting for a personal rec to actually follow through. I think this thread'll do the trick. *^*