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Marvel/DC (19)

1 Name: TheSoundOfMadness : 2012-09-01 08:40 ID:I57KsAbw [Del]

Hey there guys. Just wondering if anyone reads DC/Marvel Comics, and if so, who's your favourite character, and what series do you collect? My favourite character is probably Scarlet Witch from the Avengers, because she gets this kick-ass reality-altering power, which doesn't kill her, but destroys Dr. Doom. I collect The Marvel CEs Mighty World of Marvel, Avengers Assemble and Marvel Legends.

Oh, btw, what did everyone think of the new Avengers film? I fucking loved it!

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: bang-bang : 2012-09-01 12:03 ID:EJ59tfLM [Del]

I've gotten a bit into Marvel this summer probably because of the Avengers movie and because the opportunity presented itself. I'm a shameful pirate though, so I don't own anything.

What I've read most of are Thor related things, so that's Thor's run since 2007, Journey into Mystery and a couple of minis. I've looked into Avengers titles a bit, but not much and not very far back. Recently I've been interested in Doctor Strange because he's f-ing awesome, but he's had very few of his own titles in the last decade and that's a shame.

My favorite character...probably Loki. He's a cunning manipulative bastard, but there's also always a certain ambiguity to him and why he does what he does and I enjoy that.

4 Name: bang-bang : 2012-09-01 12:05 ID:EJ59tfLM [Del]

tl;dr Marvel has been owning my soul for the past few months.

5 Name: cody : 2012-09-01 14:37 ID:1osA92ry [Del]

dc all hail batman

6 Name: Sazeed : 2012-09-08 16:17 ID:+ajud5Kb [Del]

Iron Man
Dead Pool
Dr. Strange

7 Name: Tiggy : 2012-09-13 17:52 ID:E2H5csR0 [Del]


8 Name: tehrra : 2012-09-14 00:32 ID:TRSBlaWv [Del]

DEADPOOL! because he destroyed the fourth wall

9 Name: Xros : 2012-09-16 00:39 ID:UqtCs4Hd [Del]

Deadpool, Silver Surfer and The Hulk

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Calamity !Qk7qb6S/J. : 2013-02-28 23:00 ID:6OLhNDbK [Del]

I only read the Runaways. I liked it. A lot. A whole lot. It's such a pity that it was put on an hiatus. It's been almost 4 years now, right?
I'm also looking to read Deadpool. Everybody speaks highly of it.

12 Name: bang-bang : 2013-03-01 06:08 ID:un71pL5L [Del]

I have so much Doctor Strange downloaded, but I just keep getting distracted by other things.

Out of the things that are coming out right now I'm keeping up with Young Avengers and Journey into Mystery (the one with Sif). They're both pretty awesome so far.

13 Name: Bl!/Kexvx.LWc : 2014-02-26 13:41 ID:/d5Kfmpf [Del]

I've been a Marvel fan for a long time now (ever since I found my older brother's old school Marvel comics). Nothing against DC of course, I just happen to like the Marvel characters and plots better. I find the Marvel characters to be a bit more...relatable...on a personal level.

My favorite character is the World's Greatest Archer - Hawkeye. I really like how he's (usually) the 'everyman' of whatever particular group he's in. And he's been through a lot in his comics, and usually come out of it on top. I'm really enjoying Fraction and Aja's take on him.

14 Name: DeathconJ : 2014-03-06 19:07 ID:ESLgoxVq [Del]

Im a huge punisher fan I collect a bunch comics about punisher. I also have a bunch of deadpool he's the best guest character in my opinion but not the best on his own. don't really do much with marvel...also Im really into kickass(but that's not marvel or dc)

15 Name: DeathconJ : 2014-03-06 19:08 ID:ESLgoxVq [Del]

>>14 sorry don't really do much with DC*

16 Name: Malone : 2014-11-30 01:40 ID:nnMyHuKG [Del]

I've grown up with both (Dad was avid DC fan, Mom loved Marvel). I never could love one more than the other because both had their own unique story lines and each of their characters were fascinating for various reasons. Other than the obvious Batman, Joker and Deadpool, I was always a fan of both Hawkeye and Green Arrow, both are smartasses' in their own way but you can't help but like that about them when there are so many serious heroes are around(Batman, Superman and Captain America anyone?). Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Doctor Strange, Black Widow, Loki and Bucky/Winter Soldier are a few other favorites of mine. :)

17 Name: Carmineofmidgard : 2014-12-01 19:46 ID:t82lkRYj [Del]

My favourite marvel hero is probably captain America. I know his powers aren't as special or badass as scarlet witch or Adam warlock or a lot of other heroes. He gives me the impression that he is more down to earth and he really inspires me because of how brave he is and because he is willing to sacrifice himself for what he thinks is right.

18 Name: Adam Lokker : 2014-12-06 23:57 ID:6ymTf1pn [Del]

My favorite DC hero, villain, and neutral are Nightwing, Joker, and Deathstroke. Marvel: Sleepwalker, Loki, and Deadpool

19 Name: Xnakama : 2014-12-14 20:03 ID:Hpk7WGY+ [Del]

I love Nightwing. Referring to Dick Grayson.