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Amatsuki (26)

1 Name: bang-bang : 2012-03-19 09:14 ID:3VoujKuN (Image: 600x927 jpg, 991 kb) [Del]

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Tokidoki is a high school student who, when he fails his history class, is sent to a high-tech history museum that virtually recreates the Edo period to do make-up work. However, what was supposed to be a simple school project becomes much more complicated when he's attacked by two supernatural beings known as "the nue" and "the yakou" and loses the vision in his left eye.

After he's saved from the nue by a girl named Kuchiha, he realizes that he's no longer wearing the simulation goggles, and is trapped in the virtual Edo.

Even though it starts off with a generic 'boy lost in foreign fantasy world' type of premise, Amatsuki is much less youthful adventure and much more complicated mystery.

It's a story that requires some thought to understand, which is why it probably turns some people away. It involves a lot of mythology and deals with the idea of 'another world' in a very intersting way, mixing sci-fi and the supernatural almost seamlessly. Fortunately the characters are all very well done and the story can be followed through them, even if the bigger picture isn't very clear yet. The gorgeous art is also a big plus to helping you enjoy an otherwise pretty hard to follow manga.

It's a captivating story if you're willing to put in the effort, so if you like figuring things out this might be for you.

2 Name: bang-bang : 2012-03-19 09:24 ID:3VoujKuN [Del]

Oh yeah, and for those like 2 people that might be reading this, I recommend Haigakura, also by Shinobu Takayama.

It follows the same type of story that mixes the modern world with a mythological/historical setting and a bunch of nice characters.

3 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-19 14:10 ID:JFdQaEby [Del]

Wow, that sounds really interesting actually. I've always been interested in stories that include elements of traditional Japanese mythology, moreso than completely original content. With the latter it's a coinflip whether or not it'll be reasonable and good, but it's harder to go wrong with mythology references.

Gonna read this when I have time.

4 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2012-03-19 18:46 ID:qrjFNDyj (Image: 985x692 jpg, 350 kb) [Del]

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Extremely complciated but pretty good plotline. fantastic art

5 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-01 07:36 ID:jnn7uJ0h [Del]

It's been a while since I read this. I definitely recommend it. Lots of laughs, lots of feels. I personally like the art, but it's not top-notch or anything.

6 Name: bang-bang : 2012-10-01 08:12 ID:EJ59tfLM [Del]

Sigh, I think I have to reread the whole thing to catch up. Because it's been so long and this is the kind of story where there are already so many unknowns so forgetting things on top of that is really not an option.

>>5 The art inside is great, but not the best yeah. But the illustrations are really really lovely.

7 Name: C2 : 2012-10-07 20:10 ID:PslKGTWe [Del]

\QuQ/ I Frickin' LOVE Tsuyukusa

8 Name: bang-bang : 2014-01-06 06:00 ID:GIRxjf2/ [Del]

So it's been two years plus since I first read this and I'm finally reareading it yeeea. I really expected to not like it as much as I did the first time, because it's been a while and tastes change and stuff, but that wasn't the case at all and I'm still really enjoying it. It really is one of my favorite manga.

I still have about 15 chapters until I catch up... I might go with translations + raws after that since those go much further. I get so anxious thinking about what could happen. This is still a virtual reality story, so are all these painful assholes even real? An I crying over a sentient computer program? Coma patients? Brains in jars??? The Amatsuki world is so immersive and fascinating though, I don't want to see it destroyed or unraveled.

9 Name: bang-bang : 2014-01-07 06:14 ID:GIRxjf2/ (Image: 1645x1200 jpg, 891 kb) [Del]

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Damn the color spreads are so pretty

10 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2014-02-09 00:05 ID:GN81RWEH [Del]

Yeah, I really enjoy this manga! I'm dying to read more of it! I hope they really are real, and not just a program or something.

11 Name: bang-bang : 2014-02-09 05:13 ID:GIRxjf2/ [Del]

>>10 My hunch is that most characters probably have a real life equivalent. What those real life equivalents' circumstances are on the other hand, and how they ended up in the Amatsuki...idk.

Ah most sites have chapters up to 68 right now, but this one has up to 80 for some reason.

12 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2014-02-11 19:13 ID:GN81RWEH [Del]

Oh my gosh thank you so much bang-bang! All the sites I've read it on only have it up to chapter 69.

13 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2014-02-11 23:29 ID:GN81RWEH [Del]

Now I'm really sad. What even happened to Utsubushi? Agh!!

14 Name: bang-bang : 2014-02-12 04:02 ID:GIRxjf2/ [Del]

Aha whatta cliffhanger! >>13

If you don't mind reading the translation separately, there are scripts up to 101 on LJ. It's the same translator who did most of the manga so there aren't any differences. And links to raws.

It might seem like a bother to read like that, but since full chapters come out really slowly I just wanted to let you know you can :P

15 Name: Izaya : 2014-02-12 08:40 ID:A2H7Fwi7 [Del]

I love this manga so much, it's meaningful!! Wait for new chapter! ^_^

16 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2014-02-14 21:11 ID:GN81RWEH [Del]

Agh, now I started rereading the entire thing over and all I'm doing is getting confused about Suou and Shininome!

17 Name: bang-bang : 2014-02-15 09:28 ID:GIRxjf2/ [Del]


18 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2014-02-21 14:50 ID:GN81RWEH [Del]


19 Name: Setton : 2014-02-23 18:03 ID:2gOLxTia [Del]

Amazing anime really wished it had a season 2

20 Name: Setton : 2014-02-23 18:03 ID:2gOLxTia [Del]

Amazing anime really wished it had a season 2

21 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2014-02-23 21:48 ID:GN81RWEH [Del]

Yeah I just finished the anime and what a terrible way to end it. With all those loose ends and questions.

22 Name: bang-bang : 2014-02-24 03:17 ID:GIRxjf2/ [Del]

>>21 Yeah... the anime was pretty terrible, I'm not sure what it was trying to achieve. If I remember correctly, it didn't really include the real life sections of the story right? They would have just complicated things further for just 13 episodes I guess :T

23 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2014-02-24 23:48 ID:GN81RWEH [Del]

Yeah, I wish they'd made a second season though, then we could get into the real life stuff and about what happened at the shrine. Also I woulda loved to see Hizame animated and some others animated, but, oh well.

24 Name: bangāœ«bang : 2014-10-02 15:19 ID:GIRxjf2/ [Del]

Bump for one of my favorite manga. I'm glad chapters are coming out once in a while and this isn't in scanlation limbo anymore. I'd like some new translations to pop up on LJ though, since those are way ahead :T

25 Post deleted by user.

26 Name: Kaisuke : 2014-10-04 07:42 ID:i5gB+azy (Image: 822x615 jpg, 232 kb) [Del]

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>>22 Yeah I also watch the anime of it a good while back, was a sucky way to leave off at the end of 13 eps :P