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Shin Angyo Onshi (5)

1 Name: bang-bang : 2012-02-18 07:23 ID:3VoujKuN (Image: 985x698 jpg, 245 kb) [Del]

src/1329571397833.jpg: 985x698, 245 kb
In Jushin, there once lived secret government agents called Angyo Onshi, who traveled the countryside in disguise. They were charged by the king to find and punish corrupt government officials, and bring justice to the country's citizens.

But Jushin has been destroyed, fractured into numerous fiefdoms and kingdoms, many of which are ruled by corrupt and tyrannical warlords. This manhwa follows the adventures of one of the remaining Angyo Onshi, Munsu, as he continues to wander the countryside and deals with the chaos caused by Jushin's fall.

Shin Angyo Onshi is pretty much an epic kind of story, but more in the classical sense of the word. You've got a great journey, a badass broken hero and many themes of love, loss, war, justice or the lack of it. It's a pretty gritty story, with characters of questionable morals, but also with a great in-world history and mythology mostly inspired from actual Korean history. Highly recommended. Also, did I mention it looks great?

2 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-02-18 10:28 ID:UWP0b/nv [Del]

Sounds neat, I'll look it up, I've needed something new to read, since all I'm doing is waiting and waiting for new chapters of shit...

Also, I've noticed a trend with Manhwas and how they look great all the time, aside from Ares... But my point still stands.

3 Name: bang-bang : 2012-02-18 16:42 ID:3VoujKuN [Del]

>>2 I'm somehow under the impression that since you liked The Breaker you would like this too. Kind of. Don't know why, since they don't have much in common, but both Chunwoo and Munsu have this same kind of badass going on (more tragic badass in Shin Angyo Onshi's case).

And with a total of 3 manhwas read I really can't say about the art haha.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Rice : 2013-08-01 21:53 ID:LcFj15T+ [Del]

The art style was fucking amazing, the story was epic, and the characters were legendary. I will never forget this series. Read this fucking manga. Okay don't if you won't want to, but I cannot stress enough how badly I think everybody should read this.