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Megatokyo (64)

1 Name: A webcomic : 2011-12-21 22:07 ID:QwZYsmQe (Image: 400x534 jpg, 66 kb) [Del]

src/1324526875211.jpg: 400x534, 66 kb
A fun comedic adventure following an otaku and a gamer who get stuck in japan. in there journey to earn money to get back to america they meet alot people who time and time again get them caught in there mad adventures. Lets hope you enjoy.

2 Name: Loliprincess : 2011-12-21 23:41 ID:AjQvWYtN [Del]

this looks like a fun webcomic. is it still ongoing or has it ended already? either way wat rating would u give this webcomic cuz i think i might enjoy it

3 Name: A webcomic : 2011-12-23 17:00 ID:QwZYsmQe [Del]

yea there's alot to read XD

4 Name: Rona : 2011-12-23 17:17 ID:eObLONkb [Del]

A very polarizing webcomic, to say the least.

Do you like comedy? Do you like drama? Starting as something like a gag manga and ending (at least so far) with a serious storyline and more complex web of relations, that's Megatokyo. I personally liked the lighthearted joke-y feel of the earlier years, but wanting to tread different waters is fine by me.

5 Name: XIII(lolz) !jvNS25Ux3U : 2011-12-23 18:12 ID:P82XLRAf [Del]

On Book 3 so far so good but be warned

6 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-12-24 19:09 ID:wGnyE0p9 [Del]

Oh god, this. I am a major fan of Megatokyo, to the point of owning the five volumes of it that he put out on paper. This thing's story is just... There's so much everything happening at once once it gets going.

It's one of those things where if asked to describe why I like it, I can't do anything but ramble on and then hug the damn book.

The only thing that bugs me is how far between he'll put out new pages online. I'll catch up and then forget about it for quite some time - When I go back, I'm so far behind, and there are a lot of little details I've forgotten in the meantime.

I hope he puts out more book-styled ones for me to just buy up and go from there with. I'd spend an entire day just re-marathoning the entire thing.

7 Name: Yui182769 : 2011-12-25 05:43 ID:1WUQ5cNq [Del]

T^T really want to read it...

8 Name: A webcomic : 2011-12-26 17:13 ID:QwZYsmQe [Del]


9 Name: digibrute : 2011-12-27 18:35 ID:RfPkpJRI [Del]

All my love for this series, got all the books so far. I really wanna read through it again now :')

10 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-29 03:38 ID:IPAenSVd [Del]

So im currently on page 600 of the "strip", but a resonable chunk is of sickdays n dom n whatnot, so... somewhere near the end of ch. 3 i think. Right after rentzilla eats the plama beam

11 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-29 12:19 ID:IPAenSVd [Del]

Question for those who bought the books, does it just have the main story in it, or all the other lil stuff too

12 Name: iono : 2011-12-29 21:09 ID:xGUfpXOH [Del]

looks EPIC

13 Name: Sleepology : 2011-12-30 00:11 ID:hQeNcw91 [Del]

fuuuuuu i just finished it .-.

14 Name: N/tuitt/O!VAXwf1eFAU : 2011-12-30 05:05 ID:QwZYsmQe [Del]

what did you think?

15 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-30 11:21 ID:GXRuuqAE [Del]

Well since in finished in 2 days, i think its amazing. Its still ongoing though, so im going to have to check back every now n again

16 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-01-15 02:10 ID:hQeNcw91 [Del]

.-. just because i think this is awesome.

17 Name: ガチャポン : 2012-01-15 08:56 ID:BSXjdCOn [Del]

I heard about this comic book.

Is it any good?

18 Name: ガチャポン : 2012-01-15 09:06 ID:BSXjdCOn [Del]

Oops. I didnt see until now that I ment webcomic

19 Name: General Pasta : 2012-01-15 12:57 ID:keSU1ZWi [Del]

It's an amazing webcomic. The forums are becoming more alive, too.

20 Name: NaeBree : 2012-01-18 05:56 ID:OKwbR4fo [Del]

AHAHA! Yes! This is amazing. I credit my ability to understand 1337 5p34|< to this!

21 Name: ThisRandomKid : 2012-01-20 22:20 ID:tZKl7Rlh [Del]

this webcomic is BEAST!!!!! cause i kno t3h 1337 5|*34|< cause 0f it!

22 Name: sleepology : 2012-01-21 01:57 ID:UKgR8mTI [Del]

Why you no leet speak good enough.

23 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-01-21 04:18 ID:O55gIAEB [Del]


'/_[] |>0|\|7 |\3/\1|y 63t +]-[i5 6a/\/\3, d0 '/|_|0?

24 Name: sleepology : 2012-01-21 10:23 ID:uHauHB+X [Del]

Y___ ponz really get this game, do yuo?
how horribly did i fail in my translation.

25 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-01-31 14:25 ID:nKoDf5A3 [Del]


26 Name: hyoori !zZBS1a/.Yg : 2012-02-01 11:02 ID:Eb7PvTZd [Del]

I saw this manga when I was still in high school. Borrowed them and immediately returned because I didn't understand a single thing. (my english sucked back then XDDD)

(I shall try reading this again since I now understand most english written texts XDD)

27 Name: Firo : 2012-02-01 14:18 ID:KrXD30h8 [Del]

thanks when i saw this i started reading and it is so funny, but now im caught up and i dont want to wait for more

28 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-01 16:26 ID:40tIyqg6 [Del]

Haven't read this in a good long while now.

I'm probably only behind by 3 pages or something.

29 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-03 07:59 ID:cS8jD9e4 [Del]


30 Name: Ark : 2012-04-08 23:55 ID:WhAjMFCW [Del]

Read it from Chap 0 to 11(where its stuck atm)


The person who made it is a genius. I enjoyed reading the whole story, and the filler ones are good for a few laughs. Ima reread it from start to finish when I get bored

31 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !MANGAS6Kfg : 2012-04-09 09:31 ID:IMSnnfOT [Del]

>>30 True. Fred Gallagher is a genius. Definitely an excellent read.

32 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-07 11:39 ID:Omi4OUcC [Del]


33 Name: Bob : 2012-05-07 13:02 ID:/IYVkC4B [Del]


34 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-08 19:27 ID:yG/HepYA [Del]


35 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-16 16:33 ID:EvdgnlmW [Del]

This needs more fans

36 Name: sleepology : 2012-05-17 05:20 ID:qqQwABeV [Del]

that cool XD

37 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-05-17 07:08 ID:IMSnnfOT [Del]

>>36 >>35 Wat.

38 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-17 11:00 ID:Omi4OUcC [Del]


39 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-19 03:23 ID:vlhnXZvH [Del]


40 Name: midway !rRqEHlTdR2 : 2012-05-19 18:20 ID:27SxOM4e [Del]

It seems a bit random, right? But then it gets more in-depth epically. The first three books were in my school's library but I only read the first and third. Second one kept disappearing on me! Anyways, it got me thinking about making comics and now me and my bestie doodle Alice in Wonderland type things in between classes. xD

41 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-20 20:13 ID:L6GiMKBY [Del]

>>40 ...I didn't even know they printed versions of it.

42 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-05-20 21:22 ID:Omi4OUcC [Del]

>>41 Yep. I dont have em, but theyre out there. Along with merch

43 Name: N/tuitt/O!VAXwf1eFAU : 2012-05-23 21:06 ID:D1+9ZagU [Del]


44 Post deleted by user.

45 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-05-24 23:16 ID:Omi4OUcC [Del]

So Fred might be going to comics every two days. I dunno if thats what really is going to happen, but I know one is being finished tonight. Day made.

46 Name: MioBee !xGqfeLfPsE : 2012-05-27 16:01 ID:jTHvqdlI [Del]

bumpity bump bump.
Love this comic.

47 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-03 21:48 ID:Omi4OUcC [Del]


48 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-14 11:17 ID:Omi4OUcC (Image: 650x1851 gif, 518 kb) [Del]

src/1339690629864.gif: 650x1851, 518 kb
In commemoration of part one of strip 1337, I declare this thread bumped!!

49 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-06-14 13:47 ID:amdjffpR [Del]

Need to catch up on this... I wonder if they've released any more compiled manga-esque volumes?

I love how Largo just completely disregards the naked happening behind him in favor of loss of internet. True gamers have their priorities in order.

50 Post deleted by user.

51 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-21 11:33 ID:Omi4OUcC [Del]

New ones out, go read it, see some ph33rbots, etc.
Click it!

52 Name: Okami : 2012-06-22 13:49 ID:Do1NecQ4 [Del]

Megatokyo! Read it all in 3 days lol, great comic :) laughed my ass off the entire time.

53 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-30 04:09 ID:4BiDf42y [Del]

Bump. 1337 is now 80%, and now involves bacon. Go read it here.

54 Name: N/tuitt/O!VAXwf1eFAU : 2012-07-05 09:09 ID:D1+9ZagU [Del]


55 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-10 01:30 ID:Omi4OUcC [Del]

1337 is now complete. Commence rejoicing!

56 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-29 11:08 ID:Omi4OUcC [Del]


57 Name: Fran : 2012-07-29 14:59 ID:ZnZfDOOD [Del]

I read this! Well some fo it. I read volume 1-5. Thinking of continuting it on their site

58 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-08-22 14:51 ID:ntP71pz4 [Del]


59 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-06-19 23:53 ID:S8h0oQuM [Del]

im probably the only person that cares about this but guys! Megatokyo visual novel kickstarter!!!!

60 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-09-05 14:22 ID:wg/5L9id [Del]

okay. so I didnt think it looked good when I saw the thread months ago, but I found it at library and I love it now.

61 Name: neko james : 2013-09-12 09:29 ID:DX+i+hTi [Del]

Megatokyo is a awesome manga

62 Name: Kitty6773 : 2013-09-14 00:39 ID:SMPOWgwT [Del]

I just started it. It seems really good so far.
Hilarious as well~

63 Name: blackdynamite : 2015-01-27 16:58 ID:qx2/9jeM [Del]


64 Name: Megarame : 2015-01-28 01:50 ID:koHHCCNf [Del]

Love this webcomic. I once met the guy that writes/draws it and got a signed sketch of Piro!