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CLAMP Manga (17)

1 Name: nameless !RBpoANSxU2 : 2011-12-15 11:17 ID:yq/M0fwC (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 208 kb) [Del]

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Anyone a fan of CLAMP?

ive read all of
tsubasa chronicles

loved it.

although it did mess with my head.

2 Name: bang-bang : 2011-12-15 12:24 ID:JPmhJR7y [Del]

I have a question related to clamp stuff that I never got a proper answer to.

Say I want to read xxxHolic (which I do) would it work if I read it alone or do I have to read Tsubasa Chronicles too?

One of them seems interesting to me, but the other one not that much, so I'm just wondering if I should go ahead and read it or if it's a bit more complicated than that.

3 Name: Tsukiko !OLAi9VIw7M : 2011-12-15 12:34 ID:yq/M0fwC [Del]

hmmm…you shouldnt have to read both.
it helps understand everything thats going on, but they are two separate manga's and can be read separately.
it honestly depends on how deep you want to go into it.

i say go ahead and read whichever you like. if you like, later you can read more.

hope my rambling on helps >.> haha

4 Name: bang-bang : 2011-12-16 05:37 ID:JPmhJR7y [Del]

Alright then. I guess I'll see how it goes after I actually start it.

5 Name: Akira05 : 2011-12-16 06:35 ID:ABdVr5xw [Del]

Hmmmm... I really liked Clover even though it was pretty sad... I've also read Tsubasa, Xxxholic, Chobits, and Card Captor Sakura.

6 Name: Andeh : 2012-01-27 22:42 ID:Qo19E1K8 [Del]

I love Clamp :)

Everything is so entangled and the mangaka sure know how to mess with our heads.

I'm excited that they're re-starting Gouhou Drug (合法 ドラッグ) again... though I heard they'll be re-writing it because it was too similar to xxxHolic. I hope the characters still remain true to their original versions.

7 Name: Donchichi : 2012-01-28 14:09 ID:cq3UF1kF [Del]

Cardcaptor Sakura was my first manga, and Tsubasa and xxxHolic are some of my favorite manga ever, I also liked Clover and Tokyo Babylon, I would recommend Clamp to everyone.

8 Name: Tsukiko : 2012-01-28 18:01 ID:Tc6VNnvb [Del]

i've only read one. X/1999 my favourite since i was....11?

9 Name: Dotachín : 2012-04-29 04:56 ID:MspLxUm+ [Del]

Oh, I like CLAMP. I'm reading XXXHolic and Tsubasa. I love their draws, but I think their histories are too long...

10 Name: Soul Star Ereeka : 2012-05-02 18:29 ID:AcOGOe7Q (Image: 985x688 jpg, 311 kb) [Del]

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>>9 They have an extremely complex plotline..
You guys shoudld read their newest manga, Gate 7

11 Name: takuren : 2012-05-02 23:59 ID:4S3tYqQX [Del]

he became handsome!!!

12 Name: Forte : 2012-05-03 11:29 ID:u9OBsKQa (Image: 1500x1226 jpg, 517 kb) [Del]

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xxxHolic has the best storyline of most of the manga I'v read.

13 Name: Haptic : 2012-05-03 21:23 ID:NWRMn8CH (Image: 1400x989 jpg, 628 kb) [Del]

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Don't you just love how the xxxHolic and Tsubasa starts out on a seemingly innocent note then escalates into a deep, dark, and comlex plot? I love it. I've also read Angelic Layer, Wish, and Chobits. These three have much simpler plots and more predictable but enjoyable all the same.

14 Name: sniff sniff : 2012-05-04 11:51 ID:9Kjt//eB [Del]

i like that

15 Name: thatoneguy : 2012-05-04 19:35 ID:6pqlQM9f (Image: 1024x814 jpg, 253 kb) [Del]

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>>2 I read and finished Tsubasa before I read xxxHolic,and while they do make reference to each other, they are not completely vital, especially in the beginning. For later parts of xxxHolic it is very helpful to at least know what happened in Tsubasa, but no matter what there will be at least a little mind fuck. I recommend two read them both, and if Tsubasa doesn't look that appealing at first try to read some of it because it changes in a big way. moral of the story, they are both amazing

16 Name: YuMaRi : 2012-05-05 21:25 ID:NTZl0Esg (Image: 600x774 jpg, 184 kb) [Del]

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Lets not forget where our lovable characters of Tsubasa Chronicles also came from~

17 Name: Shaska Durarara !!XI8GEi6V : 2012-05-06 06:27 ID:q4C0fybZ (Image: 1256x361 jpg, 206 kb) [Del]

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Sakura card captor ♥ ! Ha...reminds me of sweet childhood memoromies ! =D