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The World God Only Knows (19)

1 Name: The Cricket : 2011-04-20 10:59 ID:+HWBuL3Q (Image: 800x1270 jpg, 50 kb) [Del]

src/1303315148817.jpg: 800x1270, 50 kb
Do any of you read it? If not, it's well worth the read.

2 Name: HTT : 2011-04-21 00:55 ID:ctkE8vrB [Del]

i read it and watch it~ cant wait fer the next chapter! but SERIOUSLY! WHEN IS MERCURY GONNA SHOW UP???? ^^

3 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2011-04-25 11:43 ID:orh6Bipk [Del]

If playing dating PSP games gets you ANY girl you want then I would have done it sooner...

4 Name: Cricket !hAHspn8xdw : 2011-06-16 14:23 ID:+HWBuL3Q [Del]

Who here has been keeping up with recent chapters?

5 Name: Everheart : 2011-06-18 05:19 ID:2/eXt/tY [Del]

>>4 I have.

But yeah, loving it.

6 Name: Verrine : 2011-11-07 14:17 ID:er2X47D9 [Del]

Because I'm a mans mans man I can't admit to liking this manga but as I have searched for this thread my cover has been blown DX. But the manga is really worth reading allow it's a little different so it may be hard to get use to.

7 Name: Akria Malfoy : 2011-11-07 15:19 ID:QhDi+uJZ [Del]

are you kidding me!? this is an awsome read totally worth my time hahaha. I love the boy he has feeling for all the girls especially the singer =D. thats what I got from reading/watching it. Not sure if its actually true though

8 Name: Verrine : 2011-11-08 14:29 ID:JMzzJ7cs [Del]

think you misunderstood me

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Duck of Cluck : 2011-11-25 02:30 ID:Hr5e9cLb [Del]

great to see that this little gem is getting a good amount of loving ^^ I just wish the anime's pacing was a bit faster
>>4 it's literally impossible to not keep up with the latest chapters
them cliff hangers

11 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-29 02:26 ID:nLzb96vg [Del]

Well i hope your happy, i just watched 5 eps of this and now im tired as a mofo

12 Name: Gilgamesh-sama : 2011-12-01 21:59 ID:97+dtcMs [Del]

there would have been a third series of the anime if the 2nd wasnt so shit

13 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-02 00:16 ID:LwAHOnBZ [Del]

I enjoyed the second season, so i have no idea what youre talking about.

Just keep chuggin that haterade

14 Name: Geo : 2011-12-03 19:16 ID:5g76L9d1 [Del]

i love this anime/manga im more of a reader so i read this. so glad its still ongoing but i hate waiting for the new chapter each week lol

15 Name: NekoSama : 2011-12-04 01:05 ID:FL1Q7hkE [Del]

I absolutely love this series (both anime and manga)! I can't wait for it to be released on DVD in January! And the manga has been so great lately! :D

16 Name: Gilgamesh-sama : 2011-12-04 14:35 ID:97+dtcMs [Del]

second season sold horribly in japan so the company chose not to finance their money and time into making a 3rd season since it might sell badly too and crash the company

stay in denial sleepology nobody in the anime district cares about 1 persons opinion only 16 billion

17 Name: Nocta : 2011-12-04 16:12 ID:IaGzKP7T [Del]

I love TWGOK! I still haven't seen or read all of it though, I keep getting distracted...

18 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-04 21:34 ID:rKlzuZB3 [Del]

Im pretty sure its not denial, just an opinion. Learning the difference between the two will definitely help people not hating you

19 Name: people : 2011-12-05 16:25 ID:liaiUoHK [Del]
