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rewatching drrr (7)

1 Name: pamplemousse : 2020-01-25 20:10 ID:14IrTf/H [Del]

i’m rewatching durarara for the first time in like three years n am i the only one who’s actually super surprised w how well it’s held up?? this shows ten years old n from a country foreign to me (i’m american) n it’s themes r so complex n it’s characters r so fascinating. i feel it’s rlly impressive how this show is still as good as it was when i was 13

2 Name: Kanra-san : 2020-01-26 03:43 ID:vGrYkM9v [Del]

Same, i just finished rewatch the anime just a few days ago

3 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2020-01-27 00:28 ID:WOAIkp5G [Del]

>>1 >>2 guys we have a long running Drrr thread in the Animation board.


4 Name: matalic death : 2020-01-27 11:12 ID:azZBgVR5 [Del]

i recently finished durararax2 and rewatched the first few episodes of drrr and i love this show so much it is my all time favorite anime

5 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2020-01-29 00:09 ID:YKXpFEXm [Del]

>>4 dude read what I said, as this thread dose not belong in the art board.


6 Name: Babbu : 2020-02-17 23:04 ID:zGOVUVxn [Del]

I too am rewatching Durarara, I started at the start of this month as it fails to bore me. I am currently on x2 Ketsu. and I am loving it, Back at the start of 2018 I watched up until the season i'm on but never finished it, so its kind of a rewatch but im learning new stuff and its just so awsome!

7 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2020-02-18 03:14 ID:p6tbB0az [Del]

>>6 We have a long on going thread to talk about Durarara in the Animation board, if you want to talk about Durarara post comments there as this is the Art board.

can we get a perma sage on this thread.